
Friday, August 19, 2016

Friday Linkups: Mr. Penumbra's 24-Hour Bookstore

It's Friday linkup time!  I'm linking up with the Book Blogger Hop hosted by Coffee Addicted Writer, Book Beginnings of Fridays hosted by Rose City Reader, and the Friday 56 hosted by Freda's Voice

This Week's Book Blogger Hop Question:
Do you read via ebook and if so which one/ones and why?

My Answer:
I use a Kindle Paperwhite and I love it. I went with a Kindle for a few reasons.  The first one is that I'm a big fan of Amazon in general and when I finally decided to join the world of ebooks it looked like the Nook wouldn't be around that much longer.  Also, when I was looking at how you got ebooks from my library's digital site the Kindle instructions were basically click 2 buttons whereas the Nook instructions involved connecting the device and a few other things.  I have a big Kindle Fire (9" I think) which I got first but found it was a little to heavy to read on for long periods of time and I found the glare a little tougher on my eyes.  Now I use my Fire as a tablet and do a lot of streaming Netflix or Hulu on it and my Paperwhite for reading.

This week's book is one that's been on my TBR for ages and ages basically because the title features the word "bookstore".  I'm a sucker for any book about bookish related stuff so just the title of Mr. Penumbra's 24-Hour Bookstore by Robin Sloan called my name and when I saw my library had it on audio I couldn't resist it!  So far it hasn't been exactly what I expected but not in a bad way.  It's weirder and quirkier and not as bookish and lots of fun.
The Beginning:
Lost in the shadows of the shelves, I almost fall off the ladder.

My Thoughts:
While I wouldn't want to fall off a ladder I love the idea of being lost in all those shelves!

The 56:
They're all playing the same song, or dancing the same dance, or - yes- solving the same puzzle.

My Thoughts:
The main character is starting to figure a few things out and it's so fun to watch it all untangle!  I haven't figured out what the puzzle is exactly but I'm looking forward to finding out!

So what do you think?  Keep reading?  Are you an ebook fan or a paper only reader?


  1. I am also a sucker for books with bookstores, libraries, or librarians. I hope you enjoy this one. This week I am spotlighting The Crepes of Wrath by Sarah Fox. Happy reading!

  2. I love my Kindle Paperwhite!! I mostly read ebooks so it gets a lot of use. I love books set in or around bookstores. Keep reading !!

  3. Sounds amazing. Enjoy. Here's my Friday read -Wastedby Mark Winkler.

  4. I have an early version Kindle not Paperwhite and a couple of Fires. I still love the feel of paper, but the convenience and ease of an ereader cannot be denied!!!
    sherry @ fundinmental Friday Memes

  5. I wouldn't be able to resist the title! Sounds fun. I prefer print books but also read on my Kindle. I have a regular one and a Paperwhite. The Paperwhite is the best. Fast, lots of battery time, and no glare. Also, since it's back lit, I can read with the lights off while in bed. Like not having to reach to turn off the light. LOL

    My Friday 56 from Pandemic

  6. I totally forgot that this is one I want to read also, and I am drawn to it for the same reasons as you. I have a copy in a bookcase that is out of sight, so I must go retrieve it and put it somewhere that I'll see it.

    Enjoy the read.

  7. Sounds like an interesting book.

    Friday Memes

  8. The title of the book intrigues me, but not enough to read it on ebook. (lol) For some reason, I prefer seeing books on shelves or holding them in my hands. There was a blog reader from France called EReader Junky, who closed her blog. She's from France, was a librarian and read her ebooks on the way to work every morning. She loved it and it really worked for her. Hugs...

  9. Hi Katherine! I also have a Kindle PaperWhite!! If you are now going to say your cover is red, I'll jump through the roof! LOL!!! I have Mr Penumbra on my nightstand. It was my neighbour's favorite book for years but I still haven't read it.... Gosh I want to! I think I must stop looking at all the books on the blogs and just READ the ones I have....!! Lovely teasers! Here's my Friday Meets:

  10. I like the title of this book. It seems like something I would enjoy. Thanks for mentioning it. :-)

  11. The word "bookstore" in the title immediately appealed to me too. Being lost in the shelves of a bookstore sounds like heaven to me.
    Thank you for stopping by my blog today and leaving a comment.
    Sandy @ TEXAS TWANG

  12. Oh, yes, I have this one on Pippa, my Kindle Paperwhite (which I love!), and I keep meaning to get to it. I chose it for the same reason...bookstore in the title. But now it sounds as though there is more to the story.

    Thanks for sharing...and for visiting my blog. And for reminding me of this apparent treasure I still need to explore.

  13. Sigh....Only the Kindle Fire is compatible with Canadian libraries, so no Paperwhite for me.... :'(

  14. This is a book I still have on my wish list. :-)
    Happy weekend!

  15. I'd like to get a Paperwhite. I have a Nook but hardly ever use it for reading- it's like the game unit around here lol. I liked Mr. Penumbra's although I had the same reaction -it wasn't what I was expecting. I still enjoyed it but it was a little different.

  16. This book wasn't what I had expected. I have a Kindle Paperwhite; my husband surprised me with it one day as he was tired of me punching out letters on the old first generation keyboard. I love it. I need to have an eBook on it because sometimes I feel bad at night when I'm using the bright ol' lamp and he's trying to sleep, LOL!

  17. I really like our Kindle Basic but hate the Kindle Fire. The book sounds interesting.

  18. Fun opening, I instantly want to know more. Even better a twenty-four hour bookstore that sounds amazing!

  19. I have a Paperwhite and Fire. I love them both. Hope you have a great weekend!

  20. This sounds like a wonderful story! I love books about books and bookstores! I love my paperwhite. I do read some books on my samsung tablet and my original kindle keyboard but the paperwhite is my favorite.

  21. I haven't streamed on my Kindle. I prefer to read then watch movie or TV. Someday I should try it though.
    Sportochick’s Musings Blog Hop Answer

  22. I hope you kept reading. It sounds great!

  23. I still prefer print when reading but will do ebooks. I have a Fire but tend to actually read more on my phone. I never thought I'd say that.

  24. As you know from my own reply to this question, I'm a PASSIONATE lover of printed books!! It's only been recently that I've begun to read ebooks, but I do so sparingly.

    I get the feeling that the Nook is not as good as the Kindle, but I don't know why I feel that way, as I don't own either one. Lol. Instead, I have the Kindle app on my Android phone. And you have a 9" Kindle? Wow. I can see how that would get a little heavy!

    I am in LOVE with your book selection this week!! Speaking of printed books! This one is going straight onto my Goodreads shelves! I'm instantly attracted to books that deal with books, whether fiction or nonfiction. So thanks for featuring this one!!

    Thanks as well for dropping by and commenting on my own BBH post!! :)

  25. My first e-reader was a Nook, but I love my Kindle Paperwhite. My Nook doesn't work anymore, and I often think I should replace it--but, as you said, it's questionable whether the Nook will be around much longer, so is there a point?

    I received a copy of Mr. Penumbra's 24-Hour Bookstore as a gift a couple years ago, but haven't yet read it. I really should.
