
Friday, August 26, 2016

Friday Linkups: Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency

It's Friday linkup time!  I'm linking up with the Book Blogger Hop hosted by Coffee Addicted Writer, Book Beginnings of Fridays hosted by Rose City Reader, and the Friday 56 hosted by Freda's Voice

This Week's Book Blogger Hop Question:
Can I say the sentence "Reading is my passion" describes me?

My Answer:
I'm not sure that I'd say reading is my passion but it's definitely been my constant.  It's something I've loved all my life and books are something I reach for to feel better or forget when times are tough and are part of my happy days as well.

This week's book is pretty much Lark from The Bookwyrm's Hoard's fault.  I was familiar with Dirk Gentley's Holistic Detective Agency by Douglas Adams because it's one of my husband's favorite but I had for whatever reason never thought about actually reading it.  But then Lark posted this post which included the sneak preview of the BBC America show and that brought the book front and center in my mind.  Adams' sense of humor really appeals to me but but I've mostly stuck with Hitchhiker's Guide so I'm especially looking forward to this one! 

The Beginning: 
This time there would be no witnesses.
This time there was just the dead earth, a rumble of thunder, and the onset of that interminable light drizzle from the northeast by which so many of the world's most momentous events seem to be accompanied.

My Thoughts:
This sounds surprisingly serious for Adams.  Something about that first sentence sounds especially ominous.

The 56:
This was the evening of the last day of Gordon Way's life, and he was wondering if the rain would hold off for the weekend.

My Thoughts:
I think if you looked at the thoughts of most people on their last day their thoughts would be similarly mundane.

So what do you think?  Keep reading?


  1. Hi Katherine! I've never read anything by Douglas Adams and I can honestly say I don't know why. I am seriously contemplating starting to make a list of all the books I really still want to read. Make a folder on my kindle and NOT read anything until that list is through. Yea right... Anyway - this does sound great. Can't wait for your review. I interpreted this weeks Book Blogger Hop in my own special way (again) - I thought we had to say what sentence describes you best.... Have a look at my Friday Meets:

  2. Oh, yes, what an intriguing book this must be! Thanks for sharing and enjoy. Here's mine: “THE GIRLS OF AUGUST”

  3. I would definitely read this book!! :-)
    Happy weekend!

  4. What an interesting snippet. Last day of his life? I want to know more. Happy Friday!

  5. Never read Hitchhikers Guide so I wouldn't know if I would like this or not but I am curious. :)

    Friday memes

  6. I would keep reading, and I agree it sounds rather ominous for a book that's part of a humorous series. Speaking of which, I think sci fi and humor are a good match and I really should read all these.

  7. I like sci-fi and humor so this would be a good fit for me:)

    MY Friday 56 from Alpha Unleashed

  8. I need to retry the Hitchhiker on print - I tried in audio, and that didn't work for me. Emma at Words and Peace

  9. I think keep reading it. The book sounds like we would hold out hope that the prediction that this was his last day of life would be wrong. Have a great weekend.

  10. I have only read and heard of the Hitchhikers Guide, I need this book! I this Adams is a good writer so I would be very interested in checking this out.

  11. Reading as a constant is good.

    ENJOY your weekend, and thanks for stopping by my blog.

    Happy Hopping!!

    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog Hop Answer

  12. Yes... it's an fun read:).

  13. Um....I would say that reading IS your passion, Katherine! If you've loved it all of your life, and you reach for a book in order to feel better, AND books get you through the tough times, AND you also go to them on happy days, well, then..... I would say that yes, reading -- and books, of course -- are, indeed your passions! This is the PERFECT description of a bookworm/bibliophile! Lol.

    I had no idea that Adams had ventured into mystery writing! Oh, I'm definitely going to add this book to my Goodreads shelves! It HAS to be HILARIOUS! And I do detect a very sly bit of humor in that first sentence, in spite of its seriousness. It has an element of hyperbole toward the end that makes me grin. I know you'll really enjoy this book!

    Thanks for sharing! Hope you're having a FAB Saturday!! :)

  14. Hmmmm . . . I think Hitchhiker's Guide was all the DA I can take.

    Thanks for sharing the beginning on BBOF!

  15. Reading is a good constant :D I'd say it's one of my passions :)

  16. Reading does that for me as well--although I would also go so far as to say it is one of my passions. The excitement and enthusiasm I feel when I come across a book I want to read . . . Seeing my daughter take enjoyment in reading . . . Yes, definitely some passion there. :-)

    My husband is a huge Douglas Adam's fan and loves Dirk Gentley's Holistic Detective Agency. I hope you are enjoying it too!

    Have a great week, Katherine!

  17. Somehow I haven't read this one before - I'll have to get to it soon! :)

    Check out my Friday 56 (With Book Beginnings).
