
Friday, August 12, 2016

Friday Linkups: Before the Fall

It's Friday linkup time!  I'm linking up with the Book Blogger Hop hosted by Coffee Addicted Writer, Book Beginnings of Fridays hosted by Rose City Reader, and the Friday 56 hosted by Freda's Voice

This Week's Book Blogger Hop Question:
Do any of your book club members have a blog?  Do you compare notes if they do?

My Answer:
I'm not part of a book club but when I was no one else had a book blog.  I do have a friend who has a book blog and we do sometimes compare notes though mostly we just talk about books.

Have you ever had a book throw itself at you?  Like you're going along with no plans to acquire anymore books because you know your stacks are towering with books you already own and haven't read and then suddenly there's a book just sitting there staring at you and you must pick it up?  That's pretty much what happened with Before The Fall by Noah Hawley.  I had stopped by my mother's house and there it was sitting on the coffee table.  Her husband had just finished it and when I asked about it he said it was great and offered it to me.  Now this is a book I wanted to read but was planning to at some point in the future and not right now.  But I just couldn't turn it down and thtat is why I'm reading this book and ignoring all the books I've had for years that are sitting there staring at me.  And so far so good!

The Beginning:
A private plane sits on a runway in Martha's Vineyard, forward stairs deployed.

My Thoughts:
This instantly brings JFK Jr. to mind.  I remember turning on the television and seeing the breaking news about the disappearance of his plane.  I know that this isn't connected to him at all and that the plane is bigger but maybe because going in I know this plane isn't going to reach it's destination?

The 56: 
Because at the end of the day, Cunningham was right and David knew it.  TV newsman tried so hard to appear objective when the truth was, they were anything but.  CNN, ABC, CBS, they sold news like groceries in a supermarket, something for everyone.  But people didn't want just information.

My Thoughts:
I haven't gotten this far so I'm not sure what's going on but since we're in the head of a TV news guy I'm thinking we're dealing with the press coverage of the crash.  I can't say I disagree with the 56!

So what do you think?  Keep reading?  Any books just insist that you take them home lately?


  1. Yes keep reading!! I won this and want to get to it soon and would love to hear your thoughts!

  2. This does sound good. I have been seeing this book around. I have a thriller this week - The Damascus Thread by Matt Rees. Happy reading!

  3. Oh my word.... I need to hop on a plane and come visit you. We think way to much alike. Maybe we are twins and we don't know it........!!! When I read your opening line, I also thought of JKF jr first. CAN'T WAIT to start reading After the fall, bought it two weeks ago and soooo excited. Hope you will have a great weekend. Here's my Friday Meets:

  4. I'm not a member of a book club. Sort of want to be though. Thanks for sharing the book. It doesn't sound like one for me. I hope you and your readers will check out mine...

  5. I keep noticing this one all over the blogosphere...and I definitely want to read it, too.

    I was also reminded of JFK, Jr., and there was even a show on TV a couple of weeks ago about his young life...and his crash.

    Thanks for sharing...and for visiting my blog.

  6. I got this book at BEA and met the author and he was super nice and cute!! :) It's on my list to read so I can't wait to see what you think of it. I know all I have heard so far are great things so it's got to be a good one! :)

    I skipped the blogger hop question cause I don't do book clubs either.

    Friday Memes

  7. I read this one and enjoyed it. It's a page-turner that definitely held my interest.

  8. Sounds like an intriguing premise! And yes, there are some books that just demand to be read right now! They can be quite insistent. :)

    I'm not in a book club but I think it might be fun. there is a local group that I thought of joining, but just haven't yet wasn't sure if I would have the time.

  9. My Kindle is overflowing with unread books! But then along comes another one and I'm seduced into buying it.
    Before the Fall sounds like a fascinating story. I hope you enjoy it.
    My Friday post features THE REAL MOTHER.

  10. This looks interesting. Enjoy! :-)

  11. I really want to read this book! :-) Happy weekend!

  12. I keep seeing this on so many Best of lists. I'm going to have to read it soon. Enjoy!

  13. I've seen this book around a few blogs - sounds interesting - have never read anything by this author. Thanks for visiting my my Friday meme earlier

  14. That used to happen. Now my mum and I usually read library books. My neighbor is into mysteries and if it's good, I think sometimes he has my mum read it before it has to be returned.

  15. Sounds like destiny to me! Ooh, I'm pretty cynical and I think I agree with that 56. Hope you enjoy and have a lovely weekend.

  16. It's great that you do have a blogging friend you can discuss books with in person! I wish I could join one of those, but I don't think there are any near me. I need to do some Googling, though.

    The cover of "Before The Fall" also reminded me of the JFK, Jr. crash. That was SO sad....And he was such a CUTIE, too! Anyway....this book is definitely not for me, as I don't like to read about realistic disasters. Since you're interested in it, I do hope it's a great reading experience for you!

    Thanks for dropping by and commenting on my own BBH post!! :)

  17. P.S. About your experience of a book "calling out to you" -- what's happened to me is that, on several occasions, I have felt that I NEED to go to a bookstore, because there's a specific book waiting for me there. And, every single time this has happened, there really was a book waiting for me! It would be usually be either the first or one of the first book(s)in the store to catch my eye! Lol.

  18. I'm also not in a book club, which is unfortunate since I love talking about books with other people. Here’s my Book Blogger Hop!

  19. I'm in a Book Club, but no one else blogs. Heck, they hardly read!! we do have fun and drink wine though.

    Your book looks great, thanks for sharing.

  20. I hope you are enjoying Before the Fall! I've read reviews on polar opposite ends of it, but it sure does sound good.

    I'm not in an in-person book club, but I do know there are book bloggers in my online groups as well as my postal mail book group.

  21. Ohh love the cynical tone of this. I totally agree with page 56 and now I badly want to read Before The Fall too!
