
Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Top Ten Tuesday - Ten Facts About Me

This week's Top Ten Tuesday topic from The Broke and The Bookish is Ten Facts About Me.

1. It took me forever to be able to listen to audio books because I had spent so much time tuning kids out in the car that I had to relearn how to listen.

2.  I was born and have lived my entire life in Alabama but I dislike grits, cornbread, collard greens, white gravy, okra, and a number of other things that are deemed things that all Southerns must like.  I'm also neutral on sweet tea.

3.  I'm addicted to crime shows - true crime, fictional crime it doesn't matter I've watched it.  I don't tend to enjoy shows with lots of character development nearly as much.  I want a dead body at the beginning of the show and the killer in handcuffs at the end.  If I learn one of the detectives is having trouble at home or trying to quit smoking or something that's great but I don't want much time spend on that.

4.  Up until I was in my late 20s I had no food allergies though I had noticed that handing raw shrimp gave me a little bit of a rash on my hands and goat cheese made my mouth tingle a little bit.  Then all of a sudden I can't eat either shrimp or goat cheese anymore which is really sad because I love them both.  It doesn't seem quite fair that I can be allergic to things I really enjoy!

5.  I would take hot temperatures over cold any day.  I don't mind being hot but I absolutely hate being cold and it makes me grumpy.  Unfortunately, the rest of my family doesn't feel the same way.  I have been known to wear a sweatshirt and fuzzy socks in July and still be cold.

6.  I'm super competitive. I have a hard time playing board games because I absolutely hate to lose.  I also ended up coaching soccer for seven years because the previous coach drove me crazy with his lack of strategy.  Despite not being able to actually play the sport my team consistently had a winning record and ended up in regional and divisional tournaments.

7.  When I was in 3rd grade I went to a slumber party where the girl wanted to watch horror movies.  The mom rented Pet Semetary for a bunch of 8 year olds.   This was right after it came out so the effect weren't nearly as cheesy looking as they are now.  It scared me half to death and for years I couldn't roll over in bed because I was afraid I'd see the guy who had fallen off the building who kept showing up to give warnings to the main character.  I've yet to read anything by Stephen King and I fully blame this movie.

8.  I have awful vision.  Like -9 in one eye and -7.5 in the other.  I very rarely take my contacts out because I'm completely helpless without them.  I do have glasses but I have absolutely no peripheral vision so I end up with an enormous headache.  Thankfully with a Kindle I can at least read without them if I put the font on the largest setting and hold it fairly close to my face.  Before I couldn't get my face close enough to a book to actually read.

9.  I have always been a mystery fan.  The earliest books I remember getting from the library were Cam Jansen and Encyclopedia Brown followed by Nancy Drew.   I have broadened my genres a little bit as an adult but mysteries are still my go to read.

10. I'm only a recent coffee addict.  I drank pots of it in college but once I graduated I stopped because I was actually sleeping occasionally and didn't need it as much.  However when the Tornado was born it became extremely evident that neither my husband or myself was as young as we used to be when it came to operating without sleep.  Out of desperation I pulled out some instant coffee I usually used for baking and it saved the day.  We've both been drinking coffee every morning ever since.

So there's 10 things about me!  Tell me something about you!


  1. That was very informative. I feel like I know you better now. We share the thing about shrimp. Except I can still eat it cooked. If I handle it raw I. Get a rash. Each time I have tried to peel raw shrimp the rash gets worse and has spread to my neck, so Doug has to peel the shrimp for me. Nothing happens when I eat it though.

    When we had TV I loved crime shows! I'm originally from Philadelphia but I love grits, okra and sweet tea!

    1. That's good that you can still eat it. I miss shrimp! It started out as just a rash on my hands when it was raw and then I started breaking out in hives when I ate certain shrimp and now my chest starts burning and my hands and face go numb. But it doesn't happen every time. It seems to be fresh shrimp that causes the reaction where frozen shrimp doesn't but I decided not to risk it anymore.

  2. Coffee is a life saver with kids!!! Also who rents horror movies like that for 8 year olds??? I would have been so scared!

    1. Right! I have no idea what she was thinking. I remember my own mother was so mad when she found out and I can't say I blame her!

  3. A very interesting post! about the foods I didn't know any of them other than the okra (which I like!). Isn't all tea sweet?

    1. It's actually hard to find sweetened ice tea in the US if you're not in the south!

  4. Coffee is what runs through my veins!

    I remember seeing some freaky horror film at my cousin when I was little and it scared the daylights out of me, I can't watch any horror films like Freddie or Jason but I can happily watch zombies.

    All that Southern food sounds delicious apart from those grits, I tried some the last time I was in Florida and definitely not for me!!

    1. I had grits one time that I liked but only once. I don't know what magic they did but they were amazing! You can have my share of the rest.

  5. Great post! I found a lot of similarities between us -
    5 - prefer the heat.
    8 - bad eyes. I only see with one eye and it is -8.5, but I do have peripheral vision. I'm finding with the reading glasses I need now, that contacts are not as helpful. I am preferring my glasses, so I can remove them to read and look at my phone 'up close'
    9 - love mysteries, but I was more Bobbsey Twins than NAncy Drew.
    10 - I started drinking coffee after my 3rd child. I really like my sleep, and I didn't trust my 2nd while I catnapped on the couch like I could my oldest. He would sit in the space behind my knees and watch TV while the baby and me slept.

    1. Yes there's always that one kid who won't rest! My eyes are 100% correctible thankfully and my prescription has actually started getting better probably because I'm getting far sighted and it's balancing out the near sightedness!

  6. I remember your non-sleeping college days. Those were some crazy days.

  7. What a fun post! I guess I would rather be cold... at least then I can put on socks and a sweater. When I'm hot, there's nothing I can do, except complain! Thankfully, the guys are here fixing out AC as I type ;-)

    1. Fingers crossed on the AC! I've heard the argument for putting on more clothes but it feels like the cold just seeps into my bones!

  8. I'd much rather be hot as well. I get cold easily, and there are only so many layers you can put on to warm up, especially and be productive.

    1. I know! I do try and whee layers but sometimes there's just not enough clothes that I can put on plus I refuse to wear gloves inside!

  9. OMG - I think your #1 just explained my issue with audiobooks! Why didn't I think of that?! I have so much trouble concentrating on them, but have now found that light nonfiction works for me.

    1. I started with light nonfiction too and also did some children's books or rereads. It took a number of tries before I was really able to listen.

  10. I also get really grumpy when it's cold out :) Especially when it's near the end of Winter I'm in a pretty bad mood a lot of the time..
    Also, I had a pretty similar experience with watching scary movies as a kid - mine was Alien. I still do not dare watch it even now :)

    1. Alien's pretty creepy too. Definitely nightmare inducing. The end of winter just makes me want to cry. It feels like I've been cold forever and it takes forever to warm up.

  11. Fun list! #3 is great- stick to the crime people! lol And I don't read Stephen King either as I generally don't like creepy ish stuf like that. Awesome about your soccer teams!

    1. Right! I want to know who the killer is not the home life of the detective. I kind of miss coaching soccer. It was a good time!

  12. Noooo! How can you not love grits! I'm from North Carolina and I loooove grits, although I don't eat them often since they're really lacking in nutrition.

    Here are my Top Ten!

    1. I've had grits one time that were absolutely amazing. I have no idea what they did to them but I could have eaten gallons!

  13. I can't handle scary books or movies either - but I have no such excuse!

  14. OMGosh, you are HILARIOUS! I love this post. #1 had me LOL'ing. #2 I like how you aren't "typical" of whatever your background. Me for example, just b/c I'm Chinese-Am, doesn't mean going to China is numero uno on my travel list. #3 You are fierce. Sorry about the food allergies; I'd be devastated if I couldn't eat crustaceans and sushi. #6 Damn, you go! Hey, it's about efficiency right? If you're going to sign up for a job, do it 110%. #7 My mum was forced to watch The Exorcist when I was in utero; I cannot watch horror movies; Cujo made me cry as a kid. #8 Me - a negative 10.5 for right eye, a negative 9 for left. I wear coke bottle glasses. I don't have a full bridge so wearing thicker frames move and those damn frames with the nose pads are always the wire frames. WTH?

    1. Oh thank you! It's funny how people expect certain things because of the region you live in or how you look. Wow you're eyes top mine! I'm impressed. The food allergies are not fun. You have no idea how much I miss sushi!

  15. My family is so competitive when it comes to board games. We actually haven't played together for a while because some people (the men) get very upset when they are losing. I'm not a big coffee drinker, but every once in a while I fall into the habit of drinking it every morning. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Sounds intense but I understand! I have to force myself to not care if I'm playing with kids but I so hate losing!

  16. I love to read lists, even not about books! I didn't like Pet Semetary either, because the thought of the mangled pet coming back freaked me out, and I was older than you when I saw it!

    I never make assumptions about people based on where they come from. I spent my childhood growing up in Brooklyn & Queens (parts of NYC, not Manhattan) and people still can peg where I was born from my accent even though I've lived all over the country in my adulthood-- they assume they know what I'm like.

    I know you like Criminal Minds and other crime or mystery shows, but yet in books you seem to go towards the milder or cozier ones. Is it easier for you to watch grittier scenes than to read about them? I even have to close my eyes sometimes during Criminal Minds, though I love that show, ha!

    1. You know I never thought about the difference between the really gritty shows and the cozier books. I also can listen to books about topics that are super gritty without it bothering me as much. I think I process it differently with my eyes. Plus it kind of come to life in my head so it sticks more. Plus if I'm watching a show I'm normally doing something else - cleaning, folding laundry, etc so maybe it's because I'm not giving if my full attention like I would if I was reading.

  17. I'm from Ohio and I love grits (I had some this morning in fact!) and okra - these can be difficult to find in restaurants nearby...

    1. I imagine grits can get tricky to find! I can see where it would be tough to find!

  18. I cannot believe you watched Pet Sematary. I can be competitive but more against myself. I too love Crime shows, and anything with serial I am not from the south but love grits and butter beans. Ice Tea is ok but coffee rules.

    1. Oh butter beans! I forgot about them though of course I don't like them either. I love a good serial killer show!

  19. They let you stay in Alabama without liking all of those foods?! What the hell was that mom thinking - do you think she thought because the word "Pet" was in it, it wouldn't be as scary?

    1. She was a bit flighty and she had an older daughter so maybe she was thinking we were more mature than we were? Looking back I can see it was nuts! I remember my own mother was so mad. They let me stay in Alabama but I do have to keep quite about my dislikes!

  20. haha, this as a great list! I struggle with audiobooks too- I wish I could tune my kids out (please tell me your secret ways, oh wise one). I don't know what white gravy is, but it doesn't sound that good to me. I totally agree about crime shows!! Sooo compelling.

    1. The tuning them out while driving is s little bit of a mind trick. I stare at the windshield and focus on going forwards and it seems to work which is good because bickering makes me crazy!

  21. I find it really hard to get into audiobooks. Not because I'm used to tuning people out but because of how picky I apparently am! I'm really picky with regards to accent and how happy the narrator sounds... it's really annoying of me! I have never tried any of those southern foods you dislike! But I really can't imagine liking something called grits (sounds horrible texturewise) or okra.

  22. What was wrong with that woman renting Pet Cemetery for little kids?! When I was in South Carolina there wa a breakfast café across from our hotel. They opene st 5:00 am and closed at noon. You were given complementsary grits with your meal and I was thrilled because I had never had them before. Well, I tasted them and hated them, so the next morning I said no grits please. The server gave me a weird look. When she came back she dropped my plate onto the table from about three inches up, while scowling, I looked at my plate and there were the grits all cozied up to my eggs. Everyone started laughing and saying that they guessed Southerners take their grits very seriously. The next three mornings I asked for them in a side dish, so they weren't mixing in with my other food. I knew better than to refuse them. Ha ha. I love cornbread!I wrsar my contacts all the time, too!

  23. I drink coffee less from a desperation that I need it and more because it is just part of my morning routine and I enjoy my morning coffee. lol

  24. grits, cornbread, collard greens, white gravy, okra, and a number of other things that are deemed things that all Southerns must like. I'm also neutral on sweet tea

    I can't do grits or collard greens either, but I love cornbread, fried okra and white gravy. And sweet tea. It's funny because like you and your husband returned to coffee for caffeine, in the last couple of years I have developed a high intolerance for caffeine. Even one glass of sweet tea or Dr. Pepper with lunch keeps me up most the night, so I have had to be careful during the school year. I also developed strong allergic reactions to nearly every weed, grass, mold, and tree in Central Texas. And dogs. I grew up running wild in a pasture! My older cousin made me watch Pet Semetery and to this day I sometimes find myself freaking out if I'm standing next to a bed. My aunt (who is now married to a chief deputy) would watch every true crime show on TV when I was about 10, so I started watching them with her. Since the man was gone for Christmas, I went and watched a bunch!

  25. I love cornbread and sweet tea but bleck on most of the others on your list. (southern girl here too) Most of it has to do with meat elements being added to dishes but things like grits, as my friend Tonya would say, Gag a maggot.

  26. #1 &3 crack me up! I was recently at a dinner party with a bunch of English teachers, and it was agreed that Pet Semetary is the Grossest Book Ever.

  27. Aw this is so fun! I have (had?) really bad eyesight too (-7.5 and -6, so not quite as bad!) and LASIK is kind of the best thing ever. Though, I will say that in the past couple years, I can sense that they're regressing a bit. And dude, my DAD couldn't even handle Pet Semetary! What was she thinking!? And I am the opposite- I HATE being hot, and get grumpy ;) I am also super competitive, so I can totally relate to that! Great post :)

  28. You don't like cornbread?! It's especially good with honey, I think. ;-) I enjoy crime shows too, although I don't watch too many nowadays. I didn't know you coached soccer in the past! That's cool. I didn't get to take part in this one, but I enjoyed reading your list, Katherine!
