
Sunday, July 31, 2016

This Week in Reading - July 31

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

Closed Casket by Sophie Hannah - This is Hannah's 2nd book using Agatha Christie's famous Belgium detective, Hercule Poirot.  I read the first one and enjoyed it once I got over it NOT being Christie so I'm excited to see how this one goes.  (Blog Tour)

The Book Club Murders by Leslie Nagel - Book clubs and murder are a combination I can never resist so I'm excited to try this one from a new-to-me author! (NetGalley)

Teetotaled by Maia Chance - I read the first book in this series about a 1920s society woman who suddenly finds herself widowed and broke.  It was lots of fun and I can't wait to read this one! (Publisher)

The Beauty of the End by Deborah Howells - I've been craving thrillers this summer and this one has been especially tempting!  I love the whole concept of not knowing people as well as you think you do.  I was thrilled when I was offered this one as a review! (Publisher)


Reading:  Cracked to Death by Cheryl Hollon and back to reading Death on the Nile by Agatha Christie

Listening:  Still podcasts though I'm in the process of selecting an audio book.  I've been listening to The Readers and Super Serials mostly.

Watching:  J and I are still watching Northern Exposure and really enjoying it.  We're almost done with Season 2.  I've also been watching Raiders of the Lost Art now that they've added Season 2 to Netflix.

Off the Blog:

So Paul is home.  It turned out that a medical condition that we knew he had and that he disclosed and was told would be no problem ended up being a problem when they were going over his records when he got there.  Thanks everyone for their kind words and well wishes.  He's okay and in pretty good spirits!  This week he's been catching up with everyone and is then going to find a job and maybe start taking some classes in the spring before starting college in the fall.  He's got some ideas for his future that are exciting and I think he's on the right path.

The rest of the week ended up focusing on getting the Tornado ready for school.  School supply shopping is hard!  I about had a meltdown in the eraser aisle of Staples because I needed big erasers that were both pink AND latex free.  And then I couldn't find paper towels that were the right county and then there was drama with this specific composition book that he had to have.  Then on the day of orientation I woke up with a migraine and was so out of it we ended up missing it.  Thankfully the people at the school are fantastic and we were able to arrange a visit and a tour so he knows just where to go and what everything looks like and where to go.

This week he'll start school and that will take some getting used too - more for me than him.  In the past he's only been gone from 9 to 1 and we'll be switching over to 7:45 to 2:30.  I'm not looking forward to those early mornings but there are some projects I'm looking forward to having the time to tackle in those hours!

On the Blog:

What Happened:

What's Coming Up:

Monday: The Readaholics and the Gothic Gala - Cozy Mystery Review
Tuesday: Top Ten Tuesday - Ten Books I'd Buy if Someone Handed Me a Gift Card
Wednesday: Fearless - Contemporary Romance Review
Thursday: Beyond the Books - How I Stay Organized with Blogging
Friday: Friday Linkups with teasers from current books
Saturday: Bon Appetempt Review + Recipe

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. You always find good mysteries. I didn't know there was a series using Christie's detective, I know I've seen lots of Jane Austen homages and stuff using the Darcy's and whatnot, I guess if done well it could be good to see new stories of favorite characters! And The Book Club Murders sound fun.

    Glad your son is well. It sounds like he's taking it well and at least he'll be closer to you guys so maybe it's all for the best. Have a super week!

  2. I used to love school supply shopping! But yeah, your trip doesn't sound too fun. :D Glad Michael made it home safe and is moving forward. Have a great week, Katherine!

  3. Oh, I hadn't heard the news re Paul. I'm glad he's looking forward though - he sounds like a great young man.

    I don't know that I realised Sophie Hannah was writing Hercule Poirot?! I'll have to check them out.

  4. I am excited to check out those pod casts that you are listening to.

  5. I am glad to hear that it wasn't something extra that was wrong with Paul but something you already knew about. They so should have caught that before they got his hopes up on that front but glad he is in good spirits and has a plan.

    You got a great book haul and I also got The Book Club Murders!

    I don't remember school shopping being so hard when I was young...seems like they are pretty picky now with what you have to have. :( Good luck.

    Happy reading,
    Friday Memes

  6. I'm glad all is working out with Paul....and I can groan along with you, remembering school shopping and the stress.

    So glad that's all behind me. LOL.

    I love Sophie Hannah's books, so I'm curious about this one with the Agatha Christie character.

    Enjoy. Here are MY WEEKLY UPDATES

  7. Hi Katherine! I haven't read the Sophie Hannah ones yet. But I have seen them and actually stood with The Monogram murders in my hand. And put it down. But if you liked it, I most probably will too. Will see if I can find it again. Hope the new week will treat you well. Here's my Sunday Post:

  8. Sorry to hear things didn't work out the way Paul had hoped but have faith it will all come together.
    I can't believe some places already have schools going, NJ doesn't start until September but we get out very late June. The dreaded school supplies, which I will be getting when we get back from vacation. Only have my daughters list so I will be scrambling that week to get my sons stuff. Not sure why they don't give us a list before so I can get it out of the way.

    I hope you have a great week, Katherine! *hugs* Happy Reading! ox

  9. It sounds like preparing for school is a big pain! I still have a few years before I have to deal with that!
    I still haven't read any Agatha Christie and really need to change that!
    Have a great week!

    Stacy Renee @ Lazy Day Literature

  10. I am not a big fan of Poirot even though I love Sophie Hannah so may skip this one. I hope all ok with Paul - sounds like he has a good plan of action though. School here is just over. I can't even think of getting ready for next year. All will be bought at the last minute I'm sure.

  11. Our son broke his elbow and has a plate in his wrist. Sadly every branch of the military rejected him. You would think as I mom that would make me happy knowing he won't be in harm's way..but I just felt really bad for him. Have fun with your new books and shows!

  12. A huge relief that the issue with Paul isn't something new and nasty - a real shame they couldn't have made up their mind earlier that it was a dealbreaker. I hope he isn't too disappointed. I'm with you on school supply shopping - my nemesis were school shoes - my daughter's feet are long but very, very slim so getting a good fit was a nightmare. And that was before we factored in her STRONG opinions on style, etc... Have a great reading week:) This is my Sunday Post

  13. Frustrating that they turned wishy washy on the condition they knew about. But yay for being home safe and having a positive outlook :D

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Thank goodness Paul is okay. I was wondering why they sent him home. He'll be fine-- will just have to start off on another path and find one he likes.

    Good luck with Tornado and school. It's hard to get used to having the youngest away from home all day, and those hectic early mornings! I have 3 kids, and 2 were just a grade apart, and getting them all out the door in the morning became so difficult I wound up driving the two younger ones for a few years, to have control of the time schedule.

    (re: the pink?! latex-free erasers), I have a severe latex allergy and I can appreciate what the teacher could be doing...but unless I rub it on my skin I have no problem being near it. My elder daughter says she has to send extra supplies for the classroom teachers to have a "supply pool" that he/she hands out, when kids don't have what's needed. I appreciate this sentiment, but feel it should be voluntary to contribute! There was a time, before my daughter's career took off, that she didn't have as much to spend, and yet she had to send in computer paper, half dozen glue sticks, packs of colored pencils, etc.- more than one student would ever use in a term x 3 kids! Okay, got that off my chest... hope he loves his class this year!

    I know you love Christie, but am curious why Sophie Hannah is writing as her. I'll do more research on this, has me puzzled since she is a suspense author in her own right.
    -previous comment deleted due to some glaring grammar errors :)

  16. I'm glad Paul is doing okay. It must be hard to have to change direction so good for him coming up with new goals and ideas.

    It's always so hard when the kids start going to school all day, but as you say a little more time for you to do projects. I hope the Tornado loves it.

    Enjoy your books and have a great week, Katherine.

  17. Ahh I still haven't read the first Sophie Hannah/Poirot book. I'm annoyed as I like her writing and I own it. Must prioritise!
    And school shopping sounds demanding! Sorry to hear about Paul, it's always disappointing when something you want ends up passing you by. But it sounds like he has good alternative plans.

  18. WOW, another A, Christie book I haven't heard of --Closed Casket. Need to check this one out. Happy reading in August.

  19. I didn't realize that Sophie Hannah had authored another Poirot mystery. Thanks for pointing it out. Yeah, I too "got over" (took a bit) the fact that Christie didn't write them. Ho else are e going to get more Hercule?

    Maia Chance's series sounds like fun!

  20. I like the cover of this book. Sorry Paul had to be discharged but it's great how he's switching gears. It takes guts to enlist and to want to server one's country so kudos to him and at least he has this checked off his list. Wow, 7:45 school starts? That is dang early. I'd cry with a schedule like that but getting off early is a plus. We had to go from 9:30 to 8:30. I love being able to hit up TJ's and Target that early when it's quiet.

  21. I am happy to hear it wasn't anything serious with Paul. Once he starts college he will probably forget how disappointed he is now. Him being at university will be less nerve wracking for you, too! I always think I miss school shopping, but then maybe I don't! ha ha. I xan't waut ti see what recipe you have on Saturday. Have a wonderful week.

  22. The Book Club Murders is on my list to read. It looks good.

    Hope you have a great week!

  23. My audio is listening has been going so well that I feel like as much as I want to get into podcasts more, I don't want to mess with a good thing!

  24. I've been missing a lot of posts so I'm sorry to hear about Paul. But it is good to hear he is being positive and have new plans for his future. My youngest daughter starts school in 2 weeks and we are also trying to get the supplies ready. It is hard when the teacher asks for something specific. I hope the tornado adjusts well to the new time and you get to your projects. Have a great week Katherine!

  25. I've been away, so this is the first I've heard about Paul. Sorry to hear things didn't go as planned, but am confident his new path will work out. It seems SO early for back to school... our schools let out the end of June and start back after Labor Day. Very different from the rest of the country, I know. And who can resist books clubs and murder?? Enjoy!

  26. I can't even think of getting ready for next year. All will be bought at the last minute I'm sure. thanks for sharing Sakura beauty

  27. I'm glad that Paul is home and in such spirits with a new plan. That can be disheartening. My cousin also had a medical condition and went all the way through basic and a couple more months and then they discharged him. School supply shopping is a nightmare. I don't know how my mother did it with 4 kids. This is the first year the teachers did not get to compile and approve the school supply list - so I hope they show up with the right stuff! Those early mornings are a killer! I don't know how elementary teachers do it. I hope Tornado's transition (and yours) go as smoothly as can be expected.

  28. It sounds like Paul is making good of a not so good situation, which is just wonderful really. I hope all works out there.

    You've had quite the week with back to school bits eh... I imagine it isn't an easy transition when your child starts going to school longer hours, but I suppose with anything it's an adjustment and then routine. We have all of this to come yet with toddler, who starts nursery in January and I already don't think I'm quite prepared for it. Haha!

    The Book Club Murders sounds intriguing - look forward to your thoughts on that.

    I hope you and your family have a great week :-)
