
Friday, July 8, 2016

Friday Linkups: The Light of Paris

It's Friday linkup time!  I'm linking up with the Book Blogger Hop hosted by Coffee Addicted Writer, Book Beginnings of Fridays hosted by Rose City Reader, and the Friday 56 hosted by Freda's Voice

This Week's Book Blogger Hop Question:
I've been a little off on my questions lately so I don't know if I don't have an updated list or what exactly is going on but today my question is -
Who is your favorite fictional couple?

My Answer:
This is a tough one!  There are a lot of fictional couples I really love but I guess if I had to pick a favorite it'd be Anne Shirley and Gilbert Blythe from the Anne of Green Gables series by L.M. Montgomery.  Second is Valancy and Barney Snaith also from an L.M. Montgomery book, The Blue Castle.

This week's book is one I've really been looking forward to reading and so far does not disappoint.  I've had The Weird Sisters by Eleanor Brown on my TBR for ages but somehow never got around to it.  When I was offered a review copy of Brown's newest book called The Light of Paris I absolutely could not resist.  Even if I hadn't been wanting wanting to read Eleanor Brown's books this one would have tempted me with the dual time lines - one in 1920s Paris - and the discovery of a box of letters that that give the main character a much deeper understanding of her grandmother.

The Beginning:
I didn't set out to lose myself.  No one does, really.  No one purposely swims away from the solid, forgiving anchor of their heart.

My Thoughts:
This sounds very final.  I wonder what changes she made and how it really is affecting her life.

The 56:
Margie, who had been cooped up inside all day, nearly fled for her wrap.  Even a walk with Mr. Chapman was better than sitting with him and her parents for the length of coffee and polite conversation in the parlor.

My Thoughts:
I can feel the awkwardness of this sentence.  You can tell Margie is absolutely desperate to get out of that house and I don't get the feeling she's all that fond of Mr. Chapman either!

So what do you think?  Keep reading?  Who is your favorite fictional couple?


  1. Hm. Favourite fictional couple - the one that immediately springs to mind is Johan Eschback, former spy and now university lecturer and opera singing star Llysette du Boir, who becomes his wife during L.E. Modesitt's outstanding trilogy The Ghosts of Colombia. This is an alternate world with a great premise, but I love the daily interaction of quiet affection between these two, in amongst all the stuff kicking off around them...
    As for your starter - yes, I'd definitely continue reading:) Have a great week-end.

    1. I love the sound of the trilogy! I haven't read much set in alternate worlds so it sounds intriguing!

  2. Favorite fictional couple - my mind immediately went to Eve Dallas and Roarke. Which reminds me that I'm about 3 books behind on the series. Need to get them read. Yes, I've read almost all of J.D. Robb's books. What can I say - I really like that couple! LOL

    1. Oh I need to get back to JD Robb! I've only read 1 or 2 of the books despite how much I enjoy Nora Roberts' books.

  3. Oh Anne and Gilbert are a wonderful couple! Good choice!! I answered the couples question earlier, so today I answered about following blogs. I did include a link to my favorite fictional couples post though!

    1. I'm a little confused about what question we are on!

  4. I have been wanting to read The Light of Paris...I enjoyed The Weird Sisters a few years ago. (I checked on Goodreads, and see that I read it in 2011). Thanks for sharing...and enjoy! Here's mine: “IN TWENTY YEARS”

    1. I'm love The Light of Paris and I can't wait to read The Weird Sisters. If it's half as good as this one I will love it!

  5. Gilbert and Anne. Aww, they make my heart happy. I'm not familiar with Barney and Valancy, though. My favorite couple is probably Elizabeth and Darcy. :) I know, that's shocking.

    1. You must read The Blue Castle! You'd love it! I like Elizabeth and Darcy too but Anne and Gilbert are first!

  6. Some how the questions got mixed up I think as I don't have a list I just get mine off the site on Friday mornings. Hopefully it will get straightened out. :)

    Hope you are enjoying that book!
    Friday Memes

    1. I'm trying not to worry to much about the questions. We will get them all answered eventually!

  7. Oh you have to keep reading so that you can review it and I can decide if I want to read it.... I know by now, if you like a book - I will also like it!! Anne and Gilbert!!! Whoa, yes! Forgot about them. Hope your weekend is filled with the fun of Anne and Gilbert and none of the issues with Elizabeth and Darcy.

  8. I like the writing of the beginning and 56. I haven't heard much about this one, but it looks really interesting. Enjoy! :-)

  9. The book sounds interesting. I don't think I have one favorite couple from books. There are too many possibilities. I'm working my way through TBR mountain and landed on Queen of Shadows by Sarah J. Maas this week. Happy reading!

  10. Hi Katherine,

    I'm not sure that 'The Light Of Paris' is one for me, however it does sound as though it has some very descriptive writing, which I always enjoy.

    Your opening lines are very sad and emotional and I can just feel the uncomfortable tension in the air, in your 56.

    There are just so many fictional couples about these days, that it is very hard to choose. So as my featured author this week, has also written a couple of excellent books with a couple at their heart, then I'll use them ... Psychic Josh Harrell and Detective Frankie Ryan feature in both 'Silent Partner' and 'A Bullet For The Ghost Whisperer'

    Nice post, have a great weekend :)


  11. Oh,oh, oh. I like that opening line...very poetic. Hope the rest of the book continues on this vein.
    My Friday Quotes

  12. This one sounds like a good one. Enjoy!

  13. This looks like a nice read- 1920's Paris? A fun setting- hope it's good! As for fictional couples, I'm drawing a blank... not sure about that one although I probably think of a ton later. Fun topic!

  14. I haven't read Anne of Green Gables I'm ashamed to say!! I love that cover though, I have a thing for Paris!


  15. The Light of Paris looks interesting. Hope you enjoy it!

  16. I have never read Anne of Green Gables. I have no idea who my favorite couple would be, that is such a tough question!
    The Light of Paris sounds so good. That opening is really making me want to read it!

  17. I like the dual time lines too. Sounds fascinating. And such a quaint yet lovely cover.

    My Friday 56 from Scar Tissue

  18. I'm curious for more! Happy weekend!

  19. I don't even know if I could narrow it down to just one fictional couple - I have so many favorites :) The Light of Paris sounds wonderful. 1920's Paris? I think I would love it. Great post!

  20. I have too many favorite couples to choose from hah! But the book you shared sounds great! Thanks for sharing. Here is my Friday 56

  21. This sounds like a good read. I'll have to add it to my list.

  22. I'm reading this one right now and really enjoying it. So far, enjoying the storyline set in the past more but they are truly dual storylines.

  23. I have not read "Anne of Green Gables", nor any other book by this author, but, now that you've mentioned the couple in that novel, I really MUST! The book is sitting on my bookshelves, languishing away....poor thing! Lol. I also need to read "Blue Castle". This one I'm not familiar with. I'm a HUGE sucker for romance, so Of COURSE I'll investigate any novel with romance involved!

    "The Light of Paris" sounds truly WONDERFUL!! I might have mentioned in an earlier comment that I LOVE books set in Paris. So I'm off to add this one (as well as "Blue Castle") to my Goodreads shelves!

    Thanks for sharing another interesting set of Friday posts!! Have a WONDERFUL Sunday!! :)

  24. Favorite fictional couple? I have several faves: Eve and Roarke (JD Robb), Anna and Charles (Patricia Briggs), and Meg and Simon (Anne Bishop).

    I hope you enjoy this book, it seems intriguing.

  25. Someday I'll meet Anne and Gilbert. :-) The Light of Paris sounds so good!

  26. I read The Weird Sisters some time ago; it was pretty good. Imagine having to endure a "set up" in those days.

  27. I like the sound of this and the cover is very cool! :)

  28. I might need to try Ann of Green Gables one day. My favorite couple is Eve and Roarke from JD Robb. I'm a sucker for those two :)
