
Friday, July 15, 2016

Friday Linkups: Hometown Girl

It's Friday linkup time!  I'm linking up with the Book Blogger Hop hosted by Coffee Addicted Writer, Book Beginnings of Fridays hosted by Rose City Reader, and the Friday 56 hosted by Freda's Voice

This Week's Book Blogger Hop Question:
So I've been off schedule with the questions on the list and the question this week is one I answered 2 weeks ago.  So I'm going to answer the question I missed and hopefully after that I'll be back on schedule.
Name an author or authors that you have read the most of his or her books and would recommend to others.

My Answer:
Well this one is easy!  Definitely Agatha Christie!  Not only have I read all of her 80+ mysteries but I've also read several of her books under the Mary Westmacott name and her nonfiction books like her Autobiography and Come Tell Me How You Live which is a memoir about her time on archaeological digs with her husband, renowned archaeologist Max Mallowan.
If you're looking to try Christie's mysteries I recommend Death on the Nile (Poirot), Sleeping Murder (Marple), And Then There Were None (stand alone), Murder on the Orient Express (Poirot), and any of her short story collections.

This week's book is from Mariah Stewart's Chesapeake Diaries, a series that I love but that I've had really mixed results with.  I really liked the first book, DNF'd the 2nd, and like the 3rd.  Then I went up towards the more recent releases and though #7 was okay but ended up loving 8 and 9.  Now I'm back towards the beginning and am trying to catch up with the middle books starting with the 4th in the series, Hometown Girl.  I've met the main couple in other books and liked them so I have hopes that this one will not disappoint.

The Beginning:
At the moment the moon began its descent and the sun started to rise, the back door of the old farmhouse opened and a petite woman with a long strawberry blond ponytail stepped out onto the porch.

My Thoughts:
Well this isn't the most attention grabbing first sentence but it does give me a picture of both the house and the main character.

The 56:
"Can we speak frankly?" Curtis's eyes had narrowed almost to the point of slits.  He didn't wait for a response.  "Your father was a great disappointment to me.  How do I know the apple hasn't fallen too close to the tree?"

My Thoughts:
I know enough about the story from later books to understand Curtis's point of view but I can imagine how frustrating it would be to be judged by the sins of those that came before you.

So what do you think?  Keep reading?  Do you have a series that reads inconsistently but the good is good enough that you're not ready to let it go?


  1. I know you're a big Agatha Christie fan... wondering if you've ever tried her books on audio? Keep meaning to listen to Dan Stevens narrate Murder on the Orient Express.

    1. I have but I don't know that I've heard Dan Stevens. They translate well to audio in general and if you can find a radio adaptation you can't beat it!

  2. I'm not sure I've read all of AC's books, but I've come close. I think I haven't read all the Tommy/Tuppence books. You know, the first AC book I read was POSTERN OF FATE. I almost didn't continue reading them. Happily, I think my second was MURDER ON THE ORIENT EXPRESS. Sigh. Lovely. The four you mentioned as 'highly recommended' would be the exact four that I would suggest. Have we talked about this? Think we have.

    JoAnn, I've listened to a bunch of AC's books on audio. Dan Stevens is the newest narrator and he does a really good job. Of course, I love his voice - shades of Downton Abbey. :-)

    Joan Hickson does a good job or maybe I just liked hearing her since she's my favorite Miss Marple. I think that David Suchet narrates a few and also Hugh Fraser (who played Hastings) does some. Good luck if you decide to try some. The one you mentioned would be a good place to start.

    1. Oh Postern of Fate is one of the 2 I think everyone should skip. I love the idea for the plot but the story is so disjointed and confusing!

  3. Oh, now I am curious about this series. Maybe I'll try the first book. I did enjoy the excerpts. Thanks for sharing, and here's mine: “MYSTIC SUMMER”

    1. It's a fun series and when it's good it's fantastic!

  4. I love mysteries but habe been more historical and contemporary womens fiction lately. Am now reading Wild, after seeing the movie with Reese Witherspoon.

    1. I do love historical fiction! I tried Wild and didn't get into but I didn't give it much of chance.

  5. I enjoy books that are set in small towns, so I'd probably like this series. I'm curious about why Curtis was disappointed in the father. Yes, it would be difficult to be judged by the actions of your parents -- something you can't control!
    Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving a comment.
    Sandy @ TEXAS TWANG

    1. I do too! The story with Curtis and the father is a complicated one!

  6. I haven't heard of this series before, but it looks like it could be good. I hope you enjoy the book. :-)

    1. I'm crossing my fingers. It involves a cupcake bakery so it can't be too bad!

  7. LOVE your answer to the Book Blogger Hop question! It's absolutely AWESOME that Christie has inspired such devotion in you! More nudges from the Universe that I should start reading her books! Lol. I might very well pick up "Murder on the Orient Express" first. Or perhaps "Death on the Nile". These two are very famous, of course. I saw "And Then There None" at B&N the other day, and could kick myself for not scooping it up!

    "Hometown Girl" seems to be a very engaging novel! That cover gives me a very cozy feeling, and makes me wish I had grown up in a small town.... It also makes me long for something I've never even had -- a northern climate, with discernible seasons! We have none here in Miami, lol.

    BTW, I LOVE the very first sentence in this novel! That would certainly make me want to keep reading!

    Thanks for sharing!! Also, thanks for stopping by and commenting on my own WOW post!! :)

    1. Any of those 3 Christie's would be great starting points! Really you're pretty much good anywhere you start as long as you avoid
      Passenger to Frankfurt and Postern of Fate.
      Wow you really don't have seasons in Miami! We don't have much here in Alabama but it does get coldish some times!

  8. I would say to keep going with it! There have been times when I just need a break though in order to get recollected, though. Happy weekend! Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier! :)

    1. Yeah I'm the same way. These are normally pleasant reads at worst so I have high hopes.

  9. I didn't know that Christie wrote under another name- nor that she went on archaeological digs. Sounds like her life was more interesting than I realized!

    I'd keep reading, I think that beginning is interesting enough to keep going and I like the imagery of night turning to day as she comes outside. Hopefully it's good!

    1. I need to reread and review her memoir about being on digs. It's fascinating and definitely another view of Agatha!

  10. I still need to try Agatha out. When I get through these requests that have been coming in.

    1. My rereading is on the slow side because of requests so I understand!

  11. I've been wanting to read Mariah Stewart's series. Eventually I will get to it. It sounds great.

    1. I love her romantic suspense but have struggled a little more with some of these.

  12. Stewart is hit or miss. That's hard when you're reading a series. I love Agatha Christie. Happy Reading!

  13. I like the drama in the 56, sounds good. Happy weekend!

  14. I read the first Chesapeake Bay book and liked it. Read #9 last year and liked it just as much. I think it's a challenge to keep a series strong when it goes on for several books. I was impressed that I enjoyed the ninth book so much.

    1. I've really loved the later books. Really just a few characters were kind of meh but it is a series I want to continue with!

  15. Is this the series that is going to be on Hallmark? I haven't read any Chesapeake Bay books but I should check them out. :)

    1. I don't know but I will be looking! I know it's different than the Cedar Cove series. I would love to see this one on TV!

  16. Oh, Curtis, I have a feeling those are fighting words! Hope this one is a winner for you. Happy reading!

    1. Oh so much! There is some serious family drama!

  17. These books are so popular at my library - happy reading!

    1. That's cool! It is a fun series though I sometimes find it inconsistent.

  18. I haven't read this book yet but it sounds pretty interesting and it's also interesting that my family and I were just discussing how so many people today have problems being honest when they speak with others -'s my Friday meme
