
Friday, July 29, 2016

Friday Linkups: Bon Appetempt

It's Friday linkup time!  I'm linking up with the Book Blogger Hop hosted by Coffee Addicted Writer, Book Beginnings of Fridays hosted by Rose City Reader, and the Friday 56 hosted by Freda's Voice

This Week's Book Blogger Hop Question:
Do you give books as gifts?

My Answer:
I do if I know there's an author or particular subject that someone is really interested in.

This week's book is one I saw at the library and just couldn't resist.  I love foodie books and books where people are finding themselves through cooking definitely is a book for me.  Throw in some recipes and there was no way I was leaving Bon Appetempt by Amelia Morris on the endcap at the library!  So far I'm really enjoying it!

The Beginning:
The movers left less than twenty-four hours ago, so it's not until I go to toast my Trader Joe's brand Cheerios, Joe's O's - perhaps a classy acknowledgment of the fact that they're blatantly ripping off Cheerios, right down to the bold yellow, oversize cereal box - that I remember I'd decided to put off cleaning out the refrigerator at our old apartment until tomorrow, and so the butter I need is sitting in our butter try on the other side of town.

My Thoughts:
Isn't this the way of things with moving?  You either discover you've packed up the very thing you need or that you haven't packed it up but it happens to be at the wrong location!

The 56:
But back at school, I had a new problem.  I had to figure out what I was going to do next year, after college

My Thoughts:
Another feeling I can identify with!  I remember heading towards the end of my college career all to well when I realized that I was actually going to have to get a full time job in this field I'd been studying for 4 years.  The idea of not having any homework was impossible to comprehend as was the idea of being a completely self-supporting adult!  It did end up working out but it felt a bit like standing on the edge of a cliff.

So what do you think?  Keep reading?  Any books just have to come home with you lately?


  1. Hi Katherine! I saw you listed this one on Goodreads! (See, I pay attention) And I thought it sounds very sweet! Hope you enjoy it and I look forward to your review. I give books as gifts rather often. But not to my father in law - he doesn't read. Everybody else has received a book from me! Here's my Friday Meets:

    1. It would help if I present you with the link hey....

  2. Oh, yes, this book has tapped into some familiar feelings, from the moving day woes to the college ending dilemma. What next?

    One thing I discovered along the way: life often hands out unexpected surprises, and my life has been full of them.

    Enjoy...and thanks for sharing. Here's mine: “THE GIRL YOU LOST”

  3. I would probably read it. I like foodie books worked in with personal growth or life issues, rather than just a memoir of a chef. I am still trying to figure out the butter and Cheerios angle. Do you understand what she is talking about-- putting butter on her cereal?? Thanks for sharing this one. Going on my wishlist.

    Also, yes, I do love to give books as gifts. Non-fiction to my son every birthday and Christmas. I give my grandkids each a book at Christmas with a toy, and for their birthday. My daughter, their mom, used to read on a kindle and they read e-books, but she went old-school and now only reads print, so they only read print, and collect their private libraries on designated shelves in their computer room.

  4. I love "Foodie" memoirs. Does this one include recipes too? Right now I'm reading a foodie memoir for a book challenge I'm doing. I get so hungry while I'm reading it because the food in it sounds sooo good! Alas, another #bookwormproblem.
    Here is a link for my Friday 56:

  5. This looks like the perfect books for you, hope you enjoy it! :)


  6. This definitely sounds like a book I could identify with.

  7. I'm a total foodie - just finished dinner as I write this - and the idea of even having to pack up all of my stuff kinda makes me sick...not moving if I don't have yeah I would totally read this and I hope you really enjoy's my Friday meme

  8. I love giving books as gifts. Growing up I always got gift certificates for like Walden Books or wherever so now I like to get gift cards, or even certain books, to various people. It's fun. :) Books make such great gifts!

  9. I'm still wondering where some things are six months after we moved. I have unpacked everything but where I put things is another story...

  10. It sounds like a great read! I love how it flowed! Happy weekend!

  11. I'm in the middle of moving at the moment and yep, that's exactly how it is lol!

  12. I remember stressing over what I would do after college. It was always something on my mind--and it changed from when I first started.

    I like to give books as gifts--shopping for them can be so much fun. I like to try to match books to the reader when I do select them.

  13. It's a VERY rare occasion when I give someone a book -- that's because there aren't any readers in my immediate vicinity, except for my mom, but she doesn't read as much as she used to. It's been a while since I gave her a book as a present.

    For me, gift cards are the way to go! Even with readers, you don't always know what genre(s) they prefer. Giving a gift card -- whether to B&N, or Amazon, ensures that they'll get the book they REALLY want!

    The book you mention sounds like a fun read! And YUMMY as well, lol. I can identify with the protagonist when they state that they have no idea what they'll do once they've finished college. I was kinda in that boat, too.... I was an Fine Arts Major, which means I had to go work in another field! Lol. Now my creative outlet is my book blog! Lol. Actually, I have two blogs, but I post to one more than to the other.

    Thanks for sharing!! And thanks for commenting on my own BBH post!! Sorry for the late comment back.... Hope you have an AWESOME week!! :)

  14. I have been blessed with a big family members who are book lovers like me so I always past down or gift a book too them. Thank you for stopping by my Blog Hop.
