
Sunday, June 26, 2016

This Week in Reading - June 26

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

Snowfall on Haven Point by RaeAnne Thayne - I actually thought there would be no new additions to the library this week but this approval came through at the last minute.  I'm not sad since RaeAnne Thayne is one of my favorite authors and I'm really excited about the main characters in this book.  I was really intrigued by them when they were side characters in the previous book so I'm looking forward to getting to know them better.  (NetGalley)

Home Cooked by Anya Fernald - Another late arrival and one I'm slightly less confident in.  It looks like an interesting cookbook but potentially to interesting for my somewhat unadventurous family.  (Blogging for Books)

Me Before You by Jojo Moyes - I finally got this back from the library!  I've got about 90 pages to go and I'm almost scared to keep reading because I think things are going to take a turn for the emotional (library)


Reading: Caught Bread Handed by Ellie Alexander and finishing (finally!) Me Before You by Jojo Moyes.  I finally got it back from the library!  After that I'm going back to Thornyhold by Mary Stewart

Listening: I'm still enjoying listening to podcasts.  I've really enjoyed listening to Stuff You Should Know and Stuff You Missed in History Class.  I've been trying a few true crime podcasts but so far haven't found a must listen.

Watching:  We've been watching movies lately.  We watched Bridge of Spies with Tom Hanks and ended up really enjoying it.  Then the other night we watched Special Correspondents which is a Netflix movie featuring a very frazzled Ricky Gervais and found it very funny.  It can be difficult to find movies that my husband and I both enjoy so getting 2 in a row was really great. Oh and we finally watched The Martian!  My husband is an aerospace engineer and I've worked in the business so it was interesting to watch it from a slightly more insider perspective.  They did a good job of mixing equipment and technology with already have with the fictional.  The one thing that gave us a good chuckle was at the very end when another launch is about to happen to vehicle that they're sending up is a Delta IV Heavy.  J was one of the senior engineers on the program so the Delta IV has been a huge part of our lives so that was kind of cool but the funny thing was it's not for manned flights so they wouldn't be sending a full crew up in it!

Off the Blog:

It decided to become summer here this past week and the heat and humidity have really shown up.  My hair is reaching impressive sizes and is spending most of it's time pulled back!  So we decided that it's time to go even further south where it is hotter and the humidity is even higher!  We are heading to south Mississippi today to stay with family for a few days.  Paul got his ship date so this is kind of a final hurrah before he leaves for boot camp in a few weeks.   Most of this week has been spent preparing for the trip and then his leaving.  It'll definitely be strange.

I won't be around much at the beginning of the week but I'll be catching up on all my visiting as soon as we get back.  I'm looking forward to seeing what everyone else is up too!

On the Blog:

What Happened:

What's Coming Up:

Monday: Field of Graves - Mystery Review
Tuesday: Top Ten Tuesday - Top Ten Signs You're in an Agatha Christie Novel
Wednesday: Language of Bees - Mystery Review
Thursday: Fixin' to Die - Cozy Mystery Review
Friday: Friday Linkups featuring Current Book
Saturday: Caught Bread Handed - Cozy Foodie Mystery Review

Wow I didn't realize how mystery heavy this week was going to be!  I'll have to mix it up a little better next week.

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. Snowfall on Haven Point sounds tempting...especially since I might feel cool while reading it. Thanks for sharing...and for visiting my blog. Enjoy your week!

  2. It's been summer here now too- yowzers. The heat really cranked up, although I'm sure it's hotter where you are! Enjoy Mississippi- hope the weather's nice (but noo TOO hot)!

    I finally saw The Martian too and liked it. It definitely lived up to the hype. Nice to hear from someone who knows that stuff though, you always wonder how many liberties they take with the science. :)

    Have a great week!

  3. The Snowfall cover is so pretty! And Me Before You is one I've wanted to try for a while too, but I'm worried it will be too much for me.
    I get cranky just thinking of that kind of heat haha! You should jump into a nice cool pool.
    I hope you enjoy your books and have a great week! :)

  4. I am going to be starting RaeAnne Thayne soon and glad to know the series still holds up well for you.

    We saw the Martian a few months ago, and while my husband is very keen on anything to do with telescopes, space, NASA etc., he didn't work for them as you & J did, so it must've been fun for you to see this movie. We have been to Kennedy Space Center near Titusville, FL several times and always enjoyed visiting there. We took in a few space shuttle departures when there over the years.

    It was triple digits here last week and now is down to low 90s, I'll take it, but I haven't been too eager to leave my A/C cooled house and car... except to A/C cooled stores, ugh.

    Good luck to your son! You must be very proud of him, but at the same time know you will miss him. Enjoy these days with him and the family and make nice memories.

  5. Me Before You by Jojo Moyes is such a heartbreaker. I'll never forget it as it made such an impact on me. Still have to read the sequel though.

  6. Yeah those final so many pages of Me Before You will probably get you! I still need to watch the Martian but that is so cool about you and your husband kind of having the insider track on some of that stuff. Enjoy your few days away! Have a great week!

  7. I am obsessed with True Crime podcasts. My favorites are Serial, Undisclosed, Sword and Scale, and ID true crime!

  8. I have been wanting to see Bridge of Spies as I love Tom Hanks. Hope you have a great time in Mississippi.

    Happy reading!

    Week in Review

  9. Me Before You is waiting on my kindle and I would like to read it before I see the movie. I've been a bit hesitant though because I'm sure it will be sad. I hope you enjoy it and have a nice week.

  10. We watched Bridge of Spies, too, and I really liked it! It has became summer here, too. The heat is one thing, but it is the humidity that makes it unbearable!

  11. Enjoy your time with family and, if you're still reading Me Before You, be sure to pack the tissues!

  12. I love RaeAnn Thayne's Hope's Crossing series but I need to get caught up on this new series. Me Before You is definitely an emotional read. It makes you laugh and cry. Do you plan to see the movie? We read the book in my book group and a few of the members went to see the movie recently and thought it was really good. I think I will wait till it is on DVD.

    I hate humidity and what it does to my hair. I have been searching for a good hair product to help combat it but haven't found anything that works well yet. My hair is wavy/curly. It kind of does whatever it feels like in the summer and winter (static electricity issues) so I have days where I wear it in a ponytail too.

    Hope you have a great visit to Mississippi!

  13. I got Snowfall on Haven Point this week too...can't wait to dig in but trying to wait until after summer...snowfall and summer don't mix too well! And The Martian was amazing in my opinion....not as good as the book but great! So fun that you could watch from an insiders perspective!

  14. You had better mix it up a little more next week because you know how I am allergic to mysteries. Ha ha. I am happy to hear Paul has a few weeks before boot camp and that he is not leaving ASAP. That is funny about the Delta IV. There are so many movies that do a great job with the technologies and then they will throw in a clunker. I haven't seen the movie yet, but I loved the audiobook! I keep waiting to watch all of these movies with Sebastian, but he never has the time. I guess I should start watching them myself. Have a fun family trip and a wonderful week. :)

  15. Glad you enjoyed The Martian, I loved the book and the film did a wonderful job of staying true to the book, it was great fun!

  16. I've been wanting to read Me Before You and I refuse to watch the movie until I do. I already heard what happens but I still want to read it. The weather has been hot here too but luckily my hair doesn't frizz but I do get more freckles because of the sun. I hope both of our weathers cool down soon. I hope you have a great week!

  17. Ha, it's become summer there and winter here finally. We've had snow in the southern parts of the country - and in places where they don't usually get much snow!

    I haven't read Me Before You and am now thinking I might just watch the movie as people say it's pretty true to the book.

  18. I told my mom and aunt on Saturday that my hair is as big as it was when I had my perm (after it fell out and was just frizzy all the damn time - I looked like a poodle gone wrong) except without the perm! I can't do anything with it but put it up. I watched The Martian with the man and really enjoyed it. Have fun in Mississippi!

  19. I hope you enjoy your new books and your visit with your family. :)

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  20. B ridge of Spies is a movie I've been wanting to catch, and glad you enjoyed it. I'm a fan of Tom Hanks. The weather here has been so hot that I hate to go out if I don't have to. Hope your day is awesome! Hugs...

  21. Snowfall on Haven Point looks like it will be good. I am glad you enjoyed Bridge of Spies. I really liked that one as well. I liked The Martian too. That's too funny about the Delta IV. I hope you have a wonderful vacation, Katherine!

  22. Oh dear I guess it would be the tissues for Me Before You. I was going to see the movie but I read a bad review so now I don't know. Want to keep the good vibe from the book. Interesting about The Martian movie and watching it from your perspective. I so loved that movie.

  23. As a Catholic, who went to Catholic schools this really hit home because my brother and I were around priests all the time. In fact, he was an Altar Boy. I watched this movie on Netflix and was riveted. All of those priests who were simply moved to other places. Wow!

  24. Thayne just has lovely covers. Hope yall are having a great trip! I'll be venturing further south in a couple days too. lol Oh the things it'll do to my hair. ::shudders::
