
Monday, June 6, 2016

Scarlet - Review

Scarlet (Lunar Chronicles Book 2) by Marissa Meyer

Rating: Very Good
Source: Library
Description:  Cinder the cyborg mechanic, returns in the second thrilling installment of the bestselling Lunar Chronicles.  She's trying to break out of prison - even though if she's succeeds, she'll be the Commonwealth's most wanted fugitive.  Halfway round the world, Scarlet Benoit's grandmother is missing.  It turns out there are many things Scarlet doesn't know about her grandmother or the grave danger she has lived in her whole life.  When Scarlet encounters Wolf, a street fighter who may have information as to her grandmother's whereabouts, she is loath to trust this stranger, but is inexplicably drawn to him, and he to her.  As Scarlet and Wolf unravel one mystery, they encounter another when they meet Cinder.  Now, all of them must stay one step ahead of the vicious Lunar Queen Levana, who will do anything for the handsome Prince Kai to become her husband, her king, her prisoner.  (from Goodreads)

Genre: YA

Why I Picked This Book: After finishing Cinder I couldn't wait to find out what happened next!

My Impression:  Neither young adult or dystopian are on my regular genre list but I'm falling in love fast with the Lunar Chronicles.  As with Cinder I loved how this fairy tale retelling was done.  It's fairly obvious but beautifully modified and not just a gimmick to keep the story going.  This is the story of Cinderella and now Red Riding Hood in a world with cyborgs and Lunars and a battle of life or death.  When we first meet Scarlet she is frustrated with the lack of answers regarding her beloved grandmother's disappearance.  The authorities are refusing to believe that there is anything suspicious but Scarlet knows that something is terribly wrong.  Right away I liked Scarlet.  She's fiercely loyal to her grandmother and is happy working with her on the farm and selling their vegetables to vendors.  She's impulsive and even at the very beginning has to put a lot of effort into biting her tongue because she doesn't want to lose a client.  However, that doesn't last very long and the adventure really begins!
The night we meet Scarlet is the night she meets Wolf.  Right away she doesn't trust him but she's intrigued by him.  His manner is so different from his violent street fighter persona that she can't quite figure him out.  She also begins to realize that she could use his help even though she doesn't really trust him.  As the adventure continues Scarlet fights her attraction to Wolf along with her desire to trust him even though she doesn't fully.  While she does need his help she's in no way helpless and is able to think for herself and fight for herself which I really liked.  I also loved seeing the continuation of Cinder's story and the arrival of Thorne into the team.
There's a lot less setup and world building in this second book so it does move faster and has considerable more action and development.  While Scarlet and Cinder are both intelligent, brave, and determined young women they're also both very unique.  Plus, I was thrilled to see the reappearance of Iko.  Now I can't wait to get my hands on Cress and find out what happens next.  The setup at the end of Scarlet has me thinking that the adventure is only going to get more action packed.

Would I Read More of this Series/Author?:   Absolutely!  I'm looking forward to starting Cress and meeting more characters and seeing where the story goes.

Would I Recommend this Book?: Definitely!  This is far away from my usual reading and I've really loved both of these books.  If the premise at all intrigues you don't hesitate to pick up Cinder and get started!


  1. I love this series so much! Cinder and Scarlet are such great characters. I still need to read Winter but I think I am putting it off so it doesn't end! Great review!

  2. Cress is my FAVORITE! I'm so glad you're enjoying this story even though YA isn't really your thing.

  3. I love this series, but I still haven't read WINTER... One day soon...

  4. YES...I have had such fun with this series, and the way she did this was brilliant. I am so happy you are enjoying the ride!

  5. My sister loves these books and has been trying to get me to read them. I wish I had more time to read. :)

  6. Yay!! I'm so glad you enjoyed book two! I can't wait to see what you think of the rest of the series! It's fantastic! :D

    Tracy @ Cornerfolds

  7. :D :D :D :D
    Cress will have you in fits. God, Thorne is amazing. Lol
    Scarlet remains my favourite female from the series. She's such a spit fire. I absolutely love her personality. And I love her and Wolf together.
    Cannot wait for you to get to Cress. Oh and after Cress you should definitely read Fairest before Winter. It adds more the story in Winter.

  8. I just have to read this series I have been reading about it for a few years now, and while not in my usual genre areas I know I will love it too.

  9. I saw this reviewed on another web site with a similar enthusiastic review. Looks like a great series, and I have come to really enjoy YA books.

  10. Ahhhhh! I still have book one on my pile. I love retellings and these sound so god and nicely unique. Glad to hear that book two was a good one for ya.

  11. This sounds so good! I can't wait until this fall when I have more time to dive into this series. I am glad you are enjoying it so far, Katherine!

  12. I've read Cinder, but it didn't quite wow me as much as everyone else seemed to be wowed by it. I've heard the series gets better as it goes on, so I won't give up. And your review makes me look forward to reading this one more. Great review!

  13. Wonderful review, Katherine! As you know, I love this series, as much for its complex, competent female characters as for its inspiration in fairy tales. And yes, there's plenty more action in Cress and Winter.

  14. I loved this series so I'm glad you are enjoying it too! Great review and I hope you enjoy the next books!

  15. Glad to see you're still enjoying the story! I adore Scarlet and Wolf and the Cinder/Thorne friendship always puts a smile on my face! Hope you enjoy Cress!!
