
Monday, June 13, 2016

How Secrets Die - Blog Tour Review + Giveaway

How Secrets Die by Marta Perry (Amazon)
Rating: Very Good
Source: Blog Tour
Description:  As Laurel Ridge embraces a stranger hungry for answers, a sinister truth is awakened.  A hard-hitting reporter, Kate Beaumont unearths the deepest lies and brings harsh truths to light, but the story that lures her to the gentle town of Laurel Ridge, Pennsylvania, is closer to her heart than anyone knows.  The details of her half brother's sudden death have never made sense.  She owes him justice, yet the one man who can help her is the stubborn sheriff she can't stand.  Protecting his town is Mac Whiting's top priority.  Everything else, including pacifying a beautiful crusader on a mission best left resting in peace, is secondary.  But as Kate's search embeds her in his world and attracts a skilled criminal, she needs Mac's protection.  Drawn together by deadly secrets, they must find a way to trust each other before a killer silences them both.  (from Goodreads)

Genre: Mystery

Why I Picked This Book:  I've seen Marta Perry's name around quite a bit lately and have been wanting try her books.  This blurb sounded interesting so I decided to make the leap.

My Impression:   I've seen Marta Perry's name around for awhile and I jumped at the chance to try her.  I'm so glad I did!  To be honest at first I wasn't so sure.  When I first met Kate I really didn't like her.  She's prickly and defensive with a mile high chip on her shoulder.  Her reaction when she first meets Mac was so over the top hostile I just didn't see how I was going to make it an entire book.  But pretty quickly that began to change.   We are able to really get into her head and see her thoughts and motives.  While it took me awhile to really begin to like her I did begin to understand her and sympathize with her which is even better. I really enjoyed Kate and Mac working together.  They definitely have their starting opinions but they're willing to listen and to change their mind.  I did guess how it was going to wrap up about 3/4 in but I was still glued to the book wanting to see how it unraveled.  I knew it was a good sign when about 50% in I went over to Amazon to make sure there were other books in the series because this couldn't be my last visit to Laurel Ridge, PA. While there are some very dark subjects tackled the story never felt overwrought or melodramatic.  Despite my initial and short lived reservations I thoroughly enjoyed this read, felt emotionally connected to the character, and it kept me turning pages.  I'm not sure I could ask for anything more!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Would I Read More of this Series/Author?: Definitely!  I'm excited to spend more time in Laurel Ridge and explore Perry's other books.

Would I Recommend this Book?:  Absolutely!  I think most readers would enjoy this - it's an interesting mystery, well developed characters, and just a touch of romance.  A little something for everyone!


  1. I added this to my GR shelf and saw that it is book #3. From the sound of your review, you had no problem jumping right in and enjoying it. I've seen her name around for a long time and yet never made the decision to pick one up. I'm interested now in trying her books out, so thanks for that!

  2. Ohhh sounds good, I love when I emotionally connect with a character and it's a great sign that you were checking for more in the series! Will keep an eye out for this author.

  3. Glad that the MC got more likable as it went on. That can really take me out of a book! I hadn't heard of the author before but will have to check them out! Great review!

  4. Yay another new to you author to add to your ever going list of authors you now need to read more from. Haha. That's a never ending list.
    I'm glad you ended up loving this after your rocky start. Sounds like everything worked out just right for you.

  5. This is second review of this book that I've come across today. I've been aware of this author for awhile, but have never read any of her novels. Maybe two reviews in one day is a sign that I should :)

  6. I am glad you ended up really liking this one despite your initial reservations. I am not familiar with this author at all. I do like the sound of this one though.

  7. This sounds like a great mystery series. Thank you for sharing.

  8. Sounds like a good mystery and if the beginning of a series it gives the main characters a chance to develop. And if it had you visiting Amazon to check out what might be next is a really good sign.

  9. Ohh great review I never heard of this book and author before, but it does looks and sounds absolutely amazing. Now I am very intrigued too check out this book after reading your review. Thank you for your awesome post.

  10. I have never read this author Katherine, but your review has me wanting this title. The mystery sounds well done!

  11. It's always amazing to me when an author can win me over to a character that's given such a bad first impression.

  12. I've never read this author but this really sounds good. It's good you stuck with it. If I don't connect to a book right away I'll try to read more before I really give up. I need to read more mystery so I'll definitely add this to my TBR. Great review!

  13. I have always enjoyed Marta Perry's books, so I am glad you enjoyed this one. :)

  14. This definitely shouldn't be your last visit to Laurel Ridge! Thanks for being a part of the tour!
