
Friday, June 10, 2016

Friday Linkups: The Language of Bees Take 2

It's Friday linkup time!  I'm linking up with the Book Blogger Hop hosted by Coffee Addicted Writer, Book Beginnings of Fridays hosted by Rose City Reader, and the Friday 56 hosted by Freda's Voice.

This Week's Book Blogger Hop Question:
Are giveaways a part of your blog or only reviews?

My Answer:
I don't do giveaways on my own yet but several of the blog tour companies I work with host them and I include their links on tour days.  I do reviews, a few memes, and a discussion post or two.

This week's book is actually a book I used about 6 months ago but then it got buried under piles of newer shinier books and I never actually started it when I meant to.  So earlier this week I picked The Language of Bees by Laurie R. King back up and have really been enjoying it.  If you're unfamiliar with the series it's a take off of Sherlock Holmes and shows Holmes after his retirement and after the world thinks that he has died.  He has become friends with and married the young, brilliant and eccentric Mary Russell and the series chronicles their adventures together through her eyes.  I'm not a dedicated Holmes follower so I can't exactly say how accurate it is but the Holmes character has a very similar feel to the Holmes I remember from the Doyle stories and these are just entertaining mysteries in their own right.  I'm about halfway done with this now and am really enjoying it.  I have no idea why it took me so long to pick this book up again!

The Beginning (of Book 2)
I met Damian Adler on the same day his father did, in August 1919.

My Thoughts:
Well this is an interesting twist!  It's hard to picture Holmes in a paternal role.

The 56 (well 156!)
I breathed more easily; at least I didn't have the safety of innocents on my hands.

My Thoughts:
It sounds like this person has some serious pressure on them!  I can see why that would be a pretty enormous relief in a dangerous situation.  Holmes and Russell do manage to get themselves into some tricky situations.

What do you think?  Keep reading?  What series have you left lying around unfinished for far too long?


  1. I enjoy this series very much. But then I'm a huge fan of Sherlock Holmes. This week I have The Masque of the Black Tulip by Lauren Willig. Happy reading!

  2. I haven't read any of the Sherlock Holmes books, but I'm definitely curious about this "take." Thanks for sharing...and enjoy. And thanks for visiting my blog.

  3. Giveaways can be a lot of fun! I especially recommend giveaway hops, as you can then visit other blogs and enter their giveaways, as well.

    The one problem with hosting your own giveaways is that you have to shell out your own money for the prize. That's why I don't do them that often. Lol. Some blogs do ask for donations to cover costs for their own giveaways, but I don't feel right about doing this. To me, it's like charging people for "gifts".

    OMG!!!! A Sherlock Holmes novel by a modern writer?! WOW. I NEED to get this book!! I'm a HUGE Sherlock Holmes fan!!! I have never heard of this novel, or its author, but I'm adding this book to my Goodreads shelves right away! Thanks for the heads up!!

    Also, thanks for dropping by and commenting on my own BBH post!! Have a GREAT weekend!! :)

  4. I haven't heard of this series, but it sounds like so much fun. Happy Friday!

  5. I did a few giveaways early in my blog but haven't done one in ages, I was buying more hardcovers then and had stuff to give away.

    This does look like an interesting book!

  6. I haven't heard of this author before, but this book sounds like one I would enjoy.

  7. Hard to tell anything by just the one line but I'm familiar with the Author. Enjoy!

  8. I haven't yet started this series, but I keep meaning to.

    I have done giveaways on my blog before, but I don't do them very often now.

    I hope you have a great weekend, Katherine!

  9. I have heard a lot of good things about this series and I want to try it some day. :)

  10. This is new to me and I love the premise and both teasers are good - definitely keep reading - and yes I've started a series, put it down and forgotten about it - actually there are a couple like that I need to get back to for visiting my Friday meme earlier

  11. I've heard of this book, but never really looked into it. Will do so over the holidays (*made a note with big !!!! on*).

  12. Sherlock Holmes books have never really wowed me. I like them but much prefer the TV series. I like the twist that this one has though so hopefully take 2 will work well for you.

  13. My hubby loves Sherlock Holmes, so this might be more for him. :-)
    Happy weekend!

  14. My giveaways are publisher sponsored. I haven't done one of my own for a long time.

    I hope you are enjoying your weekend.

    Happy Hopping!!

    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog Hop Answer

  15. I love this series by Laurie King and am reading them in order, I have read all but the most recent two.

  16. I haven't hopped over to your blog for a while. Nice to "see" you again. And thanks for visiting mine. I have never read a Laurie King book. It is time.
