
Friday, June 24, 2016

Friday Linkups - Death on the Nile

It's Friday linkup time!  I'm linking up with the Book Blogger Hop hosted by Coffee Addicted Writer, Book Beginnings of Fridays hosted by Rose City Reader, and the Friday 56 hosted by Freda's Voice.

This Week's Book Blogger Hop Question:
What is your preferred method of following blogs?

My Answer:
I follow a lot of blogs and they tend to run to two types - food and books.  Since there's a lot of both and it's important to me that I comment on book blogs while I'm mostly just pinning recipes that look good on food blogs I use two different things to keep them separated.  I use feedly for food and bloglovin for books and it seems to work pretty well.

This week's book is one of my favorite Agatha Christie's - Death on the Nile.  I love the characters and while it's not the most clever of plots I love all the intricacies.  This is also a good intro book for readers just meeting Poirot.  The little Belgium can be a bit on the insufferable times at time and there's so much going on here there isn't time to get too wrapped up in his speeches and little grey cells but he's still enough of himself that you do get a sense of his methods and personality.

The Beginning:
"Linnet Ridgeway!"
"That's her!" said Mr. Burnaby, the landlord of the Three Crowns

My Thoughts:
Not the most captivating of beginnings but it does instantly bestow celebrity status on Linnet without knowing anything about her.

The 56:
"No, to you this persecution is intolerable - and why? It can be for one reason only - that you feel a sense of guilt."

My Thoughts:
This is a little misleading because Poirot isn't talking about the murder but rather something more personal but I love how he calls people on their nonsense!  I think he'd be a bit unnerving to have around at times.

So what do you think?  Keep reading?


  1. I used to read a lot of Agatha Christie years ago, but now, not so much. They are classics, though. I follow lots of blogs in different genres that include relationships, food, decorating, trivia, freebies and contests. Ironically, because of my love of books, those are the bloggers I follow probably more than any other. Authors and bloggers also make up the bulk of my friends on Twitter and Facebook. I love the interaction on blogs because you can find out a lot of useful info, find common bonds and have a bunch of fun! Happy Friday...RO

  2. You know I've never actually read any Agatha Christie. I'm a little disappointed in myself. I feel like it would have been natural to move from my Nancy Drew books to Christie's books. I do love a good mystery. Do you have any suggestions on where to start with her?

  3. I primarily use bloglovin to follow any blogs. But I am a huge Youtube watcher, so I have all my subscriptions on Youtube and I love that.

  4. I really must read some Agatha Christie! The cover on this one is gorgeous, and I'm "teased" by the excerpts. Thanks for sharing...and for visiting my blog.

  5. I have read a few Agatha Christie books over the years. I don't remember reading this one and will have to give it a try. My book this week is Seconds to Live by Melinda Leigh - a romantic suspense title. Happy reading!

  6. I really need to read Christie, so I might put this one on my list.

  7. I might find myself falling in love with Christie also, if I would only give her a chance. I've read two only, the popular And Then There Were None (and saw the movie) and Murder on the Orient Express. But that was so very long ago.

    I don't know why I hesitate to pick her titles up. I guess I'm more of a fan of contemporary reads, but that's no excuse when it comes to classic talent :)

  8. After watching the "Poirot" series on public television, I always envision David Suchet in that role. He could definitely be irritating, especially when he pointed out flaws in people and in arguments. A memorable character.
    Thank you for stopping by my blog.
    Sandy @ TEXAS TWANG

  9. I still have my copy of this book! It's battered from many rereads and I love it!

    My Friday 56 from Ink and Bone

  10. Poirot can definitely be insufferable! :D But he's memorable.

    I use bloglovin for most blogs but there a few I follow by email.

  11. Hey, if it's Dame A, I am there. I like getting email notifications of new posts on blogs. The only trouble I've noted sometimes is that in the subject line there's nothing indicating the topic of the post...which doesn't give a lot of time to decide if the post will get read or not. :/

    Here's my Book Blogger Hop!

  12. I haven't read this one yet, but I really need to.

  13. I use bloglovin too and it seems to work pretty well. I've thought of email following but I'm pretty sure I'd get deluged by emails, so I don't do that. :) If I ever get around to reading Christie this may be the one I go with. The Egypt setting and the idea of a river cruise, and murder lol sounds fun. I was going to try And Then There Were None but then I watched the recent TV version and I know the end, so I'm less enthused now. But Death on the Nile I've never actually seen the movie.

  14. I recently started using Inoreader to follow blogs, switching over from The Old Reader, which I've used sense Google Reader went away. Both are very similar and work for what I need them to.

    I love the teasers you shared. :-) Summer seems a good time to read Agatha Christie.

    Have a great weekend!

  15. Beloved Agatha Christie. Her mysteries are hard to top.

  16. I've never read this book but love the movie. I'll have to read it! Enjoy!

  17. I have a character that doesn't feel apprehensive about calling people out, but like you, I'd agree, it would be unnerving at times. Happy weekend!

  18. It's been so long since I read Christie. I really need to refresh my memorie.

  19. I love Agatha Christie books so yes keep reading! I have Death in Mesopotamia in audio to listen to in my car in the coming weeks. Thanks for visiting my Friday meme earlier

  20. I just finished my first Agatha Christie novel this week. Woot! Now I am casting about trying to decide which one to read next. Which is your favorite?

  21. I like Bloglovin for following. I looked into Feedly but I don't feel like transferring over all the blog I follow at this point.

  22. I use Feedly but I never got the hang of Bloglovin' and I think it's because I a,ways forget my password and get frustrated. So I like Feedly but I use a sidebar on both my food and book blogs, there is a list of blogs I love. I just click on the links.

  23. I loved this one! Happy weekend!

  24. I use Bloglovin' myself to follow other blogs, as well as to keep updated on the blogs I follow. I've never heard of Feedly, but I'm definitely going to look into it. Thanks for mentioning it!

    Ooooh, I see you're a BIG Agatha Christie fan! I really have to get started reading her books....I've been telling myself so for years now, lo. But NO ONE will ever take the place of my beloved Sherlock Holmes! :)

    Thanks for dropping by and commenting on my BBH post! Hope you're enjoying your weekend so far!! :)

  25. Great idea for organizing and following your blogs.

    Is Feedly free? I need to check it out.

    I hope you are having awesome weather like we are.

    Happy Hopping!!

    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog Hop Answer

  26. I read all of Dame Agatha's books when I lived in Prague for a year in the 70s - they were the only books in English I could access! I don't have a favorite, but maybe that's a good thing?

  27. I totally agree..I love the way he does that. I like the way you use both Feedly and Bloglovin.

  28. This is so good! Thanks for visiting my blog earlier!

  29. That is a great idea to use two different format to follow different blogs! Thank you for stopping by my Blog Hop.

  30. Oh interesting way to do your blogs. I have all of mine in Feedly but I use the categories so they're sorted into book blogs and then other type of blogs.
