
Wednesday, May 4, 2016

What I've Been Listening To - The Selection and David Sedaris

The Selection by Kiera Cass - This series first came on my radar a few years ago when Eleanor was gobbling them up.  She described them as "The Bachelor with bombings" and I couldn't resist that description.  Though of course it took me a few years to actually get to the first book!  The description is pretty accurate.  The crown prince has reached marrying age and The Selection process has started which means one young lady from each region of the country goes to stay at the palace for an experience that's very reminiscent of The Bachelor but with warring factions that do periodically attack.   I really wish I had listened to this right after listening to Cinder.  It was really hard to not compare them (especially since I don't read much YA usually) and in most cases The Selection came up a little short which wasn't exactly fair to the book.  The story is interesting and I was intrigued by the caste systems and the world the characters inhabited.  I really wish America would get out of her own head some as a lot of the book was her twisting her hands and trying to figure out what she should do about different things.  That being said I did end up enjoying it and it was a pretty fast listen.  The narrator is solid though not amazing.  While I didn't immediately track down the next book in the series I am planning on listening/reading it to see what happens next.  Rating: Good

Let's Explore Diabetes with Owls by David Sedaris - At the best of times Sedaris is hit or miss for me. When I first heard of him back 15 years or so ago I loved one book and then DNF'd the next one.  Then I forgot about him until last year when I got When You Are Engulfed in Flames on audio and ended up really enjoying the majority of it.  When I got this I was looking for a light funny read and that's basically what I got but I think I would have enjoyed just listening to my usual podcasts more.  There were a few funny moments but for the most part Sedaris comes off as self-consciously reveling in his uselessness.  It also read like he was on the outs with his Dad while writing this book as he seems to be the focus of a lot of family stories and not in  a good way.  Some of this seems at odds with the way his dad is represented in other books so it made me wonder what is going on behind the scenes.  There were a few stories that were entertaining but for the most part I didn't find anything particularly memorable and found very few moments that were laugh out loud funny.  It will probably be awhile before I pick up another Sedaris book.  Rating: It's Okay

What's Coming Up:

The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society by Mary Anne Shaffer and Annie Barrows - I've been meaning to read this one for awhile and decided this is the time.  I'm a little concerned about how it's going to work in audio since it does seem to be a lot of letters but I have high hopes!

Live and Let Die by Ian Fleming - This is the 2nd James Bond book.  I really enjoyed the first one and am excited to read this one though the premise sounds a bit on the hokey side.  I'm also hoping to watch the movie after I read it as it's one of the ones I've never seen.

What's on your audiobook list?


  1. I LOVE The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society. It's amazing!!!!!!!

  2. Interesting about The Selection. I know that series is so popular.

  3. I have never read any of the Bond books although I've seen most of the movies, and I have a soft spot for some of the older ones. I bet that will be an interesting read. :)

  4. I have heard about the The Selection a lot over the years, but I notice it making the rounds recently... One day I will read it!

  5. I need to get to the James Bond books! I loved the movies up till the newest bond, but not a fan of him. I am sure the books are great. :)

  6. Interesting mix here. I was curious about the Selection as completely new to me.

  7. The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society was on Radio 4 a few years ago and sounded fab. Hope you enjoy it.

  8. Sedaris has never really appealed to me, to be honest. But I am still debating reading The Selection. And The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society has been on my radar for years now; I really should just borrow it from the library and read it!

  9. I read the Selection and enjoyed it and then...I missed book two and you know how it is..huge tbr pile etc. I should pick up book two. The covers are gorgeous.

  10. I read Me Talk Pretty One Day a long time ago and remember liking it, but don't think I've read any of his other books. The Selection was never really on my radar (I'm not a Bachelor fan), but I'm kind of getting more interested since saw the trailer for the last book.

  11. I have been entertaining the thought of reading the Shaffer/Barrows book. I will want to know what you think of the audio because maybe I will get to it sooner as an audiobook. :)

  12. I read The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society and liked it very much. I have not listened to audio books since we drove our son to school. It was a 45 minute ride so we listed to Earogon and The Hobbit and so many books, Lots of Redwall!

  13. I love the Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Society! I like to listen to audio books in the car, makes the trip go by faster:)
