
Sunday, May 22, 2016

This Week in Reading - May 22

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

A Cornish Affair by Liz Fenwick - I was so excited when this book arrived!  There's a crumbling house on the cliffs of Cornwall and a main character who is trying to figure out what really makes her happy.  Oh AND there's a library!  How could I pass this one up! (Paperbackswap)

Death of a Crabby Cook by Penny Pike - This is a cozy mystery that involves a food truck which makes me pretty happy. I love foodie mysteries!  (Paperbackswap)

Only 2 books this week and none from NetGalley!  I've been wanting the Liz Fenwick for ages so I'm super excited to have finally gotten a copy.


Reading: Scarlet by Marissa Meyers, It Happened One Autumn by Lisa Kleypas, and Deep Dark by Laura Griffin

Listen: Live and Let Die by Ian Fleming - 2nd James Bond book

Watching: J and I are still watching and enjoying Black List and I'm still getting through Supernatural very slowly (still in season 3).  I've discovered I'm not great at binge watching tv shows.  I don't really sit down and just watch episode after episode (I'm not opposed I just can't seem to make it happen) but I'll have it streaming while I'm cooking dinner or something.  After a week or 2 of watching the same show I end up switching to something else.  Then I watch something else for awhile and then switch back to the original show.

Off the Blog:

This has been a big week for us.  Eleanor turned 21, Paul finished school, and the Tornado had his kindergarten graduation ceremony.  The ceremony was so cute and they did this slide show of all the kids starting with baby pictures and then pictures throughout each kid's time at the school.  I didn't cry but it was super close.  Next year he'll be going to a much bigger school that's K - 5.  It's a great school and I know a number of the teachers but still I"m not sure I'm ready!  Paul's graduation is later this week and while it's not quite as emotional it will still be a little bit of a challenge.  They always have the members of the graduating class who have enlisted in the military stand up during the ceremony.  Last year I got a little teary because I knew several of the kids but this year will be even more emotional.

I think this next week we're going to be taking it easy.  I desperately need to get caught up on blog stuff and sleep!  I'm also hoping to get back in a reading groove.  I'm not exactly in a rut but nothing really feels like it's connecting right now.  This happened last year about this time so I'm thinking it has to do with all the crazy stuff that happens right around the end of the year and just being super busy.  I think I"m going to mood read a little to see if that will get me out of this.  I hate when I just can't get into a story and I know the problem is on my end!  I'm also waiting to get Me Before You back.  I was about half way done with it before I had to take it back to the library because someone else had a hold on it.  I'll get it back in a few days but I can't wait to get my hands on it and finish it!

On the Blog:

What Happened:

What's Coming Up:

Monday: The Madness of Mercury - Blog Tour Review
Tuesday: 10 Books I Feel Differently About After Time Has Passed
Wednesday: TBD but maybe a review of Deep Dark depending on how the week goes
Thursday: Beyond the Books: The Best Part of My Day
Friday: Friday Linkups with Current Books
Saturday: 52 Pins in 52 Weeks - May Edition

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. Ooh, I love books (and movies) set in Cornwall, so A Cornish Affair looks like my cup of tea. Deep Dark is another book I've been eyeing.

    Cute photo! Congrats on the big events in your family. Enjoy your week!

  2. Congrats on your big week- that's exciting! Proud moments. :) Ooh you're listening to a Bond on audio? How is that going? Believe it or not I've never read a Bond book, although I loved the movies.

    Hope your week is awesome (and relaxing!)

  3. Oh Katherine, lots of milestones for you and your family! I hope you do get to take it easy this week. I had a busy reading week last week so will cut back this week to catch up on my reviewing!

  4. Wow that is a busy week!! Such a cute picture form the graduation :) I hope you are enjoying Scarlett. Have a great week!

  5. The graduation picture is great. He looks really happy. There is nothing worse than having to return a book to the library before you're ready. Hope you get it back soon and get back I the reading groove. Have a good week!

  6. Sounds like a busy household! That pic of your little one graduating Kindergarten is so cute. :) Those two books you got sound really good. :)

    Week in Review

  7. I can imagine that listening to a James Bond novel is great fun - though I do find the early films a bit jarring as the attitude to women is dreadful, and it's a long, long time since I read the books as a teenager. How are they sounding? I'm interested to see you're in the process of reading Scarlet - I've read Cinders and keep promising myself to read the next book in the series. This is my Sunday Post:

  8. I love the graduation photo! So adorable. I have been meaning to get to the Fenwick books for ages. Anything set in Cornwall has a great appeal to me.

  9. Congrats on the graduations and Happy Birthday to Eleanor! It sounds like a very busy week.
    I was also getting a bit of a burnout during the last few weeks and am doing what you are with the mood reading. I think it will be something I do for the rest of the year.

    I hope you have an amazing week, Katherine! Happy Reading! *hugs*

  10. Wow, so many exciting milestones at your house this month!! The graduation picture is so cute. I LOVE the cover of A Cornish Affair and your description makes me want to pick it up even more.

  11. You do have a lot going on in your life right now - so much fun stuff!

  12. Congrats on the big week! I love seeing Kindergarten graduation, I still have photos from mine years and years ago, haha. I love your currently reading books! Hope you're enjoying those, and that you get Me Before You back soon!

  13. It is a busy time for you and a bittersweet time in a way too, boys moving on! Would hate to have had a gap in the reading of Me Before You, hope it helps get your reading mojo back but as you say most likely life at the moment really.

  14. Sounds like a busy week full of happy memories! Take it easy this week! :)
    Happy Reading! <a href="”>Dani @ Paulette’s Papers</a>

  15. Proud Mama moments this week! Our little man graduated preK this week and like you I didn't cry but it was very close. He was so excited and proud of himself. Hope you all have a fantastic week :)
    My Sunday Post

  16. Congratulations with all of the wonderful events your family is having! Sounds like you all are having a great time. Hope you have another great week!

  17. Congrats to all on the great week! I love a Cornwall setting so I hope you enjoy A Cornish Affair.

  18. Congratulations to all on their special days. Sounds like you'll need this week to recuperate:) It seems we are all binging on tv shows and Neflix. Must be the new addiction. LOL

    My Sunday Post

  19. The photo of The Tornado is the sweetest thing on earth! Thank you for sharing it. Congratulations to Paul, too. He is a courageous boy. I left a novel sized comment in your review discussion post earlier. I would like to apologize. Ha ha. I am happy 52 Pins is coming up next week! The TTT prompot for next week is an interesting one, so I am looking forward to that, too. Have a wonderful week. :)

  20. Love hearing about the kids' milestones. My gosh. I love how preschools go all out for the graduates. We were lucky to have a school that had a full on program and I even got to be a guest speaker. Gonna check out that Cornwall book.

  21. I love the graduation photo! Your son's school went all out. :-)
