
Friday, May 6, 2016

Friday Linkups: The Crossing Places

It's Friday linkup time!  I'm linking up with the Book Blogger Hop hosted by Coffee Addicted Writer, Book Beginnings of Fridays hosted by Rose City Reader, and the Friday 56 hosted by Freda's Voice.

This Week's Book Blogger Hop Question:
Why did you start your blog?

My Answer:
I'm not sure if I had a real thought out motive before starting my blog.  It was a bit more casual.  I had been reviewing books on and off on Paperbackswap, Goodreads, and Amazon but I wanted something a little more personal and that I could talk about other things.  I had a friend who has a blog as well and that kind of brought the idea into my head as well.

This week's book is The Crossing Places by Elly Griffiths.  This series has been on my TBR for awhile because it features an archaeologist and I love anything involving digging up old stuff.  When I found out that this one of Rita from View From My Home's favorite series I knew that I absolutely had to read it.  I was really excited to pick up a copy from the library earlier this week.  So far I'm really enjoying it!

The Beginning:
They wait for tide and set out at first light
Chapter 1:
Waking is like rising from the dead.

My Thoughts:
I definitely agree with her thoughts from chapter 1.  I'm not a morning person and that's what it feels like to me!  I'm not a setting out at first light kind of person.

The 56:
"Right," says Nelson.  Then he adds, "Thank you." It sounds as if he hasn't had much practice in saying it.

My Thoughts:
Oh I know people just like Nelson!  They're so used to doing things they're own way that the whole idea of saying thank you is foreign.

So what do you think?  Keep reading?


  1. I think blogging is great! It gives us a place to let out our thoughts and share them with people who love this as much as I do.. It also gives us a chance to connect with authors and help spread the word on their novels!

  2. I like the sound of this book. Before wanting to be a teacher, I wanted to be an archaeologist. In hindsight, I'm glad I chose the career I did. I began blogging as a class assignment and gradually shifted to book blogging as I needed a purpose for the blog once the class was over. I'm spotlighting Heart of Brass by Kate Cross from my TBR mountain this week. Happy reading!

  3. sounds like an intriguing read - and that Nelson needs to learn gratitude :)

    Happy blogging and reading!

  4. Looks like an interesting book, and it's been awhile since I read a good mystery. (I also know folks who are not that good at saying thank you!)
    Thanks for visiting my blog today!

  5. I put this one on my wishlist when I seen it on your blog for your Sunday Post. Sounds really good so glad you are enjoying it. :)

    Friday Meme

  6. I loved this book! I'm now eager to get my hands on more books in the series. I hope you love Ruth Galloway....thanks for sharing...and for visiting my blog.

  7. This one seems like an interesting book.

  8. This is a new series for me - I'll have to check it out. Yes, "setting out at first light" is something I avoid like the plague. Actually, I usually try to sleep right through "first light"! Happy reading this week!

  9. I am a morning person--BUT I am not a talking in the morning person. LOL I get up really early, I just wake up, but I want alone time. I don't want to talk until I've had coffee and about an hour of reading time. I love series books--hope it continues to be a good one.

  10. This is a series on my list that I will try one of these days. Hope you enjoy it!

  11. I also like books about archeological digs so this looks right up my alley. Enjoy!

  12. Yeah I think I'd keep reading, I like the sound of it and the stormy nature of the cover is kinda cool too. :) And I'm not a morning person either- ugh.

    I like that first line from the prologue, seems to set the story right up.

  13. I know so many people who act like if they say the words, Thank You, it could kill them. Same with the word Sorry. I'd love for you to visit me...

  14. I think my story is about the same. I put my reviews other places, but wanted to have my very own place to talk about books. :)

    Thanks for sharing your answer.

    ENJOY your weekend, and Happy Hopping!!

    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog Hop Answer

  15. My vote is to continue reading. Those snippets were so beautiful and sounds like a nice read.

  16. I think your reasons for starting your blog were very good ones! The whole purpose of a blog -- of any type -- is to express its creator's thoughts and opinions on those things that are important to him or her, and share these with the world, as well as other, like-minded people. Of course, we book bloggers consider books to be some of the most important -- if not THE most important -- things in the world! So it's great to share our passion, especially with those who understand, and feel as we do.

    The book you've selected for "Book Beginnings" and "The Friday 56" does sound very interesting! I like archaeology myself. This one also includes psychic powers in the plot. This is a fascinating mix! Even though this is not my usual type of read, I think I might give this one a try! And I also think you should keep reading it!

    Thanks for sharing, as well as for commenting on my own BBH post earlier!! Hope you have a lovely weekend!! :)

  17. I'd sure keep reading it. I like character driven stories and I think I'd like this one.

    My Friday 56 from Assassin's Heart

  18. I feel like that every morning, too . . that opening line would be enough to keep me reading.

  19. This looks like a good book. I'll have to add it to my huge list.

  20. This is the first time I've seen this book and author - I agree with Chapter 1 - I don't like to wake up for visiting my Friday meme earlier

  21. Rita's favorite series and there is an archaeologist..ooh off to add this one!

  22. I'd definitely continue - but them I'm biased as I've already read it and reckon it's a thumping good read:). I hope you enjoy the rest of the book.

  23. I'm not a morning person either! I completely understand, I feel dead until I have my coffee, then I'm only half-dead. After the second cup it's all good, lol. I didn't really have a goal or plan in mind when I started my blog either. Thanks for visiting my blog! Happy reading!

  24. I remember when you first started your blog. It was through your friend that I found you. :-)

    I love the opening of your current read. I consider myself a reluctant morning person. I actually manage it better than I once did, but for me, the rule is that if I have to wake up to an alarm early--I'm not so happy. If I wake up early on my own--then I'm okay.

  25. I'm curious to read more. Happy Sunday!

  26. I totally know people like Nelson, too....Sounds promising! :)

    Check out my Friday 56 (With Book Beginnings).
