
Thursday, May 26, 2016

Beyond the Books: Best Part of My Day

This week I'm linking up with KissinBlueKaren for Beyond the Books.  This is a meme where we all answer a non-bookish question.  It's always so fun to see everyone's answers and get a peak at the blogger beyond the books.  This week's topic is - Best Part of My Day

This is hard!  There are lots of times that feel like the best part of the day.

I love when the Tornado climbs in bed first thing in the morning to cuddle.  He doesn't do it much anymore I do try to really enjoy it when it happens.

I love when I'm working on a project and have an audio book on and no one is bothering me.

I love when the Tornado is home from school and we play a game or watch something together.

I love dinner time when we're eating together and talking and go off on tangents about obscure topics.

But if I'm being completely honest my favorite time of the day is after bedtime is done and stories are read, dinner has been eaten and cleaned up, and there is nothing else I'm going to do for the day.  J and I will take some time to sit together.  We have all these plans to do a puzzle or play a game or something but most of the time we're tired and end up watching TV or a movie.  Right now we're watching Blacklist and after that maybe Hannibal?  We're still in discussions.  Our TV watching doesn't typically intersect but lately we've been making an effort to find something to watch together and I think we've both been enjoying it.

What is your favorite time of the day?


  1. I love The Blacklist. I think my favorite time of day is just before I go to sleep. I'll spend some quiet time reading for a little bit.

  2. My favorite part of the day is early morning after I come back from my run. Great post:)

  3. I agree that once the day is done and me and my husband get the 20 to 30 minutes to just hang out together is really nice. Also on the weekends I love morning time with the whole family eating breakfast together.

  4. I love early morning when I'm the only one up and I can enjoy my coffee and maybe a book.

  5. I think my favourite time of the day is when I saw 'Bedtime' and the dog drops whatever he is doing and races to the bed. lol Like, toys are dropped, bones go crashing to the floor... He enjoys his cuddles. :)

  6. I am an extremely early riser (5 usually, but sometimes I wake up at 4:30---I've never used an alarm) and I love to have coffee and sit and read or write letters to friends. Early morning or late in the evenings seem to be a common thread--when life if a bit slower than normal, huh?

  7. Reading right before bed is my favorite time.

  8. I love the evenings, too, but I also love the quiet of the morning, when I have the first cup of coffee and get on the computer to connect.

    Thanks for sharing!

  9. Since Sebastian has been in college I usually can only manage an eat together dinner once a week on Sunday because I insist on it. The rest of the time if he is home for dinner he takes it in his room and eats while he is on tne computer, but at least I managed to keep a regular thing through high school. I still miss the cuddling in bed from when he was little. It seems such a long wait for granchildren!

  10. Since Sebastian has been in college I usually can only manage an eat together dinner once a week on Sunday because I insist on it. The rest of the time if he is home for dinner he takes it in his room and eats while he is on tne computer, but at least I managed to keep a regular thing through high school. I still miss the cuddling in bed from when he was little. It seems such a long wait for granchildren!

  11. "and no one is bothering me" :)

    Elle has been with me in the afternoons this week and I've really enjoyed the time with her. Yesterday I taught her how to play Trouble and we had such fun. Sometimes a little one on one is nice (so hard with three kids!).

    But like you--I love when the girls are in bed, I've finished my prep for the next day, and I can just collapse on the couch and recharge. Normally we'll watch a show together, but hub is currently watching Chuck (rewatch) so I just kind of do this or that.

  12. These all sound like wonderful moments and that is how it should be.

  13. I would have a hard time picking just one moment too. So many come to mind. I enjoyed reading yours. Definitely those cuddle moments with my daughter would be among the top. And quiet time to read. :-)

  14. Aw those all sound like wonderful little bits to the day. For me I love my reading time and I so love when BabyG will snuggle-nap with me. One of her favorites used to be laying on my back with her little face over my shoulder. She doesn't do that too often anymore so I savor it when she does too. She does like to run up and throw herself down on my with a big sigh like being a kitteh is just so very exhausting. lol Best moments :D

  15. Getting to that point in the day when you can just relax and enjoy each other is great! I love that you're "in discussions" about what to watch!
