
Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Bookish Delights

This week's Top Ten Tuesday topic from The Broke and the Bookish is Top Ten Bookworm Delights.  Here are ten bookish things that make me super happy!

1.  My bookmark - When Emma was in kindergarten she gave me this bookmark for Christmas.  Since she's now finishing up her first year of college it's been around awhile and has had to have a repair or two but I still love it!

2.  My ragtag collection of Agatha Christies - I think I was in college when I decided that I simply had to have all of Agatha Christie's mysteries.  All 85 of them.  Back then my budget was very slim but there was a great used bookstore right off campus and I used to take my list and hunt through the stacks for ones I didn't have.  Because of this my collection is all over the place.  I have books from the 60s and 70s all the way up to more recent printings.  I actually preferred the older books because the pricing at the bookstore was 50% off the cover so if they had a newer book for $5.99 or an older copy for $.95 I always went for the cheaper copy.  I had such a good time looking for them and collecting them that I wouldn't trade them for a matching set in perfect condition!

3.  Autographed ARCs - I love getting review copies but I especially the love the handful of autographed review copies I've gotten over the years.  There's something that just thrills me about getting not only a review copy but an autographed one and it brings the fan girl in me out a little.

4.  My book list notebook - This notebook was actually inspired by Top Ten Tuesday topics.  There's always Top Ten Books I Want to Read or Top Ten Books on my Spring TBR or what not and while I love writing lists of books I want to read I'm not so great at actually keeping up with them.  When I saw this notebook on clearance at Target I couldn't resist it and have had such a good time putting all my lists in the book and then crossing out the books when I read them.  It makes my to do list obsessed soul very happy.

5.  A book that pulls me into it's world - I love that feeling of picking up a book and then looking up and it's 2 hours later and I feel like I've been in a completely different world.  It doesn't happen as much as it used too (more because I have more distractions then a fault of the books) but it's just the best feeling!

6. Sharing books with my kids - One of the best things about being a reader has been watching my kids become readers as well.  Right now both the girls are big readers and the Tornado is starting to read on his own and is really enjoying the chapter books we've started reading at bedtime.

7.  Getting the newest book from a favorite author - I love when I see that one of my favorite authors has a new book coming out.  Even though I usually don't get to it right away I love seeing what other people think of it and the anticipation is always so fun!

8.  Reading a book by an unfamiliar author loving it and finding they have s huge backlist - There's so many bookish possibilities!  I just want to hide and read them all!

9.  Bookish podcasts - I'm fairly new to podcasts but I'm loving all the bookish ones I've found!  Some of my favorites are Super Serials which is a bookclub about mostly 90s serials (Babysitter's Club, Animorphs, Sweet Valley) but they tackle a pretty wide range, All the Books from Book Riot, What Should I Read Next?, Overdue, Read it and Weep (which is about movies and TV shows too), and Get Booked.

10. Stacks of books - the bulk of my reading is done on my Kindle these days but I love seeing stacks and stacks of books!  There's something so satisfying about looking through all the books on the bookcases and pulling out ones that interest me or rearranging them.

What are some bookish things you love?


  1. I love finding a new to me author and then they already have a huge backlist. So much fun! ALso new books from my favorites are something I am always looking forward to. I am hoping my kids becomes readers!! Great list!

  2. The one negative of reading mostly on my kindle these days is that I don't get to use my favorite bookmarks. Great post!

  3. I love that you love sharing books with your kids. I can't wait to have kids to share my love of books with them.

    Megan @ reading away the days

  4. Great list, Katherine! Now I think I left some important ones off mine... like autographed books of any sort. I love your bookmark from Emma, and the idea of a book list notebook.

    And I'm with you on the Agatha Christies; I collected most of them over the years, too. (Sadly, I've had to let go of some because the print is too small and crammed together for comfort -- especially in some of the hardcover multibook volumes. But I'm replacing with ebooks as I can, because they're scalable. And I've hung on to all the ones I can still read comfortably.)

  5. Yes! I love when I recommend books to kids (I'm a librarian) and they come back having loved the book. It's the best feeling.

  6. stacks of books make my heart smile :) My TTT

  7. You hit the nail on the head with a lot of these.
    I too especially love getting ARC's of my most anticipated books. And than even better when I get to met the author and get it signed. There is something super fangirly about it.
    There's definitely always lists and lists of different bookish randomness. I may use my phone, but yes, book lists galore there.

  8. Such a great list. Totally agree with #2, I used to collect certain fantasy/SF books and finding a used bookstore, or spending an hour or two in one finding something I needed, was like the best thing ever. still one of my favorite things to do ha ha. There's something about finding older editions of books with awesome covers.

    And new books from favorite authors- so true as well. I have a few new favorites since I started blogging and when I see a new one coming, the anticipation is great. :)

  9. Oo I don't think I've gotten a signed ARC. I've taken a few to author events though to get them signed :D

    Hmm any idea if it's okay to do the Top Ten on FB? I've been thinking of joining in but the actual blog is usually booked on Tuesdays.

  10. Love your list:). I completely agree with the one about finding a new author I love with a looong backlist. I envy you having children who are avid readers. While I used to read regularly to them from the time they were babies, they haven't turned into readers as adults. These days, I love reading to the grandchildren, who still love being read to... I think you're born being a book addict, rather than made!

  11. Yes, there is something delightful about stacks of books. Sometimes I'll take a few down from my shelves for a TTT post and will just leave it down for a week because it's just so lovely. I love that you have a special bookmark that you've treasured for years. Great list!

  12. Love your special bookmark. And those podcasts...there are so many great ones out there. I listen to my favorites as I go to sleep. I highly recommend Books on the Nightstand if you haven't already tried it.

  13. What a fantastic list! I love the Agatha Christie novels! This is how my small classics collections looks. :)

  14. Great list! I love searching for the right book. I can understand why you treasure your Christie collection. Sharing books with your kids is wonderful and I am in awe of your bookmark.

    Carole @ Carole's Random Life

  15. Love your Agatha Christie collection!! I had a few and when my aunt moved to Nelspruit, I "inherited" all her books. Know there are a couple of Christie's there as well. You gave me an idea to make a list of all the Christie's I now own. (I'm also into lists!). Lovely post.

  16. I love your list! I also have a notebook where I record books and music I like, plan to purchase and so on. The Agatha Christie collection is priceless. I have an old series that is tag tag but wouldn't give it up for anything.

  17. So much yes to all of this. I have two bookmarks Sebastian made for me when he was in elementary school. I want to collect all of the Discworld books in paperback. I prefer hardcover, but there is something about those books that scream PB. I want to see how many I can get from library sales and used book stores, and have a ragtag collection like your Agatha Christie books. :)

  18. All kinds of bookish things make me happy. Most of all my stacks of books! I love your bookmark and the history behind it. You introduced me to Super Serials and I love it. I have been meaning to check out the Book Riot podcasts, I must do that (I love their Facebook page, there is always excellent articles on it.).

  19. This is a great list and awe I love the bookmark story best of all!

  20. I can't believe you still have the bookmark! I tend to lose mine. I love your list.

  21. Aww lovely list! I don't have kids, but I do love sharing a book I love with my family and friends! And podcasts! I do love get booked. The bookmark is so cute!

  22. I love that you still have that bookmark!
