
Sunday, April 3, 2016

This Week in Reading - April 3rd

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

Widow's Tears by Susan Wittig Albert - I haven't read any books from this series in ages but I used to really enjoy it and the blurb from this one really caught my attention.  There's a haunted house that someone wants to turn into a bed and breakfast and lots of old secrets.  (Paperbackswap)

Clouds in My Coffee by Julie Mulhern - I'm so excited!  I absolutely loved the 2nd book in this cozy mystery series set in the 1970s and I can't wait for the 3rd.  I can't wait to start this one.  (NetGalley)

And that's it!  Wasn't I well behaved!  We're going to ignore all the books that Amazon says I simply must buy and pre-orders don't count until you actually get the book right?


Reading: Reunion Pass by Emily March though I will be finishing it on Sunday and An Unhappy Medium by Dawn Eastman

Listening: I should be getting Cinder back any day now but for now I'm catching up on Podcasts.  I've been listening to The History Chicks, What Should I Read Next?, All the Books!, and Get Booked.

Watching: I just started season 2 of Supernatural and I must admit I'm pretty hooked.  I'm a little worried about the possibility of heading towards too much character development and I really like the individual cases but we'll see.  Other than I've started rewatching Castle.  I forgot how much I enjoyed that show in the beginning.  I kind of stopped watching it in the last few years.

Off the Blog:

It's been quite a week for us!  I registered the Tornado for 1st grade which means going to a bigger school and bigger class sizes and longer days.  I'm confident he's ready academically and I feel pretty good about him socially but at the same time he just seems so little!  That may be more ME not being so ready than anything to do with him.

Paul got his wisdom teeth out this week.  His dentist wanted it done before the Marines get ahold of him in a few months and we figured now was the time.  He did well though he's in the sore and puffy stages of it now and I'm pretty sure has started dreaming about cheeseburgers.  I have a feeling he's going to violently dislike mashed potatoes and pudding for quiet awhile.

Emma finally settled on an apartment in the town her college is in and now we get to start the process of figuring out what we want to move versus what we want to buy there.  It's a studio so there's not room for much.

We had a bit of weather Thursday night and were under a tornado warning most of the evening.  Our area was pretty safe but Eleanor's apartment looked like it was right in the line of the storm.  This was our first real experience with having her nearby in an area we're familiar with but not actually here.  When she was attending the previous school she was kind of out of the line of storms and we were too far away to do anything other than fret.  Now that's she transferred to the college here we know exactly where she is but than there's a whole extra layer of fretting plus we tend to have more warnings and the like.

Other than that the Tornado and I discovered the CD for the Frozen soundtrack that we had forgotten about it and we've been listening to it in the car a lot.  He fusses at me every time I try to sing though which isn't very nice.  I mean I'm not going pro or anything but my voice isn't that bad.  Plus, I can do a mean rendition of First Time in Forever and Do You Want to Build a Snowman.

I'm sure everyone has heard about the cutting down and ending of popular cozy mystery series.  Here's a great post on Escape with DollyCas that can explain what's going on way better than I can.  As a huge cozy fan I'm very worried about what's happening and have been so heartbroken to see which titles are ending up on the Not Renewed List.  One thing that keeps getting mentioned as a way to help is to pre-order some of favorite books.  I'm all about a solution when it involves buying more books!  My pre-order list over at Amazon has definitely increased!

On the Blog:

What Happened:

What's Coming Up:

Monday: A Daughter's Doubt - Blog Tour Cozy Mystery Review + Giveaway
Tuesday:  Reunion Pass - Contemporary Romance Review
Wednesday: Short Reviews for a few of the books I've been reading
Thursday: An Unhappy Medium - Blog Tour Paranormal Cozy Mystery Review
Friday: Linkups with Current Book
Saturday: The Sharper Your Knife the Less You Cry - Review + Recipe

Have a great week everyone!  Happy reading!


  1. 1st grade, a bigger school, the tooth fairy an apartment ! that's exciting news :)
    I always worry about my kids not being socially ready either but that is what we moms do well. Worrying :)
    what is it with the fussing when you sign huh?? Why aren't kids our biggest fan?? especially when all we do is worrying about them SMH! LOL
    Hope you enjoy all those pre-orders when you get them :)

    1. Right! I'm not that bad of a singer - especially with music to cover the flaws :). I'm so not ready for 1st grade!

  2. Yay for clouds in my Coffee. I'm seriously looking forward to that one too. And yes preorders don't count until they arrive... it's better that way lol. Sorry to hear about the rough weather- that's hard when loved ones are in the way of the storm. That's the only bad thing about spring- the tornados and all that. :(

    I had not heard of the cozy thing- I'll go over and read that post.

    1. I'm excited about Clouds though I need to go back and read the 1st one! I'm glad we are in agreement that pre-orders don't count! Though since a bunch are coming in the next couple of days I won't be able to deny them anymore!

  3. I really liked Reunion Pass, every book in that series is so good and I had been waiting for that pair! Hmm I have got into a few podcasts too so just took down the names of ones you are listening to. I tried Smart Bitches Trashy Books but.... well to be honest very little about books and more about themselves and so much loud giggling!

    1. I loved Reunion Pass! It made we minder why I haven't just read the whole series already! It is hard to find good podcasts. There have been a bunch that I've tried but quit. Mostly it's because I don't find them nearly as funny as they find themselves!

  4. Tornado warnings sound so scary. I don't know if I could deal with that. But from the sounds of it things turned out okay for Eleanor.

    1. We have the warnings a pretty good bit so you do get used to them. I don't mind them as much when they're heading towards me but when they head towards family members that's way scarier!

  5. Katherine, how exciting that the Tornado is off to 'big' school. Such a big step!

    I'm with you on Castle, by the way. I watched it diligently and then last season I got a bit sick of it again. I didn't mind they'd gotten married but then she left him for obscure (and nonsensical reasons) and it drove me mental. So.... But, I'm back again!

    1. I quit watching right after they got together because the whole show seemed to be about them being together which I didn't love. I heard it got better then went off the rails again and then got better so I figure I'll give it another try. I love the first few seasons!

  6. I use to love Castle too! I kind of just stopped at some point though. I can't imagine first grade. I still have a year before Kindergarten but that is when she goes off the the "bigger" school and I am sure I will be freaking out!!! I don't read as many cozies but that is sad to hear :( Have a great week!

    1. I chickened out and kept him in private school for kindergarten and now of course I'm in knots about whether that was the right decision! We will be okay right?

  7. I can't wait to get my hands on Clouds in My Coffee....loved the first two in the trilogy (series?).

    Castle is a show I've loved, and feel a bit lukewarm toward now...I don't know why. Maybe because my DVR is too full all the time!

    Enjoy your week...and let's hope the save the cozies!


    1. Oh, I meant "hope TO save the cozies." LOL

    2. I didn't love when he and Beckett got together and that's when I quit watching. I'm loving rewatching the first few seasons though!

  8. I was reminded by your excitement for Clouds in My Coffee that I'd gotten the first in that series last month or so and didn't read it yet. Don't know why. Sometimes I have so many kindle titles that I try to virtual shelf them, then I forget to add the new books to that collection and it gets very confusing :)

    I read the links about the cut-back on cozies on Lark's and Dollycas' blogs. Yikes, this is a bad situation for readers and authors! I only read cozies occasionally but some of the series I do read they named as being stopped. This will have to have a good resolution somehow.

    1. I'm definitely worried about the cozies but I'm optimistic that it will work out. Keeping my fingers crossed and buying books which is about all there is to do! I love the Mulhern books and I think you would enjoy them. They're definitely cozy but the mystery is really well done and the characters are great!

  9. I got Clouds in My Coffee this week, too and can't wait to get started. I purchased the first two installments, but couldn't wait for number three!

    Last night I stayed up way too late to finish The Residence... can certainly see why you enjoyed it so much. The author has a new book about first ladies coming out soon and I've already added it to my list.

    1. I'm so glad you enjoyed it! I need to add the First Ladies book too. I remember you really liked the first 2 Mulhern books. I'm so excited about this one! I didn't even look at the blurb - all I saw was the author and o couldn't resist!

  10. I was doing really well with podcasts, but I sort of fizzled... I must get back to them!

    1. I found a few podcasts I just love so that helps me keep listening though between them and the audiobooks it's a lot to listen to sometimes!

  11. Great update! You guys seem to have had a busy week!
    New Goodreads Follower!
    Happy Reading!
    My Sunday Catch Up Post! @ Paulette’s Papers

  12. Kathryn, are tornado states taught from an early age what do in case of one? Do the schools have drills like we have earthquake drills in CA? Are all buildings built with some kind of below ground basement? Is that mandatory? Excuse my ignorance. I'm sorry you were fretting over your daughter's safety. Is it possible to have walkie talkies in case there is no cell phone service? How interesting the little one is going to a new school that starts in 1st grade? Is he excited? I think adjustment for boys is much easier as all they like to do is play and are physical so these are easier to bond over. And I'm totally surprised about the diminishing of cozies. I thought it was such a popular market. Some readers don't like grizzly murders. Cozies are a way to kind of learn about an occupation or a craft and they're light and fun like a modern romance.

    1. You know it's never occurred to me that it's unique but we do have tornado drills in schools! And they also have safety people come in once a year to talk about what you do. When we were looking for preschools tornado preparedness was a big question we asked! I'm not sure if wallow talkies would work or not. The past few bad ones service wasn't great but it was there so we were able to get text messages through. The main issue is charging everything.
      I'm worried about cozies but I'm hoping it's just a change up that will be okay. I am sorry for the writers though. It's got to be so stressful.

  13. What an eventful week! Of course you're not ready for the Tornado to go to full-day school, but you will both be fine. And best wishes to Paul; I hope his mouth feels better soon. We did the same thing - arranged for Robin's wisdom teeth to come out during spring break, the year before she left for college.

    Of course you fret about tornadoes when your girls are living elsewhere -- any parent would! But you've raised them to be smart (I can't imagine otherwise) and I'm sure they'll be careful. That said, I think worrying about our kids is something that never goes away, whether it's their safety or their overall well-being.

    I'm looking forward to your thoughts on Reunion Pass, and hoping to get mine out next week as well. Ditto An Unhappy Medium, which I'm touring on Apr. 13 (and need to start!) And I've not read that series by Susan Wittig Albert, but I've enjoyed her Beatrix Potter cozy series.

    Have a great week!

    1. Thanks Lark! She is smart and it was okay but being that out of control will take some getting used too! Paul is doing well and actuall went back to school today though of course he's not at 100%.
      I haven't read the Beatrix Potter series though I want too. I haven't read this one in awhile but I couldn't resist the blurb. Have you read her series under Robin Paige? I think it's written by her and her husband and it's great! It's like a historical cozy.

    2. I did read a few of her Robin Paige series, about 15 years ago. I liked them but for some reason stopped reading them... no, actually, I do remember why. I read the few the library had and they didn't buy any more. At the time, we weren't buying many books, so I kind of drifted away from the series. Maybe I'll go back someday.

  14. Hope your future Marine is recouping well from the wisdom teeth extractions. I remember mine - really bad. Hope the Tornado's transition to first grade is seamless - he's growing up, Mom!

    1. Thankfully his wasn't too bad! He's actually already back at school though not at 100%. The young heal so fast!

  15. Wow, you have had quite a week, hope this week goes a little slower for you. I thought I did pretty good at not going to overboard with books this week, and I know I could have done worse so I am happy. Your pick did make me go and get book one of that 1970's series cause I am it was only 2.99 so not to bad. :)

    Week in Review

    1. We could always do worse on getting books! If I restrain myself even a little I call it a win! I think you'd like the Mulhern series. It's definitely a cozy but so unique.

  16. Wow, it does sound like it's been quite a week for you! But a lot of sounds pretty exciting, good changes. When I went to college, I stayed in state, so I took quite a bit with me. It helped that I had my car *and* my dad's car to load everything in for the drive there. When I however... my car had never been so stuffed full since I didn't have anyone else's car to use lol.

    Anyway, the tornado warning sounds scary! Tornadoes have always seemed especially terrifying to me.

    Have a great week!

    1. This is actually her 2nd year in school but she's moving from s dorm to an apartment. The fact that she's about 5 hours away means I'm completely uninvolved which makes the control freak in me crazy!

  17. Wow, it sounds like you had a very busy week!! I'm sorry to hear about your beloved mysteries! I've never even heard of that... I hope you have a fantastic week and enjoy your new books! :D

    Here's my Weekly Recap!

    1. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the cozy thing will work out. Until then I'm buying books!

  18. First grade is fabulous, though, Katherine! When they come home from school they really have something to talk about, like real discussion stuff. It will be great. I hate scary weather. I am happy you all stayed safe. I still wish you would get a storm cage for your basement. I had totally forgotten about Paul's Marine discission. What is the minimum time he would have to be in? I just bought (well it was a free ebook) my first cozy mystery Coffee and Ghosts (shhh... don't tell my sister). I still don't understand what the "cozy" means as far as publishing, so I am confused about the cutting back thing. I will have to read the article. I have gotten to the point were every once in a while I want a calm, nice story to read. I just finished reading yet another YA Fantasy with assassins in it (I had no clue from the synopsis) I have begun to loathe assassin populated stories. Ugh. I need a palate cleanser. Ha ha. Have a wonderful week. :)

    1. He's signed up for 4 years which means 4 years active and 4 years reserve. Where it goes from there is up to him but there are a lot of great options so I'm taking deep breaths and trying not to worry!
      A cozy mystery from a publisher's perspective means nothing grizzly or explicit and usually have an amateur detective who is almost always female. There is a lot of range in the genre though so one cozy is not necessarily like the others. I hope you enjoy your first! We've talked about a storm shelter and have gone back and forth on it. You get so used to the warnings it's hard to take them seriously enough to spend that kind of money.

  19. You were busy last week! I'm stressed about the cozy situation, too. Many of my favorites have been cut already. Clouds in my Coffee looks so good and I loved the first two books also. I've always wanted to watch Supernatural and I could binge watch on Netflix but there are just so many seasons of it. Maybe someday.

    Hope you have a great week!

    1. I know. I'm definitely worried about the cozies. I'm hoping it's just a change in how things are done - maybe shorter series versus a general decrease.

  20. are watching Supernatural...woot! I am so glad. I have never missed an episode. I love the hunt, and the characters...of course Dean is mine. Even my hubby understands this..LOL

    1. I'm definitely a Dean fan as well! I'm so enjoying the show! It totally lives up to my expectations.

  21. Cinder! WooHoo! :)
    I loved Castle so much too. But I don't think I've watched it for the last two seasons. Sadness. But I wasn't liking it as much.
    I'm sorry about your cozies. :( But authors always says that pre-orders help them immensely. So I think you're doing the right thing. And really it's not that hard to one-click on amazon.

    1. I can definitely handle a problem that can be solved with 1 clicking! I have some theories about what's happening and am crossing my fingers that all will be well.
      I had forgotten how much I liked Castle! The 1st season is amazing but once they got together I kind of lost interest. I didn't like what it did to the show.

  22. I teach sixth grade and they still look little. He just seems so little now. Just wait. :) I am excited to see the final product of Emma's move-in. Tornado is a bit rude with the singing thing. He needs to cool his jets! Have a great week!

    1. He's very judgey on the singing thing! Not cool!
      The move in should definitely be interesting. She's low maintenance to the point of ridiculousness so we may end up making her have furniture!

  23. Sounds like you're keeping busy. We did the same thing with Castle - watched in the beginning and then kind of stopped. It is a fun show though. Thanks for stopping over!

    Tressa @ Wishful Endings

  24. Holy cow yall had quite the week! Hope this one is a little quieter for yall :) And the kidlet is all healed up soon.

  25. Pre-orders definitely do not count until they arrive, I agree! Big hugs for you regarding enrolling Tornado in 1st grade! I really do think it's more us who are not ready. I'm sure both Mouse and Tornado will transition well into their respective grades. I am glad Paul's oral surgery went well. I think I remember my husband having his wisdom teeth out more than I remember my own experience with it. We weren't married at the time, but I was visiting his family the weekend he was recovering. He doesn't take pain well, I'm afraid. Yay to Emma finding an apartment!

    I had no idea about cozy mysteries being cut down. That's just awful! I do not read a lot of cozies, but I think it's terrible what the publishers are doing. Those poor authors and readers. Thanks for the heads up, Katherine.
