
Sunday, April 24, 2016

This Week in Reading - April 24

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

Pancakes in Paris by Craig Carlson - A look at an American diner in the heart of Paris and unlikely restaurant owner.  (NetGalley)

A Most Curious Murder by Elizabeth Kane Buzzeli -  It's a murder around a little library!  And there's a fairy garden. I"m definitely looking forward to this one.  (NetGalley)

Written Off by E.J. Copperman - I love other the other books I've read by Copperman so I'm really excited to try this new one involving a mystery writer and an unusual missing persons case.  (NetGalley)

The Rogue Not Taken by Sarah MacLean - I've been wanting to read more historical romances lately and Sarah MacLean is an author I really want to read more of.  I love what I've read so far. (paperbackswap)

Murder at the Brightwell by Ashley Weaver - I'm so excited about this one!  I've been wanting to read this cozy mystery set in 1930s England for ages.  (Paperbackswap)

The Marsh Madness by Victoria Abbott - Just the idea of this series makes me really happy.  I love the books about books and this cozy series that focuses on classic mystery authors (the Marsh in the title is Ngaio Marsh) is definitely my kind of read! (Paperbackswap)

Give up the Ghost by Juliet Blackwell - I love this paranormal series involving general contractor Mel Turner.  Now I just have to catch up on the books I'm behind!

Never Seduce a Scot by Maya Banks - This historical romance is completely Quinn from Quinn's Book Nook's fault.  She made this one sound so amazing that I couldn't resist even though I've never been a big fan of the kilts.


Reading:  Counterfeit Conspiracies by Ritter Ames and Cards on the Table by Agatha Christie

Listening: Right now I'm alternating The Selection by Kiera Cass and Let's Explore Diabetes with Owls by David Sedaris

Watching:  We watched the latest James Bond movie - Spectre and I think we're going to give Goosebumps a try.  It's looks a little silly but in a good way and I love Jack Black as kind of a cranky older guy.  I was a little too old to read the Goosebumps books when they came out but I used to love R.L. Stein other books.

Off the Blog:

I have the cold that will not go away and it's starting to drive me crazy.  I went years without getting sick at all and the past 6 months or so I've picked up every bug that came near.  I know on the grand scheme of things it's not a big deal but I'm about done with being sick.  I spent all last Saturday in bed and thought I had kicked it but it decided to show back up Monday and I've spent the rest of the week slogging through.  With the cold killing my ability to get anything done I still haven't gotten anything in the ground.  I'm beginning to think all our produce will be coming from the Farmer's Market this year.

On the positive side J and I took the Tornado to the Marvel Universe Live Friday and he absolutely loved it!  I think he was the right age for it as some of the younger kids near us were getting really upset about all the explosions.  We weren't sure what he'd think as he's more of a Star Wars fan than a super heroes fan but it was such a good time.  They did a really impressive job with the effects and stunts so it made it a really fun experience though you just about had to sell a kidney for the lemonade in the souvenir cup!

I hope all those that participated in Dewey had a good time and aren't too exhausted!  

On the Blog:

What Happened:

What's Coming Up:

Monday: Tumbledown Manor - Contemporary Review
Tuesday: Top Ten Tuesday - Ten Bookish Delights
Wednesday: TBD
Thursday: Beyond the Books - Birth Order
Friday: Linkups with Current Book
Saturday: 52 Pins in 52 Weeks - April Edition

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. Pancakes in Paris looks great, love that sunny cover! A Most Curious Murder sounds good too, and yay for Brightwell! I still need to read the next one.

    How did you like Spectre? Haven't seen that one yet...

    Marvel Universe Live looks fun, it came through here too and I wondered how it was. :)

  2. WOW, that's a great haul, Katherine! And I agree with Greg, Pancakes in Paris does look good :)
    Have a fantastic week ahead and happy reading.
    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

  3. Murder at the Brightwell by Ashley Weaver Sounds right up my alley! And very annoying about all those bugs. Hope you shake them up soon.

  4. Boo to colds that won't go away. Nice haul, MacLean is such a good one. Enjoy Katherine.

  5. Sorry to hear you're still unwell Katherine. Winter's yet to arrive here and I had a flu shot the other day as last winter I got a cold / flu and it hung around for ages!

    Glad you're still enjoying your cozies! x

  6. Pancakes in Paris just made me really hungry!! Colds that won't go away are the worst. Hope you feel better soon. Glad you had fun at the Marvel Live things - sounds like something my son would love in a few years. Have a great week!!

  7. Oh Sarah Maclean is such a great author and The Rogue Not Taken is one of my favorite books this year! It was my first read when I decided to give historical romance another shot! Have a great week!

  8. Sorry to hear you have this bad cold. That really sucks. I do hope it will get better soon.
    Looks like you have a lot of great new books. I love that ‘Pancakes in Paris’ cover.
    Happy Reading ;)

  9. Goosebumps wasn't a bad movie. My daughter made me watch it with her. I hope you enjoy it :)

  10. You got some great books and I had to go and request a couple of those negalley books, you are so bad for my TBR pile. :) That Marvel Universe thing sounded cool, I am glad he enjoyed it.

    I am not very awake because of trying to do the read-a-thon but I only made it to about

    Happy reading,
    Week in Review

  11. Pancakes in Paris looks like so much fun! Enjoy all of your new books; I'm glad Tornado loved the Marvel Universe Live. Hope you feel better soon...and here are

  12. Pancakes in Paris-I have heard of this place. Although I would never visit it-only because when in Paris eat croissants. I'd be curious to know what the French think of it.

  13. Sorry to hear your cold is hanging on. I have been hearing that. I hope you feel better soon!

  14. Well, poop on that cold! Ok, not literally. Are you sure it's a cold and not allergies? My husband thought he had sinus issues only to discover he has allergies now. Go figure. And that book haul?! So jelly! There's a Marvel Universe thing?! I love Marvel! I need to look into that.

    James Bond and Goosebumps? What happened to Supernatural?! You didn't...*gasp* abandon the boys, did you? *look of horror* :D

    I hope you kick whatever's keeping you down and you get out there and get some stuffs planted. We need bountiful harvests this year. Right? At least, I'm hoping what I've planted so far and intend to plant soon will be bountiful. :D

  15. Great books this week. I've been wanting to read Murder at the Brightwell for a while... looking forward to your thoughts. Sure hope you can shake that cold once and for all soon!

  16. I have just hopped over to NG and requested Pancakes... to it look brilliant and I love books like that. Sorry you are not feeling well, there are so many bugs going round but I hope you kick it soon.

  17. That's awful about your cold. Nothing worse that have one zap your energy, I hope you get to feeling better. Are you doing all the usual things to keep it at bay sucjy as orange juice, staying warm and eating soup?

    We also watched Spectre and we recently discovered a show called Ray Donovan. It was at the library and so many people at work were saying we'd like it so, we gave it a try. It's good.

  18. You have started to be the person who makes me run off to Netgalley to look at books. I love diners and Paris, so I had to request that book. I do not know how I missed your post about spoilers. I will swing around after this comment and check it out. Yay, for another 52 Pins post. I enjoy those so much. If you do it again next year I think I will join up. I am saving money for a decent digital camera, so I could also take photos of all of my failures! Ha ha. I bet other's would join, too. I will be curious about what your take on The Selection is; especially since you don't read a lot of YA. The bloggers I follow either loved it or hated it. Do you think the illness thing has anything to to with The Tornado being in school full time and exposed to more bugs? They don't get sick because they are young and healthy, or they get it and shake it off quickly. I know as I got older I started catching things more easily and it takes longer to recover. To you get a flu shot? I have forgotten the last couple of years and have gotten more illnesses, so it is worth it. I love that you are taking the little one to live performances. I think it stimulates the imagination more than movies. Have a wonderful week. :)

  19. Hope you kick all those colds soon for good. I too want to read more Sarah MacLean, I don't read a lot of historical romance but she is one I want to read more of, along with Mary Balogh because I want to finish a series by her too.

  20. I got The Marsh Madness too, just over a week ago. I couldn't resist a mystery about Ngaio Marsh's books! And I need to read more Sarah MacLean as well.

    I hope you feel better and get over that cold. Have you talked to your doctor about why you're catching everything that comes down the pike? Maybe your immune system is low for some reason. I hope you can get back to your usual energetic self soon!

  21. Yikes, sorry you're still sick. Have you see your doc? Glad Tornado had a fun time at the Marvel show.

  22. I'd love to see Marvel Universe. So would my son and he's all grown up. LOL I hope you feel better soon. It's been a bad year for a lot of us. Loving your books this week. We enjoy some of the same authors.

    My Sunday Post

  23. You have a great book haul this week. I love historical romances and I’m trying to read more from that genre. I haven’t read Sarah MacLean yet but her books are on my TBR. I love some of Maya Banks contemporary romances and I hear her HR are really good too. I hope you enjoy all of your new books.
    I hope you feel better soon. My husband’s allergies have been really bad these past couple of days so I think it’s the change in the weather that is making everyone miserable. Hopefully you’ll be feeling better soon so you can do some gardening.
    Have a great week Katherine!

  24. I hope you get over that cold very soon! I had strep and ear infections all the time as a kid. I woke up this morning with a sore throat, so I am hoping beyond hope it was just from being up all night without my allgery meds. I can't imagine how my mom paid for all of the Disney on Ice things when I was a kid, knowing how expensive everything is. It's crazy! I'm glad you guys enjoyed the show, and hopefully everyone came home with two kidneys. :)

  25. How are you enjoying The Selection in audio? Is the narrator good? Hope you feel better soon. Happy reading.

  26. Pancakes in Paris sounds like a neat read! And I love it's bright colors on the cover. Hope your cold or whatever goes away quickly.
    Check out my Sunday Post

  27. Pancakes in Paris sounds interesting. I also enjoy MacLean's books. Hope you can get rid of the cold soon!

  28. Oh man on being sick. I'm trying to not let that happen with a passion today. Yay for the Banks read! I've enjoyed her but not started that series yet even though I have them. Hope you enjoy it!

  29. Marvel Universe Live sounds like so much fun. I'm glad Tornado enjoyed it. I hope you are feeling better soon, Katherine. My sinuses are giving me a lot of trouble as of late. I thought maybe I was catching a cold, but I'm pretty sure at this point it's just allergies. I can't seem to shake this headache on top of it.

    I've been wanting to read The Rogue Not Taken. I've heard good things about the author. I hope you enjoy your new books!
