
Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Reunion Pass - Contemporary Romance Review

Reunion Pass: An Eternity Springs Novel by Emily March

Rating: Great!
Source: NetGalley

Description:  It's never too late to have a change of heart.
Six years ago, Chase Timberlake bought an engagement ring for his high school sweetheart, Lori Reese.  Then... life happened.  Chase's adventure photography career took off, Loris' dream of getting into veterinary school came true, and their happily ever after never came to pas.  When Chase's jet-setting life takes a tragic turn, he returns to Eternity Springs a damaged man.
Who better to help mend his spirit than the woman who has dedicated her life to healing broken wings?  Long summer days spent together rekindles the love that never died and Chase dares to dream of a future he'd thought he lost.  But Lori can't help but wonder whether this high-flying man really wants a small town girl with roots sunk deep into the Colorado Rockies.  Can she and Chase turn back the hands of time and pick up where they left off - and give forever a chance? (from Goodreads)

Genre: Romance

Why I Picked This Book:  I've read two books in the Eternity Springs series and have really enjoyed them both.

My Impression: Oh I so enjoyed this book!  I've liked the other two Emily March books I've read but this one was different.  From the beginning this Reunion Pass pulled me into its world and I couldn't put it down.  I was completely absorbed when reading it and stayed up into the wee hours of the morning to find out what happened.
The characters are wonderful.  I loved Lori.  She works hard and takes it seriously, appreciates and truly loves those around her, and knows what she wants but still has moments of self doubt.  Chase is a little less serious and a lot more dare devil.  He thrives on activity and adventure and things seem to have always come fairly easy to him.  With all that he isn't shallow or unfeeling - in fact he's very loving to those who are important to him even if he doesn't always take their concerns seriously.  I also liked that Lori and Chase's families aren't flat characters.  Both sets of parents have very distinct relationships and they're all different people.  As for the residents of Eternity Springs - well if this is your first visit to Eternity Springs you're in for a treat!
Like a lot of people cheating is a massive deal breaker for me when it comes to books.  I don't like even the tiniest bit of emotional overlap.  So I was pretty nervous when Chase's new girlfriend is around for part of the first half of the book.  I really liked the character but I knew I couldn't get past that BUT Emily March made it work.  She handled the relationships so skillfully that I never felt like I was dealing with a love triangle and never felt in the slightest bit that we were sliding into cheating territory.
The story itself kept me turning pages.  I was spellbound with the story and wanted to see more the characters and see what happened and how things worked out.   There were so many moments in this story - some heart breaking, some heartwarming, and some a bit of both.  I found myself with tears in my eyes several times throughout the story and I loved every minute of it.
While I've enjoyed the Emily March books I've read in the past this was my favorite.  March does incorporate some dark subjects into her books and this one was no exception.  What Chase goes through is absolutely horrific and while it isn't graphically described it is talked about as our the back stories of a few other characters including a few children though the details there are kept very low.  The focus in Reunion Pass is not necessarily on the romance but on the healing.  Healing from loss, from trauma, from past grudges and anxieties.  It was really wonderful to read and I'm looking forward to visiting Eternity Springs very soon.

Would I Read More of this Series/Author?: Definitely!  I'm having to restrain myself from going on a book buying binge and buying all the ones I haven't read yet!

Would I Recommend this Book?: Absolutely!  If you enjoy women's fiction or romance this is one you shouldn't miss.


  1. That is awesome that you loved this book! I don't like cheating either and I'm glad that it didn't go there.

  2. Well I enjoy romance and women's fiction so this is definitely for me!! I have never heard of this author but totally adding to my list now. Awesome review!!!

  3. This sounds wonderful! I haven't read anything by Emily March yet but she is on my TBR list. I am pretty sure that I have a couple of her books on my kindle. Maybe even an older ARC. I love the fact that she was able to handle the relationships in this one so well. Great review, Katherine!

    Carole @ Carole's Random Life

  4. Loved this one too Katherine, I have read the whole series and loved them all, I find them just a cut above the usual contemp small town series!

  5. I have the first of this series on my TBR. I think I may have to move up Emily March.

  6. I love when a book holds you spellbound. I just hopped over to Amazon and have books one and two on my I am sure you influenced that!

  7. Lori sounds like a wonderful heroine. Love when a hero and heroine have different personalities like that and it just works. I'll have to try her out at some point :)

  8. I am really glad you enjoyed this one because just reading the description made me want to give this a try.
