
Friday, April 8, 2016

Friday Linkups: Cinder

It's Friday linkup time!  I'm linking up with the Book Blogger Hop hosted by Coffee Addicted Writer, Book Beginnings of Fridays hosted by Rose City Reader, and the Friday 56 hosted by Freda's Voice.

This Week's Book Blogger Hop Question:
What other interests do you have besides reading and blogging?

My Answer:
I love to cook and bake.  I watch a pretty good bit of TV and love crimes shows but fictional (Criminal Minds, NCIS and NCIS: New Orleans) and not so fictional (basically all of Investigation Discovery).  I love clothes and makeup and trying new restaurants.  I love traveling though we aren't doing too much of that right now with 2 in college but we have big plans.  I like to hike and garden.  That's pretty much it!

This week's book is one I've been wanting to read for ages.  I got it on audio from the library a few weeks ago but didn't end up finishing it before it had to go back.  Thankfully after a long wait it's back and I'm really excited to listen to the last 8 chapters of Cinder by Marissa Meyer.  It's just as good as everyone said!  I'm not a big YA reader or a dystopian reader but I'm loving the world Meyer has built and Cinder herself is just amazing.

The Beginning:
The screw through Cinder's ankle has rusted, the engraved cross marks worn to a  mangled circle.

My Thoughts:
I love the beginning!  It tells us right away that Cinder is not quite your average human.

The 56:
But she didn't try to run. No one ever put up a fight when being taken to the quarantines.

My Thoughts:
I'm well past this part so I know what's going on here but I love the sound of this like.  There's such a defeated finality to it.

So would you keep reading?  What do you like to do when you're not reading?


  1. I enjoyed this whole series but, then, I read a lot of science fiction and YA books. I am spotlighting Tell the Wind and Fire by Sarah Rees Brennan this week. Happy reading!

  2. I just finished listen to the audio of Cinder -- isn't fabulous! It is such a refreshing retelling of Cinderella. I'm glad to hear you've been enjoying the book.

  3. I enjoyed Cinder and I liked Scarlet but that is as far as I have made into that I think because I listened to them I liked them more than if I would have tried to read them.

  4. I have been ogling these covers for you've piqued my curiosity. Thanks for sharing, and here's mine: “DREAM OF THE BLUE ROOM”

  5. I like many of the same things you do. Not makeup though, my eyes are so sensitive and i never have found any makeup that doesn't kill my eyes and sinunes. Weird, huh. Love crime shows too and gardening!

    I like that intro to Cinder, that has me intrigued. Right now I am between books and think I will start the 5th Tana French novel about the Dublin Murder Squad

  6. I'm a bit of lazy cook, but I do love to eat, so I spend a lot of time trying out new restaurants. My roommate and I are big tv watchers of the crime shows too, haha. I also love traveling!

    Yay! I'm glad to hear you're enjoying Cinder!! The series just gets better and better with each book! Cinder is seriously a great character (:

  7. I've seen this book around a lot over the past months and have been curious about the series. Sounds like something I would enjoy reading.
    My Friday post features LONGSHOT.

  8. Cinder does seem to get a lot of love, and the 56 quote does have a bit of finality to it! I gather this isn't the average Cinderella story. :) Glad this one is good!

  9. Hiking sounds fun.

    This question is wonderful to learn more about fellow bloggers.

    Thanks for sharing.

    Happy Hopping!!

    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog Hop Answer

  10. YAY..I am so happy you are listening to Cinder. Why is it when we listen to an audio from the library things happen and we don't finish? LOL

  11. Yay glad you got Cinder back!! I loved that audio so much. The whole series has been great on audio. I also love to cook but just don't have as much time to really make anything super complicated.

  12. I really liked Cinder. I still haven't read the rest of the books in the series, but I plan to get to them sometime this year! Glad you are enjoying it so far! Thanks for visiting my blog! Hope you have a great weekend!

  13. I wish I liked to garden and cook. So many people do. Especially online. I am glad you have finally gotten to Cinder! I hope to before the year is out. I look forward to reading your thoughts on it.

  14. I have this on my Kindle but haven't had a chance to start it yet...someday soon I hope to dive into it. Thanks for visiting my Friday meme

  15. One of my all time favorite series! I'm glad you're enjoying it! :)

    Check out my Friday 56 (With Book Beginnings).

  16. I loved this book, and loved every other book in the series too. So sad it's finished for me. I hope you love it as much!
    Happy weekend!

  17. I really want to read this book. So many books that I hope to get to soon. I can't wait to see your review!

    Carole @ Carole's Random Life

  18. I've heard alot about this series, but I haven't read it yet. I like the same fictional crime shows you do.

  19. I have wanted to read Cinder for a long time. I have book 1-3 currently sitting on my shelf. Just haven't gotten around to it. Sounds really good.
    -Amanda @ Quite Bookish

  20. You have some very nice hobbies! I have tried my hand at cooking before, but I'm not exactly passionate about it. Still, it's very gratifying to have something turn out great, and know that you made it yourself! I haven't tried baking yet.

    Gardening is a very relaxing hobby, as well. You get into a sort of trance as you pull up weeds and baby your plants, and feel as one with the earth. Wonderful!! Hiking must be nice, too, especially if you do it through the woods. If I wanted to, I could do some of that with my husband. We have two large, beautiful parks not far from us,and they do have pine trees, as well as a couple of small lakes.

    And you're reading "Cinder"!!! OMG!!! I've had this book on my TBR for like FOREVER. I really like how the beginning plunges you right into the story! Maybe this year I'll get to it. Lol.

    Thanks for dropping by and commenting on my BBH post!! :)

  21. Cinder!!!!!!!!!!!
    Oh man, you are just going to love the rest of the series. It's hard to pick a favourite book, but they do get better as your introduced to more and more characters. And Winter is the best series finale I've read. Ah! So brilliant!

  22. Hi Katherine,

    This one is not really my kind of book, however I am intrigued by the opening lines and I think I have commented before about the fantastic cover art, when you see all the titles in the series lined up together.

    When I am not reading and blogging, most of my time is taken up volunteering for my local hospice shop, which is very rewarding and interesting, as no two days are exactly the same.

    Hubbie and I also author and publish treasure / walking trails around the region, so much time is also spent out and about, meeting customers and checking out the trails to ensure they are in tip top condition.

    Not much time for anything else :)

    Have a great weekend.


  23. I'm going to be reading Cinder soon - looking forward to it now even more!

  24. Agreed! Cinder's opening line is one of the best I've seen! Glad you are enjoying I was wondering if you would since I know you are not a big YA reader or a dystopian reader

  25. Running behind on my visits!

    I have been wanting to read this for years. You know how it is...too many books on the TBR.

    Thanks for visiting me at True Book Addict!
