
Friday, April 22, 2016

Friday Linkups: Cards on the Table

It's Friday linkup time!  I'm linking up with the Book Blogger Hop hosted by Coffee Addicted Writer, Book Beginnings of Fridays hosted by Rose City Reader, and the Friday 56 hosted by Freda's Voice.

This Week's Book Blogger Hop Question:
How many books do you normally read in a month?

My Answer:
Not nearly as many as I like!  I'd say counting audio books I probably average around 12 books a month.  I usually have a print book, an ebook, and an audiobook going all at once and I usually finish about 1 and a half of the books I'm reading a week and 1 audio book every 2 weeks but of course some months are better than others!

This week I'm back to Agatha Christie!  This week's book is Cards on the Table and is such a fun book to read because it's so obvious Christie herself was having fun with it when she wrote it!  It's a Poirot book but one that also features Mrs. Oliver  who I love and well as Colonel Race who we haven't seen in far too long!

The Beginning:
"My dear Monsieur Poirot!"
It was a soft purring voice - a voice used deliberately as an instrument - nothing impulsive or unpremeditated about it.

My Thoughts:
I don't know if it's just because I've read this book so many times but I get a visual of an almost feline character with a touch of oiliness about his personality.

The 56:
"That's clever of you - that's really very clever of you.  Because of course those two are exactly the same plot, but nobody else has seen it."

My Thoughts:
Mrs. Oliver is speaking here and one of the reasons I love a Mrs. Oliver book is because she is a mystery novelist who is obviously based off Agatha herself and I feel like I'm getting an inside look at the kind of person Agatha Christie really was if you knew her as a friend.

So what do you think?  Keep reading?  How many books do you read in a month?


  1. Abraham Christie is always a good pick. Enjoy!

  2. I would say that on average I read around 12-14 books a month. But sometimes it's less, and sometimes it's a lot more if I had a vacation or if I was on a major book binge.

  3. You can never go wrong with a Christie book! Been a while since I read any though.

    My Friday 56 from West Of Dead

  4. Every time you mention Christie it reminds me I need to read one of her books! I got to get on it cause I signed up for a vintage mystery challenge and haven't read any thing yet. :(

    Friday Meme

  5. Sounds about like me with books. 12-15 depending on length and the audios take me about two weeks as well. I'm trying to do one audio and one either print or ebook but sometimes have all three going too :)

  6. I like the sound of that AC book so I've added to my TBR. You always make me want to read more Christie (which is a good thing!). And about 12 for me too. It used to be higher but I seem to be around that mark every month now.

  7. Hi,
    Love Agatha Christie, I've read all her books. Have a great day!

  8. I must read an Agatha Christie at some point! This one sounds good...and here's mine: “THE OBSESSION”

  9. I haven't read this one yet, but I really want to. Thanks for sharing. :-)

  10. I haven't read this one, but I like the sound of it, and your insight on the character of Mrs. Oliver. I'd love for to check out mine at

  11. I would keep reading with an intro like that. Sounds fun. :)

    My reads per month varies, I'd say a good month for me is probably 5 books- maybe more if I'm including graphic novels or having good reading weeks, but sometimes less too. That's on the low end for a book blogger probably but it works. :)

  12. I love the excerpts. Gosh it's been a while since I've read good old Agatha! I read about 8 books in a month, except when on holiday! Thanks for the visit.

  13. I read an average of about 10 books per month.

    How can you can go wrong with Agatha Christie? (Unless it's Postern of Fate, of course.) I've read all of her books but over the course of nearly five decades, so it's probably time to start again!

  14. The problem with starting a book with dialogue is that you don't know who is speaking. I thought the speaker in this opening was a woman, but your comment tells me it was a man. Regardless, I'm sure I'd enjoy this story. You can't lose with Agatha Christie.
    Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving a comment.
    Sandy @ TEXAS TWANG

  15. I have a hard time reading more than 1 book at a time. But that being said I will have a book and an audio book going at the same time.
    Sportochick’s Musings Blog Hop Answer

  16. I wish I could read that much each month! I average about five a month. I can't read more than one book at a time or I get everything confused, lol. Thanks for visiting my blog! Have a great weekend!

  17. I read a bunch of Agatha Christie books a long, long time ago and need to re-read them. I don't even remember this one. Here's my Friday meme

  18. My book totals fluctuate, but for April I have reintroduced audiobooks and doing really well working through my neglected TBR of them!

  19. I am very inconsistent with how many books I read per month. It really depends on what else is going on in my life. I have to agree with you that it is never as many as I would like. I love books that the author seems to have had a lot of fun with. I really need to try Christie soon.

    Carole @ Carole's Random Life

  20. I just got a book from this series that I can't wait to read! :-)
    Happy weekend!

  21. Cards on the Table is an odd one, but good.

  22. WOW. You read around 12 books a month?! How do you DO that? I wish I could read that fast! Maybe I'd be able to, if I could just stop pronouncing words in my head as I

    As for reading more than one book at a time, I do that from time to time. It doesn't always work, though, as I might lose interest in the first book, and just abandon it.

    I really like the book you've picked this week! I've been wanting to read an Agatha Christie novel for the longest time, and just have never gotten around to it. This sounds like a delightful one, so I might just pick it up! I also like the fact that Mrs. Oliver is based on Christie herself. I'm adding this one to my Goodreads shelves!

    Thanks for dropping by and commenting on my own BBH post!! :)

  23. I've never read any of the Poirot books, but I do love the adaptations! :)
    Check out my Friday 56 (With Book Beginnings).
