
Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Top Ten Tuesday - Top Ten Books if You're in the Mood for ...

This week's Top Ten Tuesday topic from The Broke and the Bookish is Ten Books to Read if You're in the Mood for x.  I couldn't think of 10 books that fell under a specific topic so I thought I'd break it up a bit!

Books to Read if You're in the Mood for a Creepy Story -

It's a dark and stormy night and you want a little spooky to throw into the mix?  Try some of these -

1.  In a Dark, Dark Wood by Ruth Ware - I listened to the audio on this and it was fabulous!  The story itself was so good as well and it kept me guessing all through the book.  Throughout the whole story you know that something is very wrong but you just don't know what!

2.  Deadly Night by Heather Graham - Pretty much any book of Graham's is going to be chock full of creepy atmosphere but I really enjoyed this book which is the first of her Flynn brother trilogy.  It's got an old mansion outside of New Orleans, an old ghost story and a very real evil.  

3.  The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson - I see this book classified as horror a pretty good bit and it makes me squirm a little.  If you're going into this one expecting outright terror and horror I think you're going to be disappointed.  This is suspense.  Things happening just in the corner of your eye, sounds you just can't quiet here and just a sense of something isn't right.  

Books to Read if You're in the Mood for a Strong and Quirky Community

I love a book where the community is so strong and well developed it might as well be a character!  It makes a series even more fun to go back to.

1.  Snow Angel Cove by RaeAnne Thayne - For starters I loved loved this story.  The characters were interesting and likable and you just had to root for this.  This is the book where we see the town Haven Point and it's very real problems.  I love getting to know more and more residents and seeing how the town grows and changes.

2.  Meet Your Baker by Ellie Alexander - Before this series I had never heard of Ashland, Oregon and the theater festivals.  I've really enjoyed getting to know the town a bit more through the books.  I also really enjoy that the book discusses problems that would really plague businesses in a small town with a seasonal tourist attraction.  I just wish Torte was a real place because I'd love to eat there!  

3.  Simply Irresistible by Jill Shalvis - I can't talk about books with a community and not mention Shalvis' Lucky Harbor series!  I like that Shalvis set this up as a series of trilogies so you don't have to keep up with a huge cast list and who is who in the little town.  Plus, Lucile is pretty entertaining.  I miss her!

Book to Read if You're in the Mood for a Good Love Story -

Because sometimes only a good love story will do!

1.  When the Rogue Returns by Sabrina Jeffries - I love pretty much everything Sabrina Jeffries writes but this is a story that really stuck with me.  It's a bit different from the usual historical.  They main characters aren't high society and the heroine is Dutch and works in trade.  The plot does revolve around a Secret and some Misunderstandings but the circumstances were such that it made sense and really worked.

2.  And Then He Kissed Her by Laura Lee Guhrke - This is historical romance but it's set late in the 1800s.  Society and roles for women are changing and the heroine is actually the secretary for the hero at one point and her discussions about "Girl Bachelors" and women in the work place is really interesting.  Plus I just love the story and the characters.

Books to Read if You Want a Little History and a Lot of Interesting -

These are books that have little snippets that I just had to read aloud while reading to those around me!

1. The Residence by Kate Andersen Brower - This is the book I've probably recommended more than any other this past year.  This was an absolutely fascinating look at what life in the White House is like as told by the non-administration staff.  There's stories about everyone from Kennedy to Obama and I found it so interesting.

2.  Secret Lives of the Tsars by Michael Farquhar - I was an expert in Russian history and the Romanov family for about a month during and after reading this. Each ruler gets a chapter and a quick overview of what was going at the time complete with wars, scandal and intrigue.  

So what would your recommendations be?


  1. So glad you liked In a Dark, Dark Wood!!! I have to check out the others with the creepy vibe. I also love quirky communities so much so will definitely be looking into those. Great categories you gave recs for this week!!!

  2. Ooh dark and storm night. I do like a good suspenseful read now and then. :) In a Dark Dark Wood looks great! And I love that tagline... I want to read more psychological thrillers this year.

    The Residence does look good.

    1. The Residence is really good! I definitely recommend it. One of my favorites from 2015. I think you'd like In a Dark Dark Wood. It's definitely a thriller but not as twisty as Gone Girl.

  3. Wasn't IN A DARK DARK WOOD good? I enjoyed it a lot. And I want to read THE RESIDENCE. Maybe before long. I have it on audio and am waiting for the right moment.

    1. So good! I really liked it. I really think you'd like The Residence! It's just fascinating.

  4. Yes - I was a little surprised when I delved in to The Haunting of Hill House because I was expected a deeper level of darkness and horror, given that it is often classified as that. Like you say, it is more suspenseful than anything, and a lot of the story telling process relies on the reader a fair bit I think.

    I love books with a well developed community - I need to check out the Lucky Harbor series because I love the premise behind it.

    Reading With Jade

    1. I really love Hill House but it does make cringe when I see it marked as horror. I think it impacts the reader's enjoyment if they're expecting horror because that isn't what you get.

  5. In a Dark Dark Wood was one of my favorite books last year so thanks for the other suggestion! I will definitely have to pick up Deadly Night soon. All Shirley Jackson makes me uneasy after we watched The Lottery movie in junior high before reading the book so the premise would catch everyone off guard lol.

    1. Deadly Night isn't as well done as In a Dark Dark Wood but it's a lot of fun! I really like Hill House. It's completely different than The Lottery but there's still that same feeling of unease.

  6. Love your recommendations!! Shirley Jackson is on my scary list too! I just wrote down In a Dark Dark Wood, Meet Your Baker, and The Residence. Gotta look for those!

    1. Oh I hope you enjoy them! I really loved The Residence and the other 2 are fantastic too though very different!

  7. Ooh--love how you include several different moods here. And I still can't believe that after all this time I still haven't read anything by Shirley Jackson!!

    I don't read many series books, but I do enjoy books with strong communities. Ella Minnow Pea was a cute one that I read last year--and The Potato Peel Society comes to mind as well.

    1. The Potato Peel Society is coming up on my audio list. I'm really looking forward to it! Read Shirley Jackson!! I think you'd really like her.

  8. Seriously, Lucky Harbor is the best kind of quirky community! I love Lucille so much.

    1. I miss Lucille! Maybe she can visit the new series? I think she has a ski trip coming up!

  9. I want to read all your creepy reads (of course) and The Residence looks good, especially since I'm on a non-fiction binge this year.

    I have this RaeAnne Thayne and was wondering whether to save it for November or so because it looks like a holiday read, but you know what? Why not start the series now, so I think I will :) I picked it up months ago based on your recommendation of the series but missed reading it.

    1. I really loved The Residence and I hate political reads. I hope you like Thayne. Her heat is really low but I love the characters and their connections.

  10. I love the quirky community section! I am definitely checking out Meet Your Baker :)

    My TTT.

    1. Meet Your Baker is such fun! I hope you enjoy it though don't read it on an empty stomach!

  11. I love a creepy story. I need to check out the books on your list here!

    1. I've been in a creepy story mood lately! I really enjoyed these.

  12. Ooh, I will have to check out some of those spooky books––I haven't read any of those!

    My TTT

    1. I hope you find some that you like! I've been in a creepy story mood lately.

  13. I love the sound of your creepy books, I am going to check them out!!

    1. I hope you do! Especially read In a Dark Dark Woods. I think you'd like it.

  14. Oooo yes on the Shalvis and Jeffries. Love em :D I've got Thayne on my list because of you :D

    1. Love them! I'll be curious to hear what you think of Thayne. The heat is really low but the emotional connections are really wonderful.

  15. These are great choices, Katherine (as I copy titles down and add them to my wish list). I need to get back to Heather Graham's books. You've got me curious about Deadly Night. I've only read some of her Krewe books so far. Snow Angel Cove is already on my wish list because of you. :-)

    1. LOL I keep pushing Snow Angel Cove on people! I really hope you enjoy it! Deadly Night is a little older than the Krewe stories but I really enjoyed it! I can't wait to read the rest of the trilogy.

  16. The only author I have read is Shirley Jackson... So many authors out there, so little time!

  17. Love the idea of a book set in a quirky community! Thanks for your great list!

  18. What a great way to take on today's topic! I really love Snow Angel Cove. I think I'm going to have to give in and get it!

    1. Wasn't Snow Angel Cove wonderful! I just loved their relationship.

  19. I really want to read In a Dark, Dark Wood as creepy stories are one of my favorite genres. Thanks for all the recs!

    1. I loved In a Dark Dark Night! I definitely recommend it!

  20. Great list! I do like to read a variety of books so I like the fact that you have covered multiple genres. I haven't read any of the books on this list but may need to check out a few.

    1. I think you'd definitely enjoy a lot of these! I like a variety of genres too - it keeps me from getting into a slump.

  21. The Flynn Brother trilogy sounds wonderful. I love spooky mansion stories set in the South. :)

  22. Great looking choices! I have a hold request for In a Dark, Dark Wood (on audio) at the library. Sounds great!

  23. I'm all for creepy books. I never read The Haunting of Hill House, but I watched and like the movie. Both the black & white and newest one. I see it isn't a very long book, so maybe I should give it a go.

  24. Almost all the books on your list are new to me! Thanks for sharing :) I know I'll be checking out some of these.
    I hope you're having a fantastic week.
    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

  25. Great lists! I rarely am ever in a creepy mood, haha, too scary.
    But yes to Sabrina Jeffries!!

  26. I was actually just looking at The Residence at the library the other day - I may have to check it out now! :)

    Check out my TTT.

  27. Great categories! I love the "strong and quirky community" category, and will have to give Shalvis's Lucky Harbor books a try; you already know I'm a big RaeAnne Thayne fan. For love stories, I really liked Gurkhe's And Then He Kissed Her, too!

  28. I don't usually make a point to look for creepy in a book but In A Dark Dark Wood is definitely calling to me!
