
Saturday, March 12, 2016

This Week in Reading - March 13

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

Field of Graves by J.T. Ellison - While this is well within the series it actually goes back to the beginning of the careers of Lt. Taylor Jackson, Dr. Samantha Owens, and Dr. John Baldwin.  I've been wanting to try this series for awhile and this looks like a good place to start (NetGalley)

Haunted Destiny by Heather Graham - It's the newest Krewe book.  How could I resist that?  Plus it involves a haunted cruise ship!  (NetGalley)

Sleepless in Manhattan by Sarah Morgan - I loved Morgan's series set in the ski resort but I haven't read any since then.  This one sounds fun and I really want to give Morgan another try. (NetGalley)

Whispers in the Mist by Lisa Adler - It's a serial killer in Ireland.  I love serial killer books and I can never resist a book set in Ireland.  So far most of the books I've read with an Irish setting are lighter mysteries or fiction.  I'm looking forward to a more intense read.  (NetGalley)

Caught Bread Handed by Ellie Alexander - I've really enjoyed the first 3 books in this series and can't wait for this one.  There was a lot of interesting character development in the last book and I'm looking forward to reading more.  (NetGalley)

Mayhem at the Orient Express by Kylie Logan - I've been wanting to read this series for awhile and when I saw the first book was connected to Murder on the Orient Express I could not resist!  There's another one about And Then There Were None.  (Paperbackswap)

Iris and Ruby by Rosie Thomas - I'm so excited about this one!  The publisher contacted me last week and I couldn't agree fast enough.  It's dual time lines, family secrets and exotic locations plus I suspect there's a little bit of finding yourself and figuring out who they really are for at least one of the characters.  (Publisher)


Reading:  The Sharper Your Knife the Less You Cry by Kathleen Flinn (still) and Once a Rancher by Linda Lael Miller

Listening: Cinder!  You guys - it's so good!

Watching: A lot of TV this week.  Lots of true crime shows and I'm caught up on Elementary.  I did discover that PBS has the last season of History Detectives available to stream so that's coming up.  Also the first part of the BBC production of And Then There Were None will be on Lifetime tonight with the 2nd part tomorrow (Monday).  I cannot wait!!

Off the Blog:

This week has been annoying.  Monday morning I woke up all full of plans and was going to get all kinds of stuff done.  Then when I was running down the stairs to get the Tornado out the door for school I did something somehow and my back locked up.  I spent 2 days lying on the couch like an overturned turtle and and vaguely functional now but NOTHING has gotten done.  Plus, I keep thinking I can do something and then when I do I ended up re-tweaking something in my back and am back down.  I do have a whole new appreciation for those that suffer from chronic pain or ongoing issues.  I have a bad ankle but all that requires is some ice periodically and I can't wear heels two days in a row without some serious discomfort but it doesn't really keep me from doing anything that I want to do.  I'm a terrible invalid but J has been amazing and dealt with the Tornado and made runs to the grocery store.  He even took off work Tuesday and Monday afternoon to pick up the Tornado and deal with everything.

And in the middle of me lying on the couch complaining our dishwasher died and we've been handwashing everything because we couldn't get a replacement until this weekend and the Tornado came down with a (thankfully very short lived) stomach bug.

Next week is spring break.  Emma will be home for a couple of days - mostly to get money and signatures for the apartment which she actually found a good price for a good location.  Other than that I don't really know what will happen.  

On the Blog:

What Happened:

What's Coming Up:

Monday: Perfectly Proper Paranormal Museum - Blog Tour Review and Giveaway
Tuesday: My Spring TBR
Wednesday: Skeleton Garden - Cozy Mystery Review
Thursday: Beyond the Books: Why I Started Blogging
Friday: Friday Linkups with teasers from current book
Saturday: Cravings - Cookbook Review because next week will be better!

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. Sorry to hear about your back Katherine... Have you tried a physiotherapist / chiropractor etc?

    In happier news (?!) I'm a fan of serial killers (in books!) as well so the irish one sounds interesting, as does Field of Graves.

  2. I really hate having back problems, but I have been plagued by them on and off over the years (mostly on lately!), because of a series of injuries I sustained when I was younger. Two car accidents and a work-related one with a large child jumping on my back. Hopefully, yours is a momentary thing, with the back seizing up because you moved it "wrong." That still happens to me.

    Sometimes you have to ice it down and take pain pills...nowadays, mine requires a little of the heating pad every day until it settles down. Yes, annoying!

    Enough about that, right? I hope you enjoy your books...I've only read the one J. T. Ellison book so far, but I'm eager to try her others. Thanks for sharing...and for visiting my blog.

  3. Rough week! Sorry about your back- back pain is the worst and when it gets re- aggravated I can imagine that's incredibly annoying. I pulled something in my back once and it was terrible- couldn't twist or do anything without serious pain. No fun. Hope you're feeling better.

    And Then There Were None looks so good, I missed the first part tonight but hopefully they will replay it. I'll have to check Lifetimes website. And Mayhem at the Orient express sounds fun too! Hope you guys have a great weekend.

  4. Oh that is awful, Katherine! I am so sorry to hear about your back! I know you have lots to do but you really need to rest so you don't make it worse. Thank goodness for your husband, they are amazing men.

    I hope this week gets better for you! Feel Better and Happy Reading! ox

  5. Ugh, back pain is terrible, I hope it resolves. The Orient Express book sounds amazing. Have a great week :)

  6. Oh, I feel badly for you this week! I know about back pain, believe me, and it's the worst. Glad you're on our feet, but be careful about sudden moves and use a heating pad for the pain & NSAID pain relief if you tolerate those.

    Great books! JT Ellison is one of my current top authors, love her! I read all in the two series, but if this is a recap from their past then try it out and see how you like it! I'm super excited because I thought the Taylor Jackson series was totally over.

    Also, I never heard of the one with the serial killer in Ireland but sounds right up my alley, twisted individual that I am, ha! And Iris and Ruby, another I never heard of, but sounds good to me.

    I hope you are feeling your old self soon, you teach Tornado to hand-wash dishes-- cross that -- get a new dishwasher and have hubby cook dinner while you lie on your back in bed and read :)

  7. Yikes things like that seem to hit in groups. Hope that back is right soon. I love Sarah Morgan's books too, I didn't request this one as I have a bit too much to read but I will read it. I still have the third in her Puffin Island series to read and loved her ski resort ones too.

  8. Ouch on the back injury, I hope you feel better soon but make sure you take it easy as it will take time, lots of time to heal properly. I like the sound of the serial killer book! And I loved And Then There Were None, it was shown here at Christmas over 3 nights and it was fab! Even my husband who hadn't read the book really enjoyed it.
    Hopefully next week is a better one :D

  9. Oh no, that sounds like a tough week, I hope everything is okay with your back now. Those are some interesting looking books, though it was Cinder that really grabbed my attention as its on one of my Challenge lists!

    Have a great week and happy reading!

    Laura @

  10. Back pain is so hard to deal with! I'm glad you're feeling better Katherine. And it's good to know J was able to step up and take over when you needed him to.
    I hope next week will be a great one! Happy reading.
    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

  11. Sorry about your back, Katherine. What a pain - literally! Glad your family was able to help out. Thanks for reminding me about AND THEN THERE WERE NONE. I'll have to set the DVR to record it. Lots of fun books in your stack now. I'm going to try Ellie Alexander's books. I met her at Left Coast Crime and am now reading her Pacific Northwest series, which she writes under Kate Dyer-Seeley. Loving it. And thank you for reminding me how much I used to love cozies.

  12. Nice books, hope you enjoy them all!!

  13. I hope your back feels better soon! I have bad joints (I honestly don't know why) and sometimes it is hard for me to walk around or do things.

    Here is my Sunday Post
    Molly @ Molly's Book Nook

  14. Ugh. Back problems suck. But there is a silver lining--at least with a bad back and broken dishwasher, you had a good excuse not to cook! I'm annoyingly always looking for the positive...

  15. Wow, sorry you had so many problems last week. Back problems are the worst! Hopefully this week will be better.

  16. Oh my...look at all those shiny NetGalley books. *closes eyes* Must resist, must resist...

    I'm sorry to hear about the crappy week. Back problems really are the worst because you don't realize how much you use your back until you can't. I get this twinge thing under my shoulder blade once in a while. I have no idea how I originally hurt it, but when it shows up it amazes me how I can use my arm but only so much before whammo, it says, nope you can't do that or that or that, and nope not that either. lol

    I hope to balance the past week, you have a fantastic week this week. :)

  17. Some great looking books! Were you able to get any reading done whilst laid up? I have a bad back periodical and feel for you. Hope you get fully recovered this week.

  18. Oh, no! Sorry to hear about your back... hope it is improving. I'm looking forward to And Then There Were None, too. Loved the book and recently learned about the movie from another blogger. The trailer looks so good! Hope this week is better for you.

  19. Oh, Katherine, I'm so sorry about your back! I hope it is feeling better, or will soon.

    I will have to wait for And Then There Were None to show up on Netflix or Amazon Prime, since we no longer have cable TV (just cable internet.)

    I haven't checked NG in ages so of course I had missed the new Krewe of Hunters book. I've just requested it, thanks to you! (And 2 other books besides...) I thought about requesting Sleepless in Manhattan because I like Sarah Morgan, but I'm just not in the mood for city-based romance right now. So I'll wait and read your review!

  20. Ouch! I'm sorry your back locked up. It's an essential human body part. I know how it's disappointing to have all these plans and while none were able to go to fruition, it's great how your husband chipped in to help out so you can rest as Mama is always important.

  21. We have similar book tastes :) The Kylie Logan series felt like a must read based off the title alone and I rushed to the library to pick up the first book in this series. I am so pumped to read the Ellie Alexander book as I adore this series. I grabbed a copy of Whispers in the Mist as at this rate we will have to compare thoughts on all of these! I hope your back feels better soon!

  22. You are a super bad influence on my TBR review I went and got two of the books you listed this week..I did't know Heather Graham had a new one out! :) Hope this week is better for you.

    Oh I liked Cinder in audio too, I think I might not have liked them as well if I didn't listen as it's not my usual genre.

    Happy reading!
    Week in Review

  23. I'm sorry about your back. I hope you get better soon.

  24. have had quite the week. I have had horrible back pain before and in the end it actually ended up being a kidney stone believe it or not. Hopefully, you will have a nice spring break and visit with your daughter (even if she is mostly there to get money).

    You added some wonderful books this week. Enjoy!

  25. I can totally empathize with back problems and hope yours is on the mend! A few of your books caught my attention! Have a good week.

  26. Black Rabbit Hall is one I've been interested in. I need to go read your review. I've had back problems in the past. My mom has had to have back surgery twice. Hoping I don't have the same issues.
    Check out my Sunday Post

  27. Yikes!.I know how you feel. I have locked up my back reaching for the toothpaste! I saw a meme once where a person is texting that they had put their back out and the other person asks, "What did you do?", and they reply... "I took a nap." Heh heh. I hope you get back to 100% quickly. I did not know that The Screaming Staircase was MG; I will have to go have a look at your review. My sister has been trying to get me to read Cinder for ages. Maybe I will see if the library has an audiobook Have a wonderful week. :)

  28. It never rains but it pours, right? I'm so sorry to hear about your back since I've had that problem. I hope you're back up and running! As for the books - oh dear, how do I read myself out of that list????

  29. I hope your back starts to feel better and stronger each day. I liked the Morgan ski resort books - hope her new one is good. Wishing you a better week!

  30. Sorry to hear about your back, I sprained my ankle and a week later it is still a pain!!! Hope you are feeling better.

  31. Sorry to hear about that back! I have some - actually, quite a bit - permanent spinal damage, and when you do something just the right way, it's all over. I don't know if you've ever thought of one, but my back doctor basically requires me to have an inversion table. It pulls the vertebrae apart and undoes what gravity does to the spine. I love mine and it works wonders.

    Yay for that dishwasher!

  32. I am excited about Sleepless in Manhattan. I hope your back is feeling better. I have a bad back and it acts up now and then. I hope you have a good weekend! Hopefully your week this wee was better.
