
Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Thread and Gone - Review

Thread and Gone (Mainely Needlepointers #3) by Lea Wait
Rating: Very Good
Source: NetGalley
Description:  Angie Curtis and her fellow Mainely Needlepointers know how to enjoy their holidays.  But nothing grabs their attention like tying up loose threads.  So when Mary Clough drops in on the group's Fourth of July supper with a question about an antique needlepoint she's discovered in her family attic, Angie and her ravelers are happy to look into the matter.  Angie's best guess is that the mystery piece may have been stitched by Mary, Queen of Scots, famous not just for losing her head but also for her needlepointing.  If Angie's right, the piece would be extremely valuable.  For safekeeping, Angie turns the piece over to her family lawyer, who places it in a safe in her office.  But when the lawyer is found dead with the safe open and ransacked, the real mystery begins... (From Goodreads)

Genre: Mystery

Why I Picked This Book:  This is the 3rd book in the Mainely Needlepointers and I've really enjoyed the series.  I also love the bits of history Wait mixes in with the murder.

My Impression:  Starting a new book in this series is like curling up with a warm blanket and a cup of tea on a cold and dreary day.  It's so comfortable and I'm immediately pulled back into the world of Angie Curtis and Haven Harbor, Maine.  This visit to Haven Harbor takes place in July and the lobster boats are bringing in tons of fresh lobster.  I really enjoyed that aspect of the book as it filled in a bit of what life in Haven Harbor is really like.
I loved the research done on the needlepoint.  Wait always pulls in a historical mystery in some way and this one involving Mary, Queen of Scots was fascinating.  I especially enjoyed the note at the end where she explains what is really true and her own personal connection to the story.
Angie's personal life is still meandering along and I enjoyed seeing her friendship with Sarah as well as her relationship with her grandmother and the changes that her grandmother's marriage are going to bring.  I was pleased that there was less emphasis on Angie's drinking.  In the last book Angie spent a lot of time drinking heavily and that was distracting.  There were a few mentions in this book but it seemed less prevalent.
As for the murder itself it definitely kept me turning pages.  I had a few suspicions of what was going to happen but I didn't have everything figured out.  This is a series that is proving to be tried and true.  I'm looking forward to the next book to catch up with the residents of Harbor Haven and see what mess they land themselves in next!

Would I Read More of this Series/Author?: Definitely!  I'm already looking forward to the next book.

Would I Recommend this Book?: If you enjoy a cozy mystery this is a great series to pick up.  I've really enjoyed all 3 books.


  1. I am not sure I read anything that is considered a 'cozy mystery'. I should branch out!

  2. As the writer of cozy mysteries set in Maine, I need to check out the competition!

  3. I need to check this series out. I love a good cozy, and the fact that this ones deals with Mary, Queen of Scots intrigues me.

    Simply Angela

  4. I must admit the crafting type books don't appeal to me as much as some of the other cozies. But you make this one sound like a fantastic read.

  5. It's nice when a cozy series hits on all cylinders and the characters develop- like an overarching, ongoing story. That's what I've enjoyed from the cozies I've tried so far. And the Maine setting sounds nice. :) Love that cover!

  6. I like the sound of this one. Maine is one of my favorite settings for a cozy. :-)

  7. I do like the sound of this series, even more than her previous one about antiques, and intend on picking up book #1. I love stories about Maine, and these sound intelligently written. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

  8. This sounds like a really good series. The setting sound fabulous and I like the idea of the history in the story. Great review!

  9. I really enjoy this series too. :)

  10. Ooo, I'm curious about the Mary, Queen of Scots, connection. She was a fascinating woman. I'm glad you enjoyed it!

  11. A good series like this is great, especially when you see development in the characters like Angie.

  12. I love the setting and I used to do needlepoint so I'll keep it in mind the next time I'm in the mood for a cozy. It sounds good.

  13. I haven't gotten this book yet, but I've read the first two and really like them. Glad this one was one you liked a lot, too, Katherine.

  14. I'm glad this is a dependable series for you. It is such a comforting feeling. Like one big happy sigh.

  15. I'm so glad you liked this one too! I agree with you about Angie's drinking; it's one of the few things I don't like in this series, so I was glad to see less of it. But other than that one thing, this is one of my favorite new mystery series.

  16. I need to check out some more cozy mysteries. It does sound like a good one. And I think I'm done comment bombing you for the day. lol
