
Saturday, February 20, 2016

This Week in Reading - February 21

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

Brighton Belle by Sara Sheridan - I love a World War 2 setting, interesting sounding characters, and a swirling mystery where nothing seems to add up at first and this one seems to have all 3.  Well the setting is actually post-World War 2 but that'll work.  The main character is a former secret service operative and has now found work as a debt collector.  There's people who aren't quite what they seem or who they say they are and I can't wait to find out more! (NetGalley)

Deep Dark by Laura Griffin - There was a reference to CSI and hacking in the blurb.  This is an author I've been wanting to read.  I was not strong enough to resist.  (NetGalley)

Silenced in the Surf by Kate Dyer-Seeley - I've read the first two mysteries in this outdoorsy mystery series set in the Pacific Northwest so I couldn't resist the blog tour for the 3rd book! (Publisher)

Death on Eat Street by J.J. Cook - It's a cozy mystery involving food trucks!  I couldn't resist!  (Paperbackswap)

The Arrangement by Mary Balogh - Because this year I'm going to get back to historical romance and Balogh is one of my favorites.  (Paperbackswap)


Reading: The First Family Detail by Ronald Kessler and Brooklyn Secrets by Triss Stein

Listening:  In a Dark, Dark Wood by Ruth Ware.  I'm about 30% in and so far this is SO good!

Watching:  I've been watching lots of True Crime shows on Investigation Discovery and am still obsessed with Top Chef on Hulu.  I'm finishing up Season 6 right now and about to start season 7 and I'm recording season 13 that's currently on Bravo!

Off the Blog:

We took the Tornado to a play tonight (Saturday night).  The local children's theater is putting on Winnie the Pooh and while it isn't his favorite he does enjoy the story so I'm hoping it will be fun.  J and I also got tickets for the And Then There Were None production that another theater group is putting on next month.  I'm really excited though I suspect it will have the play ending which is not my favorite.  Until then I'm counting down the days until Lifetime premiers the BBC edition of And Then There Were None.  I've seen the previews and it looks fantastic.

Speaking of previews I've become obsessed with the preview for Me Before You - the film version of Jojo Moyes book.  I haven't really wanted to read it because I've heard it causes ugly crying and I'm not a fan but the story in the preview looks amazing so I think I'm going to brave it.  Have you read Me Before You?  What did you think?  How does the preview look compared to the book?

The weather is starting to be bearable here!  Friday the Tornado and I even opened up the sandbox and were outside for an hour or two.  But as stuff starts blooming my allergies start to show back up (not that they really go away).  J has been on me about going to an allergist and I'm not sold on the whole idea.  I'm a fan of Benadryl and it does work but the allergies do seem to be ramping up.   I had an allergy test done when I was diagnosed with asthma (very mild) about 15 years ago and I know I'm pretty much allergic to everything outside.  Has anyone been to an allergist?  Good experience?  Bad or neutral?  

On the Blog:

What Happened:

What's Coming Up:

Monday:  The Rain Sparrow - Fiction Review
Tuesday: Ten Books I Enjoyed that Weren't My Typical Genre
Wednesday: Thread and Gone - Cozy Mystery Review
Thursday: Beyond the Book - My Scariest Moment
Friday: Friday Linkups featuring my current book
Saturday: 52 Pins in 52 Weeks - February Edition

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. I love Griffin's Tracers series, and thankfully they work as standalone. Brighton Belle by Sara Sheridan has me very curious, and I look forward to your thoughts. I cannot wait for your audio review of Dark, Dark Wood!! We opened windows too, it was so nice. I am starting to get the itch to spring clean everything..which is a good sign. My son has a horrible reaction to benadryl. Hope your week is amazing!

    1. That's too bad about your son. I live on Benadryl. I'm excited sbout trying the Griffin books. They definitely look like my kind of reads!

  2. I had a relative who went to an allergist and they recommended allergy shots she liked the doctor. She's kinda waiting to see how she does without the shots. She's allergic to a lot of stuff outside too. Good luck either way, and hopefully things don't get too bad whenever everything blooms out.

    Your theater shows sound great! Winnie the Pooh would be fun, and s would And Then there Were None I'm sure. I've heard the BBC version is quite good. I'll have to watch for that as well. Brighton belle looks good. :)

    Have a nice weekend!

    1. Winnie the Pooh was great and I'm so excited both productions of And Then There Were None! I've heard great things about the BBC version.

  3. Brighton Belle looks amazing. Grrr on the allergies. I'm absolutely no help with that. I do need to go to an allergist and get checked out. I have some kind of reaction to something that just does a number on my skin.

    1. My allergies go mostly to my eyes these days and the puffy look isn't super attractive.

  4. I saw Death on Eat Streets around and would love to get my hands on it too. Happy reading.
    sherry @ fundinmental Sunday Memes

  5. Oh do read Me Before You, there is so much that is positive in it and funny too. Can't wait to see the movie. And some tears won't hurt!!
    You've reminded me I want to get on to the next one in Mary Balogh's Survivors Club series. Where to find the time!

    1. I'm looking forward to Me Before You though I'm going to go on and get a box of tissues to have at the ready!

  6. I just read Me Before You last week, and I didn't ugly cry... I did shed a few tears towards the end, but it wasn't as bad for me as it was for others :) I really want to see the movie, now, too!
    I hope Winnie the Pooh was fun yesterday - that is one of my favorite children's stories, I read it so many times both when I was little, and then to my children :D
    Have a fantastic week ahead and happy reading.
    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

    1. That's good to hear that you didn't ugly cry but still enjoyed it. The story looks amazing. Winnie the Pooh was really fun. I love those characters.

  7. I love Mary Balogh. I read some books from her Survivors’ Club series and really couldn’t put them down. I haven’t read ‘The Arrangement’ yet sins you can read them in any order you like. I can’t wait to read what you thought about it.
    I still haven’t read ‘Me Before You’ but I really want to. I really need to squeeze that book in my schedule.
    Have a great week!

    1. I love Balogh's books though I've been neglecting her books lately. This series looks fantastic!

  8. Your new books sound really interesting! Hope you have a great week and happy reading!

    Laura @

  9. Oh, Brighton Belle sounds like it has potential. Hope you like it!

  10. I like a WW II setting as well. Will take a look at Brigton Belle.

    We don't like the over the counter meds but sometimes that is a necessity. What has worked for us is taking local honey. For us it's Tupelo honey. I have a reminder on my phone to take the honey every morning. After breakfast we each have a spoonful and it takes a while to work but once we took it daily, the following season we were fine.
    Look for your local honey, it has to be from the pollinators in your area.

    1. I like the honey idea! There a few stores here that sell local honey so I'll have to pick up a bottle. I like the taste of honey so that's pretty good medicine!

  11. My doctor has suggested I go to an allergist. I'm waiting until we move to do that. My allergies have been getting worse and worse. I'm using Benadryl, too. My mom went to an allergist years ago and gave herself shots for quite awhile. She had hayfever type allergies and had gotten asthma. Whether because of the shots or not the asthma got better some years later.

    I didn't know about the BBC version of And Then There Were None. I'm going to keep an eye out for that. Very exciting!

    We had one day here in the low 60's. It was nice! You got some great sounding books. Hope you enjoy them! Have a great week, Katherine.

    1. I think part of the reason I'm hesitating on the allergist is because I don't like needles but if nothing else works I'll have to try it.
      I think I saw March 13 on Lifetime for the BBC version. I've heard amazing things about it and the commercial was amazing!

  12. Those all sound good and I was given Deep Dark from the Publisher though not read the rest in the series, but might give it a try as it sounds good. :)

    Week in Review

    1. I'm really excited about the Lauren Griffin books. They sound like my kind of books!

  13. I love theater! I should take my kids more often. Sorry to hear about your allergies, the do spoil the anticipation ad excitement for of spring. I haven't read Me Before You but know I want to because it will be a movie! Hope you enjoy more nice days this week with Tornado

    1. We had such a good time at the play. I just wish they did more productions!

  14. Have you tried wearing a mask outside? At least in your own yard? Sebastian used to have a GP that was pretty much anti-specialist and took care of his allergy treatments herself. She said that once you come back inside to take off your shoes by the door and change your clothes because tiny pollen you can't see is all over you. She also recommended using a mask and covering your hair when outside. Of course covering your hair keeps pollen from hitching a ride inside. Sebastian doesn't do the mask and hat thing, but he manages the shoe and clothing thing and it has helped because there is something on campus that really gets to him in the spring. Other than that he takes OTC benedryl and a decongestant, and has prescription eyedrops. I hope The Tornado liked the play! I love Winnie the Pooh. Funny, Sebastian never really got into Pooh either. I can hardly wait for the next 52 Pins Post! Have a fabulous week. :)

    1. Changing clothes and a mask is a good idea. Covering my hair sounds like it could work to.
      The Winnie the Pooh play was a lot of fun even though it isn't his favorite story. It reminded me that we need to go plays more often.

  15. I have not read Me Before You but it seems like everyone else has! I hope you enjoy it if you end up reading it! I have been to an allergist and it was fine. He just told me what I was allergic to and that was the end of it. Needles aren't fun, but they really didn't hurt. Have a great week! :D

    Here's my Weekly Recap!

    1. That's good to know! Needles freak me out a bit but it's probably time to get past that!

  16. I don't have allergies but I did work outside this weekend and my eyes and sinuses are acting up. We have a ton of pollen and it can drive you crazy at first. It;s so thick it covers my car every morning. We have a small local theatre and I enjoy going now and then. They will be doing Willy Wonka again and I;ll be there. It was such fun:)

    My Sunday Post -

  17. Me Before You was my first book by this author, and led to my reading journey through more of her books. I definitely want to see the movie, although I haven't yet seen a preview. Off to Google it!

    Speaking of Hulu, I have Hulu Plus, but haven't watched much on it. I read that this week, Stephen King's 11/22/63 will be showing there. I must try!

    Enjoy your week...and thanks for visiting my blog.

  18. I didn't know the BBC was making a version of And Then There Were None. I love that book! Thanks for the info!

  19. So glad you are enjoying In A Dark, Dark Wood!! Loved that one. Me Before You is one of my favorite books. I did cry quite a bit though. We had nice weekend weather but I don't think it isstikcing around. I am dying for spring here!!! Have a great week!

  20. I thought the beeb's And Then They Were None was great so hope you enjoy it. I finished In a Dark, Dark Wood last week and really enjoyed it. Hope you continue to. Have a good week. Emma

  21. Brighton Belle looks so good. I haven't read a book set in World War 2 in a long time, but i do enjoy that setting.

    Hope you have a great week!

  22. Brighton Belle sounds wonderful. I hope you enjoy it! I look forward to reading your thoughts on it.

    I am glad you are enjoying In a Dark, Dark Wood. I've been curious about that one. I haven't read Me Before You either for the same reason, although I haven't watched the trailer. I've avoided it, actually. I may have to though after what you've said.

    I'm so excited for you getting to see And Then There Were None on stage. I love going to the theater.

    I have allergies too--so does my husband and daughter. This weather we've been having has been torture on our sinuses. I went to see an allergest when I was in college and found out I was allergic to quite a few things, including cockroaches. How does someone end up allergic to cockroaches?

    Anyway, I hope you have a great week!

  23. For the longest time I have gravitated to WWII as book settings I know I will enjoy. Brighton Bell looks good and I love the cover! I also a copy of A Dark, Dark Wood in my TBR pile. I had heard so many great reviews for it, but I haven't been able to get to it yet. I am so glad you are enjoying it. I also have an eGalley of Me Before You, which I never got around to, but now, like you, after seeing the amazing previews for the movie, NEED TO READ. I was crying watching the previews, I can just imagine what's to come reading the book! I had the same uncontrollable crying jag when I read The Fault in Your Stars. I don't seek out books that effect me that way, but The Fault in Your Stars I thought was great and I guess I will buy a big box of tissues before starting Me Before You.

    P.S. I had to go to the Allergist prior to having surgery because they found out I was allergic to all sorts of antibiotics when they tried to treat me for something before the surgery. The allergy testing was kind of interesting and I have to say I was really impressed with her knowledge about what I was allergic to. Although my visit wasn't really to treat the allergies just determine them. I'm not sure I would enjoy having to come once a week to try and build up a tolerance to my allergies, but if I suffered not doing so I would definitely give it a try.

    Great post! Have a great week!

  24. Me Before You was the best story I read that year (out of 230 read) I am looking forward to After You...

  25. I am seeing alot of the Laura Griffin, must check it out!! Have a good week!!

  26. I can't wait for Me Before You movie!! I get all the feels when I watch the trailer. I still need to read the book though. I hope you read it soon!

  27. Sounds like an interesting week! I love the theatre/plays - anything like that! Winnie The Pooh sounds amazing :D Even if it is one for kids, I'd love to see it! I hope you all enjoyed it :)

    I can't help on the allergist front, but I hope it proves calmer for you this year :) You can't lose much by enquiring though can you? Go for it :) You'll be able to play in the sand box/ be in the garden for longer :D Good times!

    Have a great week,
    Amy x

  28. Have fun at the plays! I used to go to quite a few plays when I was in college because they were cheap and it was really easy to get tickets, go there, etc., and the theatre department put on some great shows and it's a fun thing to do, but I haven't been to any plays since. That's great that the weather is warming up, though the allergy thing does suck. Have a great week!

  29. Oh yes, ugly crying at the end of Me Before You! But if you're smart, you won't finish it any where any one can see it happen!

  30. The spring has stirred up my allergies. I went to the allergist in January for the food allergy test and later for the lung pulminary testing (for asthma - ordered by the allergist) and RAST testing for the allergies that have to be done by bloodwork. Before I even knew the results of my blood test, they had sent my Epi pen script to the pharmacist. HIGHLY allergic to the one food I knew I was allergic to. I go back tomorrow for the environmental allergens test. I have had really good experience with my allergist - she was very patient and explained things in very easy to understand terms. Of course, any allergist in the US will tell you Austin, TX is the WORST place in all the US to live.

  31. If you read Me Before You and it makes you cry, just blame your allergies. lol. I just read it and my "allergies" definitely attacked. :D Hope your weather gets even better! Have a great week.

  32. Sounds like you have plenty to look forward to. It's nice when the weather gets better for the kids.

  33. I think it wouldn't hurt to see an allergist. You don't have to follow his/her advice in the end and you are paying for health insurance. The play sounds fun. When my girls were going to school in the city, their second grade classes would go see live productions. The last one I saw was Jack and the Beanstalk. It was an all woman group who put on the show. They were fantastic.

  34. My husband has bad allergies and he was getting shots but they didn't help him. Now he just takes over the counter medicine. But I know other people that the shots have helped so you should give it a try. I hope you have a great week!

  35. I love these Sunday Posts! Mary Balogh sounds like an author I should try out too.
    Excited for your posts this week!
    Sorry to hear about your allergies, I can sympathise :(

  36. Allergies are horrible! I think I spend half of my life sneezing. We have had some great weather lately too. I bet your son loved being in the sandbox for a couple of hours. All your new books look great. Enjoy!
