
Saturday, February 13, 2016

This Week in Reading - February 14

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

A Killer Ball at Honeychurch Hall by Hannah Dennison - I'm so excited about this one!  I've really enjoyed the first 2 books in this series and this one features not only the old Honeychurch Hall but a hidden room!  (NetGalley)

First Grave on the Right by Darynda Jones - This series has been high up on my TBR for awhile now and I finally decided just to go on and get the first one.  (Paperbackswap)

Mindless Eating: Why We Eat More Than We Think by Bryan Wansink - I've been wanting to read this one and it finally came up on my wishlist over at paperbackswap.  I've got about 10 pounds or so I want to lose so I'm curious to see what this one has to say about eating and how our brain works and all that stuff.  (Paperbackswap)


Reading: Thread and Gone by Lea Waite and Murder in Mesopotamia by Agatha Christie

Listening: I'm almost caught up on my podcasts.  I discovered What Should I Read Next a few weeks ago and have really been enjoying that one.  I'm also loving Super Serials, The History Chicks, and Avon on the Air

Watching: Well War and Peace (which I really enjoyed) is over and Lifetime will apparently be showing the BBC version of And Then There Were None in March and I cannot wait!  Until then I'm catching up on all the NCIS franchises and Criminal Minds

Off the Blog:

Well the Tornado got over whatever bug he had pretty quickly, it definitely didn't seem to be strep and no one else got sick so we are keeping our vacation plans!  We're currently down in south Mississippi enjoying some (slightly) warmer weather and a few days away which is always good.  This is the first time in awhile that J has been able to get away from work long enough to go with us so that's doubly exciting.
I tried one of the many "Slow Cooker Risotto" recipes that seem to be floating around on Pinterest and I was seriously underwhelmed.  I like risotto pretty well when someone else makes it for me but all that tending it requires drives me crazy.  I figured if I could just dump stuff in the crock pot for a couple of hours that would be perfect.  Instead the flavor was kind of bland and the rice had far more bite than I wanted it to have and instead of creamy it leaned more toward glue-y.  Needless to say I won't be making that recipe again but if anyone has any risotto recipes that don't require standing and stirring for 30 minutes straight please share!
We are out of town today and aren't too big of Valentine's Day celebrators.  The past few years I've made something fun for dinner and we've watched a movie but that was about it.  I'd love to know how everyone else celebrates Valentine's Day!

On the Blog:

What Happened:

What's Coming Up:

Monday:  Beauty, Beast, and Belladonna - Cozy Mystery Review
Tuesday: Guest Post: Life on the Mayflower with Noelle Granger
Wednesday: German Men Sit Down to Pee - Travel Nonfiction Review
Thursday: Why Not Me? by Mindy Kaling - Humorous Nonfiction Review
Friday: Friday Linkups with excerpts from current book
Saturday: TBD

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. Glad the Tornado is better and it didn't develop into anything worse.

    Hmph re the risotto, though my fave risotto recipe is actually an oven risotto and it's delicious!

    I'm glad you're enjoying your cozies and hope the quality continues. Enjoy the hidden room!

  2. A Killer Ball at Honeychurch Hall looks so fun, those books always seem to have inviting covers. That one might be my favorite of the three so far! I need to read those maybe at some point. And Then There Were None the BBC version sounds good too, I just saw a good review of that this past week.

    Looks like some fun posts coming up this week (I'm curious about German Men Sit Down to Pee- THAT should be interesting)and hope you guys have a great time on vacation! Have a great week.

  3. I love secret rooms, although as I say that I remember being taken into one in a castle in Ireland and then feeling panicky and somewhat trapped! However still love the idea! I so want to read the Darynda Jones series too - time, time is the thing!

  4. Oh that's annoying about the risotto recipe! Not sure I can think of one that doesn't require stirring. Have a good week and happy reading!

  5. Glad to hear you’ve been able to get out for a little while with your family. That’s great and really necessary sometimes.
    I’ll keep my eyes out for Risotto recipes that are under 30 minutes. I have a Risotto recipe that’s very tasty with smoked salmon, but it does take at least 30 minutes and a lot of stirring.
    I love the look of ‘A Killer Ball at Honeychurch Hall’ by Hannah Dennison. Enjoy your reading ;)

  6. I saw that that Lifetime is showing And Then There Were None. I want to reread it because it has been forever. I laugh at your risotto story because that was just an issue on Top Chef!! Not slow cooker but the guy messed it up. They always mess up the risotto. I haven't found a good recipe that doesn't require a ton of attention. And it still never comes out perfect for me!!

  7. Good to know about And Then There Were None. I'll have to try to remember it. Hope you guys are having a great time.

  8. Glad the little one is better and you got some really interesting books to read. :) Happy reading!

    Week in Review

  9. I've read mindless eating twice and both times it was fascinating. I use a lot of the hints.

    And I really enjoy the darynda jones books, I just need more time to fit them in.

  10. A Killer Ball at Honeychurch Hall sounds good....and such a lyrical title, too.

    Thanks for sharing, and enjoy your trip. Glad the Tornado is better.

    I am in search of recipes for my new Crockpot, but I don't want anything that needs to be "tended" either. LOL


  11. That's a good cozy cover. Sorry the risotto didn't work out. I haven't tried that yet b/c of the constant watching and I'm usually multitasking when cooking. Glad to know to not waste my time on a slow cooker version. Happy Valentine's Day. No plans here, just rejuvenating after Tuesday. Gotta take the tween to a birthday party, pick up gauze and bandages for the husband, and return library books. Glad your son is okay and didn't have strep.

  12. A Killer Ball at Honeychurch Hall Looks great! I'll have to check out that series.

    As for risotto my secret to not standing in the kitchen stirring for 30 minutes is to just dump 1 liter of broth in the pan and let it cook slowly. No need to add a bit every time and let it cook up, seriosuly it tastes the same if you just dump it all in at once. I have three risotto recipes posted on my blog if you are looking for another risotto recipe to give a try.

    Have a great week and enjoy your vacation!

  13. I like the sound of A Killer Ball at Honeychurch Hall as well. I can't resist a hidden room. :-) I am glad Tornado is feeling better. Mouse is starting to feel sick. She's developing a cough and has the sniffles. She slept very poorly last night. I am glad you were able to get away! I know you were worried you might not be able to.

    I hope you have a great week, Katherine!

  14. I hope to read First Grave on the Right soon. I am happy to hear that the Tornado is feeling better and he didn't share his illness with anyone else. Your vacation plans sound great! Have a great week!

  15. Oh oh oh [giggles stupid grin in my face] You are gonna read First Grave on the Right!!! I'm reading it now. so freaking hilarious! Can we be "sooo stupidly into it" together??? :) :) lol

  16. With all the excitement forgot to say... Glad tornado is feeling better! And nope sorry there is no way around risotto. I tried. Risottos are high maintenance. They want uninterrupted continues attention the stupid little brats! :(

  17. Sorry I am making my rounds so late! I had a cold, I guess, but it seems to be leaving me quicker than a cold. It went into my right eye again. I am going to have to as the doctor why my colds and flus migrate to my eyes, now. Old age creeping up, I guess. Ha ha. My gawd, if you find a recipe for risotto that doesn't require constant attention send my way! I refuse to make it at home. My ex used to like making it, but he didn't have to cook every day. Since I have been single again Valentines day hasn't changed much because I have always included friends and family in my celebration. I send cards to my best friends, my sister and my mother. I buy candy for my nephews, sister, mother, my son, and the two kids across the street. This year was more fun because my son has his first serious girlfriend and I helped him with gift suggestions. Sebastian always gets me candy, but usually forgets a card; this year he remembered and actually wrote something meaningful in it! I usually decorate a Valentines branch, but I was sick so it didn't get done. I have a Valentines door wreath, too. I am glad The Tornado didn't have strep and you were able to go on your trip. Have a wonderful rest of the week. :)

  18. I made the man take me to the expensive bra store (genetics, man) and wait around while I was refitted and outfitted with my new ones before we went to dinner at a new Irish restaurant. :)

  19. I want to read the Darynda Jones Grave series, we didn't do anything either, Mike made us Tbones which were excellent!!

  20. Eee yeah that doesn'tsound like the best of recipes. lol Hope yall are having a great vacation (if you're still down there!)
