
Friday, February 26, 2016

Friday Linkups: The First Family Detail

It's Friday linkup time!  I'm linking up with the Book Blogger Hop hosted by Coffee Addicted Writer, Book Beginnings of Fridays hosted by Rose City Reader, and the Friday 56 hosted by Freda's Voice.

This Week's Book Blogger Hop Question:
Do your children, siblings, or other family members enjoy reading as much as you do?

My Answer:
Yes and no.  Emma (19) and Eleanor (20) both enjoy reading but don't read all that much right now as they're busy with school and everything.  Paul (18) is not a reader and we tease him a lot that books won't actually hurt him.  I think he might find he enjoys reading when he's a bit older or he may not.  The Tornado (6) is learning to read and is really excited about it.  He's always loved books and we've read a story pretty much every night so he's thrilled that he can now sound out most of the words in the books.

This week's book is one that's been sitting on my stack for awhile.  Last year I read The Residence by Kate Andersen Brower and absolutely loved it so I was intrigued by The First Family Detail by Ronald Kessler.  While Brower's book focused on the staff of the White House Kessler seems to focus more on the Secret Service.  So far this is interesting and easy read but I'm not liking it quite as much as The Residence.  It feels a little more gossip column then the other but we'll see how it goes.

The Beginning: 
Chapter 1
The nuclear football is a leather-covered titanium business case that weights forty pounds.

My Thoughts:
I can't imagine carrying that around all the time.  Not only is it heavy but there's so much responsibility!

The 56:
John Hinckley is still considered a Class III threat.  In 1982, he was found not guilty by reason of insanity in the shootings of President Reagan and three others who were with him.

My Thoughts:
I suppose if anything should get you listed as a Class III threat actually shooting a president would do it.  I think hearing about how the Secret Service deals with this kind of threat will be interesting.

So what do you think?  Keep reading?


  1. I don't think I've read any books about the white house though I have taken a couple tours through the years and loved those. The Residence sounds good and I might have to pick that book up.

    I'm not sure a gossipy book about the secret service (especially after all the problems they've had) is one I would want to read. Also are they really going to give accurate info out since that might endanger the President? I might think about quitting this book, Katherine!

  2. I don't read much nonfiction but this one sounds interesting. I am spotlighting Just This Night by Mari Madison this week. Happy reading!

  3. Not sure that would be my cup of tea, but I am glad you are finding it at least a little interesting. :)

    Friday Memes

  4. I have been fascinated by political stories lately, ever since watching House of Cards on Netflix (and The West Wing). I am going to check these out. Thanks. Here's mine: ”THE PRICE OF SALT”

  5. Sounds like an interesting look behind the scenes of the White House. I don't read much nonfiction, but this sounds like a good one.
    My Friday post features WATERCOLORS IN THE RAIN.

  6. I do like nonfiction, and this one sounds like it could be good. I hope this one turns out okay for you. Thanks for sharing. :-)

  7. I love books like this. The info you've already shared is interesting

  8. That is awesome that your two older children at least think about reading and once did.

    Hopefully Paul will start enjoying the wonder of books.

    Great on your youngest.

    Thanks for sharing, and have a wonderful weekend.

    Happy Hopping!!

    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog Hop Answer

  9. My younger cousin is a reader. And that's pretty much all we talk about. Except now that he's in university he has less time to read what I tell him to. Lol!
    My dad has recently started reading. So he shops my library. It's hard because he of course doesn't read NA(and I don't want him to) or fantasy, so I've had to buy some books more recently that he'd read. Lol!

  10. My brother came into reading later in life, so there is hope for your older son. :-)

  11. My two daughters are readers although they get busy with school and don't read much at times. My husband honestly believes that a book might hurt him judging from his behavior. I really wish that he would try to read a book because I am convinced he would enjoy it. The book you are reading sounds interesting although I am not sure that I would enjoy it. Maybe in small doses. I look forward to your review!

  12. That's awesome the little one is learning and loving to read!

  13. How sweet that the "Tornado" is so excited about sounding out words! I can relate to that, as I was excited, too, at that age. And it's great that the two oldest are into books. They're just concentrating on schoolwork right now. As for Paul, he might very well discover that he enjoys reading a bit later on. Some people are late bloomers where reading is concerned. Also, many people get interested in reading after having enjoyed a book that really made an impression on them.

    Happy Reading to you all! Hope you're having a great Saturday!

    Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my BBH post!! :)

  14. Interesting stuff. A 40-pounder doesn't sound like anything I'd like to carry around either! Here's mine:

  15. That's the kind of book I would pick up on a whim. Thanks for sharing your post on BBOF!

  16. Sounds like a fascinating read! Happy Sunday!

  17. Sounds like a must read! Have a great weekend!

    Check out my Friday 56 (With Book Beginnings).
