
Saturday, January 16, 2016

This Week in Reading: January 17

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

The Murder of Mary Russell by Laurie R. King - I tried to talk myself out of requesting this one because I'm so far behind in the series but I am weak.  (NetGalley)

Flawless by Heather Graham - I'm not sure if this is another Krewe book or not but I'm good either way.  I always enjoy Heather Graham's books!  (NetGalley)

Last Wool and Testament by Molly MacRae - I've seen this series around and thought it'd be good to start with the first book.  (paperbackswap)

Shoreline Drive by Lily Everett - I read the first book in the series (Sanctuary Island) and am looking forward to reading Merry's story.  (paperbackswap)

Astor Place Vintage by Stephanie Lehman - There's vintage clothing and a diary sewn up into something from the turn of the century.  I love hidden diaries and vintage clothes so I'm excited about this one.  (paperbackswap)


Reading:  Reckless by Kimberly Kincaid and The Princess Diaries by Meg Cabot

Listening: Pretty Little Liars by Sara Shephard

Watching:  I'm binging on Top Chef right now on Hulu and loving it!  I love seeing some familiar faces from other foodie stuff in the early seasons!

Off the Blog:

This week was really quiet which was not a bad thing!  I feel like I'm finally caught up from Christmas and everything.  We have food, the house is clean and everyone is fairly healthy again. I've gotten back in the mode of cooking every night which has been good for both our budgets and our diets.  I had had a slightly complicated meal picked out the other night but when it came down to cooking I just wasn't feeling it and along with a marinated chicken I ended up making this super simple Parmesan Basil Orzo.  It was so good!  Even the Tornado loved it which never happens.  I didn't have fresh basil because it's winter so I used 2 teaspoons of dried and it worked fine though really I think the basil can be left out entirely.  I don't think it added all that much flavor wise but I'll try it again with fresh.
I'm getting back on track with blog visiting though there are so many blogs I'd like to visit that I don't end up getting too.  I need to figure out a system for that.  I've also been making some progress in getting a few weeks of posts scheduled out.  I'm still behind a bit in reviews but I've made some real progress with the memes I participate in.  I'm very excited about that!

On the Blog:

What Happened:

What's Coming Up:

Monday: Casino Royale Review
Tuesday: Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Books Recently Added To My TBR
Wednesday: The Road to Little Dribbling - Nonfiction Travel Memoir Review
Thursday: Beyond the Books: Favorite Beauty Products
Friday: Friday Linkups with Current Book
Saturday: My Favorite Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. I had to check out the recipe you shared, as I hadn't heard of orzo before. Kind of like arborio / risotto rice perhaps? It certainly looks yummy.

    I have no real system with blog visiting I must admit. I follow a lot, which I read from feedly (a reader) and then click through to leave comments on some. I also use this link-up though to catch up on book blogs. Many of our tastes differ but I enjoy the weekly snippets from others around the world re what they've been reading!

    1. Orzo kind of looks like arborio but it's pasta so the texture is a bit different. It's really good!

  2. I'm also really behind in visiting other blogs. I really don't know how people do it. If you find out, please let me know! ;)
    I honestely haven't heard about the new books you've got. They sound interesting though. Love that cover of 'The Murder of Mary Russell'.

    1. I love the Mary Russell series. If you enjoy Sherlock at all you should check out the series.

  3. If you find a way to visit other blogs, let me know! I could definitely use some help with that too .)

    Have a great week!


  4. Hmmm...I love the title of the Laurie King book - Murder of Mary Russell? Interesting. And you're listening to Pretty Little Liars? I keep meaning to take a look at that TV show. Have you watched it? Wonder how the books compare?

    1. I watched the first couple of episodes and for the most part they're similar. The only real difference is the time between Alison's disappearance and A's appearance.

  5. I got Flawless last week! :) I hope you enjoy Last Wool and Testament as I really enjoy that series. I just finished the current one in that series...finally caught up with a

    I am curious about PLL, I have watched the show and I am sure the books are so much different.

    Glad you had a none busy week!

    Happy reading,
    Week in Review

    1. Imthe first few episodes of PLL weren't tgat different from the book but after that I don't know. It was interesting.
      I'm pretty sure you're responsible for The Last Wool and Testament!

  6. Yum that sounds really good! I always want to try new stuff but never seem to have the time, I am going to have to pin that and actually try it.

    I still can't figure out a system to visit but I am trying :)

    Have a great week, Katherine! Happy Reading! ox

    1. The orzo is pretty simple and tasty so hopefully you'll enjoy it! I like how versatile it is. I think we just need ore hours in the day!

  7. A quiet week is a good one around here. :-) Flawless sounds good! I look forward to your review of it. I love the cover of Laurie R. King's book. I really must give that series a try. I am still working on getting ahead with blog posts. There's just so much else to do, it's hard to find the time to sit at the computer and work on it, especially when I also want to make time to actually read. I am behind in reviews at the moment, but only by two, so that's good. I hope you have a great week, Katherine!

  8. I believe we are all weak when it comes to Netgalley, especially when it comes to being behind on a series! Enjoy your reading!

  9. I use the weekends Stacking the Shelves and Sunday Post and I just spend a while visiting blogs,I enjoy it and it doesn't feel like a chore.

  10. That Parmesan Basil Orzo sounds so tempting...and I don't cook much. LOL.

    Your books look tempting as well, especially Astor Place sounds like a place I'd like to visit.

    Enjoy your week, and here are MY WEEKLY UPDATES

  11. Is your Casino Royale review on the James Bond story? If so, I can't wait to read it. I've been dying to begin reading Ian Fleming's stories, and found them on Amazon Unlimited. I love Bond!

  12. Shoreline Drive is the only one in the series I haven't read, somehow missed it out. Hope it's good.

  13. I've read Last Wool and Testament; it was a pretty good read. I added the vintage one. I love reading about vintage clothing.

  14. I like orzo, it's very versatile. Glad you posted a link for it. Sounds like life is going well, nice and quiet is always a good thing!

  15. I am still trying to tidy up from Christmas, in fact I would go as far to say I am gutting my house and my body is next on the list!

    It is so difficult to get round everybody and I always feel that I should comment back instantly but it isn't always possible. I use DIGG to follow the blogs I like to visit on a regular basis and it seems to work well.

    Have a good week!

  16. Ooh, you got the Mary Russell too! Yay!

    I didn't have any Christmas stuff to put away (that's what happens when you aren't home for 5 weeks over Christmas), but I'm glad you've gotten things settled back down to normal, both healthwise and housewise. And good for you for starting to get ahead on blog posts! I'm still working on that... and on visiting regularly.

  17. Still enjoying Princess Diaries? I really need to read that. Is the audio good?
    Visiting blogs is hard. I'm usually let me favourite blogs(like yours) have a few days of pile up and than do a mass read and comment. That's usually the easiest for me.
    Have a good one!

  18. The parmesan basil orzo sounds really good and I pinned it for safe keeping. I'm always looking for new recipes. I'm behind on Heather Graham's books but I did grab some of the Krewe's books while they were on sale. I hope you enjoy all your new books and everyone stays health. Have a great week!

  19. I need a quiet week myself! Hoping today and tomorrow, since I have a three day weekend, that I'll be getting caught up! Hope you have a great week!
    Check out my Sunday Post

  20. I'm behind with everything blog related ... too easily sidetracked as soon as I'm on my laptop. You are doing great with the catch up. When you figure out a system for visiting let me know lol, I always comment on my 20-30 favourites then try and get to some new-to-me blogs. Astor Place Vintage sounds good to me and I'm going to check out the Parmersan Basil Orzo recipe ... I have orzo in the pantry and fresh basil. Have a great week and happy reading :)

  21. I have a feeling you're not alone when it comes to Netgalley! I know when I finally get on there I'll probably be in trouble... The Murder of Mary Russell looks quite good. Is Pretty Little Liars what the show is based on? I've seen a few episodes of it...

    Commenting. Yeah it's tough to keep up with. I don't really have a system other than checking favorite blogs and I usually check Bloglovin more or less daily. That seems to work for me.

    My reviews have been scarce lately but I did get ahead on memes. :) Now if I can just stay ahead. Looking forward to your thoughts on Casino Royae.

  22. Thanks for the link to the orzo recipe. It sounds wonderful. I have to scoot back around and look at your praline cookie post, too. I am going to start doing the Beyond the Books feature on Thursday. Your posts roped me in. Ha ha. Have a terrific week, Katherine. :)

  23. You always read so many interesting books. I have actually read and enjoyed Shoreline Drive. I hope that you like it as well. I love quiet weeks. I get a bit stressed out when there is too much going on and I can't do anything about it. I change my mind about what I am going to make for dinner all the time too. I will have to check out that orzo recipe.
