
Wednesday, January 20, 2016

The Road to Little Dribbling - Review

The Road to Little Dribbling: Adventures of an American in Britain by Bill Bryson

Rating: Very Good
Source: NetGalley
Description:  Over twenty years ago, Bill Bryson went on a trip around Britain to celebrate the green and kindly island that had become his home.  The hilarious book he wrote about that journey, Notes from a Small Island, became one of the most loved books of recent decades, and was voted in a BBC poll as the book that best represents Britain.  Now, for his first travel book in fifteen years, Bryson sets out again, on a long-awaited, brand-new journey around the UK.  (from Goodreads)

Genre: Nonfiction - Travel

Why I Picked This Book:  I've enjoyed Bryson's other books of this type and enjoyed Notes from a Small Island very much.  I was curious to see what had changed in 20 years.

My Impression:  If you've read any of Bryson's books before you pretty much know what to expect here.  If you haven't - it's basically Bryson meandering around the English countryside and discussing everything that interests him.  Obscure and not so obscure landmarks, some interesting and not so well known historical tidbits, the way some areas are so carefully preserved and celebrated and others no less important and beautiful completely ignored.  He discusses traffic, the British love of systems that are far less systematic than they appear, and everything else that comes into his head in an ordered stream of conscious fashion.   I mean all of this in the best possible way.  Bryson is mildly grumpy with a low tolerance for idiots but his sense of humor and curiosity really carries the book.  There were plenty of times throughout the book when I found myself laughing and just had to read the passage out loud to my husband.  Bryson also validated my fear of cows and earned my eternal gratitude.  I knew they weren't to be trusted and were always ready to trample someone to death.
This was a book I read a little bit at a time and I always enjoyed it.  Bryson's voice is gentle even when he's contemplating if violence is appropriate when someone allows their dog to poop on a public walk and then covers it up with leaves.  The book is divided into chapters that discuss different regions - Cornwall, London, etc - and for each chapter he explores that region.  He has the unique perspective of someone who has lived there for decades and is familiar with the country and able to see how things have changed but he is still just slightly a foreigner.
This is a perfect book to read a chapter at a time.  It's light and entertaining but still full of fascinating tidbits of information about a huge range of subjects.

Would I Read More of this Series/Author?: I definitely will.  I really enjoyed this one!

Would I Recommend this Book?: Yes definitely!  If you're a fan of Bryson's work this is a must read and if you're new to him this would be a great book to start with.


  1. I love Britain and want to see more of it. I'll be an armchair traveler and am sure to read this one.

    1. This would be a good one to armchair travel with! I felt like I was strolling through the English countryside!

  2. Will definitely look into his books before we go to England again. He ought to his the US - there's so much more MORE here.

    1. He does have a book about traveling around the US that's pretty good and he wrote A Walk in the Woods which is awesome!

  3. I will give him another go but maybe with another book. I tried read Notes from a Small Island and wasn't entertained. Mayhap I'll go audio with him instead.

    1. I liked this one a bit better but I don't think his voice is for everyone. I do really love him in audio so that may be a good way to try him.

  4. Sounds like an interesting read, I guess it would take us on a tour around the UK without having to leave our armchairs!

    1. I really liked this one and it's definitely a great way to travel without leaving my chair!

  5. I've never read any of Bill Bryson's books. Should I give them a try?

    1. Hmmm... I'm not sure you'd enjoy this. There's kind of a meandering quality that definitely doesn't work for everyone. If you want to give him a try I'd try this or A Walk in the Woods.

  6. I just started Notes from a Small Island last night!

  7. I haven't read anything by Bryson before, but I know his books are popular. I had such bad luck with Sedaris that I am hesitant to try Bryson. I am glad you enjoyed this one. It does sound good!

    I wouldn't be too happy if someone left dog business behind without picking it up--especially if they took the time to cover it.

    1. Bryson and Sedaris are SOOO different. Sedaris leans towards vulgar and shocking at times whereas Bryson is mostly mildly grumpy. I think you might like him. I'd recommend this one or A Walk in the Woods.

  8. I have not read Bryson although I won one of his books in a giveaway and really should read it! This sounds great, and now I'm curious about Notes from a Small Island. I like the idea of him just kinda covering whatever strikes his fancy, some travelogues can be a bit stuffy.

    I laughed at your comment about cows, there's obviously a story there in the book and I'm curious! Will remember they're not to be trusted! LOL. I love the cover of this one too.

    1. Cows always made me nervous because they're so big and they can stampede. He talks about some cow encounters that are entertaining. I think you would really enjoy this book Greg.

  9. How fun! I didn't know he'd written a new book. I loved In a Sunburned Country and A Walk in the Woods. He always makes me laugh. Glad to know about this book. Thanks! (And great review.)

    1. Thanks! I'm a fan though not all of his books have worked for me. I really loved this one and I think you'd enjoy it too!

  10. I've seen his books around, just never figured I'd pick one up. But your review is great. It made me laugh and I love a good old grumpy english man. That is my family in a nutshell. I'll have to check out his first book from the library. Maybe on audio? Especially if he reads it himself.

  11. I am a huge fan of Bill Bryson since I picked up his first book many years ago, I am a couple of books behind but I did get this for my birthday so I cant wait to read!

    Thanks for sharing!

  12. I've never read any Bill Bryson. This one sounds like an interesting one! Great review!
