
Friday, January 29, 2016

Friday Linkups: Lockwood and Co. The Screaming Staircase

It's Friday linkup time!  I'm linking up with the Book Blogger Hop hosted by Coffee Addicted Writer, Book Beginnings of Fridays hosted by Rose City Reader, and the Friday 56 hosted by Freda's Voice.

This Week's Book Blogger Hop Question:
Can you pass by a bookstore without stopping in?

My Answer:
Actually yes!  I'm not a huge book buyer and then kind of lock up when I'm in a bookstore because I have so many books to read I feel guilty.  The library is a whole other story though and I can do serious damage in a used bookstore.

This week's book is Lockwood& Co: The Screaming Staircase by Jonathan Stroud.  This has been on my radar for awhile as I love Middle Grade mystery/adventure series and this one looks really interesting.  The final push for me to actually pick this one up is that this week my favorite podcast, Super Serials, talked about this one and I thought it would be the perfect time to pull this one off the TBR!

The Beginning:
Of the first few hauntings I investigated with Lockwood & Co. I intend to say little, in part to protect the identity of the victims, in part because of the gruesome nature of the incidents, but mainly because, in a variety of ingenious ways, we succeeded in messing them all up.

My Thoughts:
I like the sound of the narrator in this first sentence.  There's a little bit of humor and it definitely sets the stage for a pretty dramatic story!

The 56: 
But it was a decade or so later that a bloody series of cases, such as the Highgate Terror and the Mud Lane Phantom, attracted serious attention.

My Thoughts:
I'm seriously intrigued.  I like the sound of all these cases with lots of drama and mayhem!

So what do you think?  Keep reading?


  1. Fun question this week! I have a hard time passing a bookstore by- especially a used bookstore. There's something about used bookstores in particular- I love exploring them and seeing what they have. :)

    These books look fun. I need to catch up w/ Super Serials...

  2. I listened to this book and I really enjoyed it so I hope you like it as well! :)

    Friday Memes

  3. I hate passing by a bookstore and not stopping! I can do it and have had to do it when I'm with folks going somewhere but I look longingly at that bookstore.

  4. This one sounds intriguing. I think the school library has this one and maybe that one of my students has read it, though I may be imagining that.
    Thanks for sharing and I hope you have a fantastic weekend!

  5. I seem to be getting better about resisting bookstore purchases, too. It's fun to go in and browse, but I'm also feeling pretty guilty about all my unread books. Libraries on the other hand... ;-)

  6. Passing by a bookstore - very hard for me. When I have an uncluttered day and feel like I want to get out of the house - I head to Half Price Books or even the library. I just like to browse. It's my form of shopping - which I do not do willingly. Or rather which I do with a definite purpose. Not sure why book shopping is different. LOL

  7. I don't get to bookstores often but is my weakness. I am spotlighting Burning Midnight by Will McIntosh this week. Look for my review tomorrow. Happy reading!

  8. I seldom read MG books, but when I do, they are mysteries...I have three Nancy Drew books from my childhood that I want to reread at some point. Thanks for sharing....and for visiting my blog. Enjoy!

  9. So dramatic. I think I like it. And yes, I have a strategy for bookshops. When I cannot afford to buy, I find a copy of what I am currently reading, a comfy spot, and read, whilst my family shops. Thanks for sharing. Here's my Friday Book Confession

  10. I do have plenty of books too, but I still like to stop in if possible.

    I sometimes like to stop in to just see the books I have on my shelves. LOL!!

    Have a great weekend, and Happy Hopping!!

    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog Hop Answer

  11. Awesome cover, awesome snippets, I must remember to check the library for it. Happy Friday!

  12. That's one great cover. I get sucked in by a cover. But I can pass by a bookstore since I'm cheap w/books. If it was a yarn store that I haven't been to before, watch out husband as I'll be warming up the credit card, LOL!

  13. I used to visit the bookstore every other week--two of them actually--and I couldn't resist walking out with books. That's changed a lot in the past several years. I rarely visit the local bookstores these days, I'm sad to say. My bank account thanks me though.

    I'm intrigued by the teasers you shared for Lockwood& Co: The Screaming Staircase too. I hope you enjoy it!

  14. I have stopped buying used books and only buy new books occasionally. I never go to the library without borrowing books though.

  15. Fun question this week. I do like to stop in bookstores but I don't buy many. I mostly just walk around and point out all the books that I have and feel too guilty to buy any more. This book looks pretty good. I will be looking forward to your review!

  16. Used bookstores and library booksales are my downfall, but I love browsing in new bookstores, too. Like you, I use the library a lot (well, less now that I get so many e-ARCs, but that will change as I try to cut back on requesting this year. I hope.) I actually need to go through my unread shelves and purge stuff I'll probably never get around to -- most of it bought at the library book sales!

  17. I'm always up for a good MG read. I haven't had the please of reading anything by this author, but I should really make the time to. Happy weekend!

  18. There's nothing wrong with shopping at a used bookstore

  19. I never go to libraries anymore, because I HAVE to own books I fall in love with!

    I admire your restraint where bookstores are concerned. In my case,I can do plenty of damage in new as well as used bookstores! Lol.

    I don't read many middle-grade novels myself, but this one sure looks intriguing! The two quotes you picked certainly make me want to know more, and that cover looks very spooky!

    Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my own BBH post!! :)

  20. Hi Katherine,

    Whilst I have been known to read and enjoy a good MG or YA book, I'm afraid this particular storyline doesn't really appeal to me, as intriguing as your excerpts were, especially the prospect of a 'Mud Lane Pahntom' :)

    I hate having to pass by a bookshop, but I just know that if I venture in, there would be so many books that I wanted to buy, it is just safer to keep walking.

    Now, secondhand or charity bookshops are a whole different ballgame! I can always convince myself that not only am I getting a bargain, but I might be helping someone else at the same time.

    I haven't visited the library for many years, but that is simply because you are now allowed to borrow so many books at once, that I can't possibly hope to read them all in the allocated time, then I am liable to forget to return them in time, incurring a fine. I would rather have the books on my shelf and know that they are mine to keep for as long as I need them!

    Nice post this week and I hope that you enjoy your weekend :)


  21. Interesting. Here's my reply

  22. I think you should keep reading for sure! Please check out mine at

  23. Definitely keep reading - this sounds really interesting and like you like the beginning a lot! Adding this to my list:) Thanks for visiting my Friday meme

  24. Sounds like a fun and exciting read! I like the cover too! Happy weekend!

  25. Yes, keep reading! It sounds really interesting and fun! Thanks for visiting my Friday post! :-)

  26. I'm really need to try the Lockwood and Co. series - it sounds like a lot of fun!

    Check out my Friday 56 (With Book Beginnings).
