
Friday, January 8, 2016

Friday Linkups: The 8:55 to Baghdad

It's Friday linkup time!  I'm linking up with the Book Blogger Hop hosted by Coffee Addicted Writer, Book Beginnings of Fridays hosted by Rose City Reader, and the Friday 56 hosted by Freda's Voice.

This Week's Book Blogger Hop Question:Have you made improvements to your blog since you started blogging?  Did you change your format? Did you change your header?  Did you add or remove items from your sidebar?

My Answer:
I really haven't.  I played with the sidebar a bit but not much else.  This year I've got some plans to change a few things and just spruce it up a bit but I don't think I'm going to make massive changes.  I like keeping things pretty simple.

This week's book is actually the book I selected as my first book of the year.  I'm a huge Agatha Christie fan but I didn't want the first book to be one of hers because they're all rereads so I picked this nonfiction book that's been on my shelf for ages.  I love travel books and I love Agatha Christie and this sounds like it has a good bit of both so I'm excited.

The Beginning: 
The souq in the norther Syrian city of Aleppo meanders for a couple of miles under a vaulting brick and mortared domes.

My Thoughts:
I love the visual of this.  He's definitely outside of my usual comfort zone and it sounds ancient and exotic.

The 56: 
It may have been part of Italy for fifty years, but a poll conducted in 1999 discovered that 70 percent of Italians did not know that it was in their country at all.

My Thoughts:
I'm not sure where exactly he's talking about but I know a number of towns and territories changed countries multiple times over the past two hundred years which I find fascinating.

So keep reading?  What are your favorite genres?


  1. So, from London to Iraq - the opposite direction of Murder On The Orient Express? Interesting.

  2. I wonder if the US changed its name...what would it be? LOL

    sherry @ fundinmental Friday Memes

  3. I don't like to make changes to my blog.

    I like it the way it is. :)

    Your blog looks good.

    Happy Weekend and Happy Hopping!!

    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog Hop Answer

  4. I have changed my blog a bit as my mood comes and I hope you are enjoying your read. I just picked up the ebook version of one of the Agatha Christie books you suggested on your blog....And Then There was's for one of my reading challenges called the Vintage Mystery Scavenger Hunt reading has a boat on it which is one of the things I needed. :)

  5. Usually my co-blogger does all the blog changes but I'm kinda terrible at it, haha. I definitely need to learn how to do that stuff. I usually only change some sidebar stuff too.
    I'm liking the cover of The 8:55 to Baghdad! It definitely sounds interesting.
    My favourite genres are usually sci-fi/fantasty/romance (:

  6. Thank you for the visit to my blog today. Otherwise, I would not have found your blog. I am always changing the look of my blogs. And the headers, I love to change them up once in a while, about three or four times a year.

  7. The 8:55 to Baghdad sounds like an excellent book and not my usual choice. But this year I'm trying to branch out into new areas. I like the visual from the opening too.
    My Friday post features THE TIME IN BETWEEN.

  8. I used to change things on my blog quite a bit but I have left it alone for the most part lately. This book does sound interesting. It is amazing how much geography has changed.

  9. I change my header and blog design about twice a year. I want to add my challenges to my sidebar, but haven't made time to do that yet. I am not familiar with The 8:55 to Baghdad, but it does sound interesting.

    I hope you enjoy your weekend, Katherine!

  10. That does sound like an interesting book, Katherine, and I do so enjoy Christie. My favorite genre is cozy mysteries. I used Skiing is Murder for my Friday bookish posting.

  11. wow, sounds great, just added it to my TBR!
    My favorite genre recently: historical mysteries.
    Emma at Words And Peace

  12. Sounds like a very intriguing book and of course it makes me think of Murder on the Orient Express. Look forward to your thoughts on it, like you I love books with a travel theme.
    Good luck with the blog changes :) I'm with you, I love simple and clean.

  13. Sounds like a fantastic read!! Happy weekend!

  14. It looks and sounds interesting but I don't think this one is for me. I like reading sci-fi and fantasy novels :3

    Our BB

  15. I've changed from my original background. Which I loved but realized it looked kind of messy. And although I like colour and my background now I need to make things sleeker. Which I will get help with because I know nothing about blog design and crap. Lol. But I agree, simple looks the best.

  16. I've changed from my original background. Which I loved but realized it looked kind of messy. And although I like colour and my background now I need to make things sleeker. Which I will get help with because I know nothing about blog design and crap. Lol. But I agree, simple looks the best.
