
Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Books I Wouldn't Mind Santa Leaving Under the Tree

Today's Top Ten Tuesday topic from The Broke and the Bookish is Top Ten Books I Wouldn't Mind Santa Leaving Under the Tree.

1.  The Lake House by Kate Morton - Kate Morton is on my list of authors that I really want to read more of.  I really enjoyed The Forgotten Garden and her newest book sounds fantastic.

2.  Tiffany Girl by Deeanne Gist - Anna over at Herding Cats and Burning Soup loved this one which automatically intrigues me.  I've always been fascinated by the whole story of the Tiffany Girls.

3.  It Ended Badly: Thirteen of the Worst Breakups in History by Jennifer Wright - Thirteen terrible breakups in history from Nero to Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton.  This sounds entertaining and full of interesting facts.

4.  Secret Sisters by Jayne Ann Krentz - I always enjoy Krentz's romantic suspense and this one involves an abandoned hotel which just sounds impossible to resist!

5.  Why Not Me? by Mindy Kaling - Because I love her and adored her first book.  I would not complain if Santa left audio versions of both this one and her 1st book.

6.  When a Scot Ties the Knot by Tessa Dare - This is an author I've really been wanting to read more of and this one sounds amazing.

7.  My Kitchen Year: 136 Recipes That Saved My Life by Ruth Reichl - Her book Tender at the Bone is one of my favorite foodie books ever and this is definitely one I can't wait to get my hands on.

8.  Art of Coloring Disney Princesses by Catherine Saunier-Talec - So not technically a book but I think Santa will be okay bending the rules.  I'm not even a huge Disney fan but I do like coloring pretty dresses!

9.  Brunch at Bobby's by Bobby Flay - I love Bobby Flay's recipes and I've enjoyed his brunch show so I'd love to see all the recipes.

10.  Phantom Evil by Heather Graham and the rest of the Krewe books that I haven't read - Because even if this isn't the most flawless series I love the atmosphere and the characters that Graham creates.

So what books would you not mind finding under the tree?


  1. I enjoyed The Lake House and look forward to The Secret Garden. That will be for next year as I am swamped right now. You have some great books on your list for Santa!

  2. I think that with coloring books being all the rage that those would be nice gifts. There are so many cool ones out there now. :)

  3. I'm with you on the worst breakups, the Tessa Dare and you just reminded me I have book #1 in the Krewe series - I moved it way up my list :)

  4. Tessa Dare is the BEST! I liked When a scot Ties the Knot, although it's not my all time favorite of hers. Have you read Romancing the Duke?

  5. The unread Krewe books! What a great idea! I like your entire list actually. I hope you get some, if not all, of the books you want. :-)

  6. Ooo, the break-ups sound book sounds intriguing. It's historical gossip, which makes history much easier to read. Happy reading and Merry Christmas! Hope Santa brings you all you want this year.

  7. Why Not Me? is a great book! I hope you get it and love it!
    Happy Holidays!

    My TTT! :D

  8. Wonderful list. I would like to read The Lake House, and apperently so many others feel the same. I have seen it on several lists this week. Here's wishing you a very merry Christmas and a lot of bookish goodies.

  9. Tiffany Girl sounds very interesting. Added that. I hope you get what you wish under the tree!

  10. I loved The Lake House, hope it's under the tree for you ... or any of the books from your wish list :)

  11. I haven't read any of these, but I've heard The Lake House is great. :)

    I hope you find some of these under your tree!

    Check out my TTT and check out my current giveaway.

  12. Speaking of coloring, I can seriously get on board with this adult coloring sensation going on! Hopefully you find some of these under your tree this Christmas!

  13. If Santa didn't bring you the Tessa Dare book, you can enter to win it at my blog starting tomorrow!

    I want the Krentz book too. I requested a review copy but was turned down. You've got a nice range of books on the list. I hope Santa brought you some of them!
