
Saturday, December 19, 2015

This Week in Reading - December 20

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

Counterfeit Conspiracies by Ritter Ames - I love a book about art theft and the main character in this one specializes in art recovery.  (NetGalley)

Murder on Wheels by Lynn Cahoon - I've enjoyed this tourist trap series so far and am looking forward to this new one involving a food truck! (NetGalley)

At the Drop of a Hat by Jenn McKinlay - Now that I have the 3rd book in this mystery series involving a hat shop in London I probably should start the first one! (Paperbackswap)

Afoot on St. Croix by Rebecca M. Hale - I like her cat mysteries and am curious to see what this series set in St. Croix without cats is all about.  (Paperbackswap)


Reading: Snowflake Bay by Donna Kauffman and ABC Murders by Agatha Christie

Listening:  I stopped listening to The Little Paris Bookshop at about 65%.  It's well done but just wasn't for me.  Since then I've been listening to podcasts - especially Super Serials.  Their episode on Christoper Pike's Slumber Party was hilarious!

Watching:  J saw enough of Waking the Dead that he decided he wanted to try it so we've started the series over and are watching it together. So I've started rewatching Doctor Who.  I'm thinking about going back and watching the original since I only saw the Tom Baker episodes.

Off the Blog:

We've all managed to stay healthy this week which is so nice.  J and the Tornado still have horrible coughs but are feeling okay so we're calling it a win.  About 95% of the Christmas shopping is done and what isn't done is easy stuff to pick up.  This weekend I'll be getting some baking done and am going to attempt a few different candy recipes for the first time ever.  I have a backup plan just in case it doesn't go well!
All the kids are done with school - Paul and the Tornado finished this week and Emma and Eleanor last week.  Emma will be home tonight for almost 2 weeks.  Today marks the beginning of the Christmas extravaganza.  We're celebrating Christmas with my mother and her husband tonight, then with my dad and his family later in the week, then Christmas Eve with J's brother and wife, then Christmas, and then Christmas take 2 when my mother gets back from visiting her parents.  Oh and in all that will be the Tornado's birthday and New Year's Eve.  On New Year's Day I'm going to relax and do nothing.  My goal is to stay in pajamas all day but we'll see how that goes!

On the Blog:

What Happened:

What's Coming Up:

Monday: All Wrapped Up - Holiday Contemporary Romance Review
Tuesday: Top Ten Tuesday - Books I Wouldn't Mind Santa Leaving Under the Tree
Wednesday: TBD
Thursday: Beyond the Books: Favorite Family Traditions
Friday: Christmas
Saturday: TBD

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. Counterfeit Conspiracies sounds fun (art recovery made me think of the Thomas Crown Affair movie which I liked- I think it was the remake?), and the Cahoon book sounds fun because food truck! And a mystery on St. Croix can't be all bad either.

    I need to get back into Super serials. I liked the ones I listened to, they're fun and I can't say that about all the podcasts I've tried. Some are kinda meh. Sounds like you have a busy holiday ahead- enjoy and have a merry Christmas!

  2. Ah the Walking Dead. Once you start, you can't stop! And I agree with the Little Paris Bookshop. It was a little bit of a letdown.

  3. I love hats, so At the Drop of a Hat looks like fun to me. Enjoy your holiday week!

  4. Ooh, Counterfeit Conspiracies sounds good! I got Murder on Wheels also. I didn't request the Jenn McKinlay because I'm behind in the series and already had several ARCs for that month. Seems like January and February are really big months for cozy mysteries!

    Your Christmas sounds even busier than ours! I'm glad you're able to have so much family time, even if it is a little exhausting. We have two Christmases -- one with my mom and stepdad on Christmas Day, and a big one with my sister's family and my sort-of-sister's family (a close family friend) on the following day.

  5. Your such a bad influence on I went and requested Counterfeit Conspiracies on I am waiting for Murder on Wheels to come on audio as that is how I have read that series. Can't wait. :) Those other books look good too! More for my TBR pile.

    Have a great week and happy reading!

  6. Your new books look really good! I haven't heard of any of them, but I think they're ones I'd enjoy as well.
    Have a wonderful Christmas, I hope you'll be able to sneak in some relaxing with your family as well as preparing everything.
    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

  7. Glad to hear everyone is {almost} healthy. My kids cough a lot during the winter too:( Four Christmas celebrations, one birthday and New Year's Eve! That sounds great! Have fun! Happy Holidays :)

  8. So glad to hear everyone is mostly healthy again... and just in time for the holidays! My oldest daughter got home last night, so everyone is here now. We start baking tomorrow. Merry Christmas, Katherine!

  9. Happy everyone is feeling better! You have a busy week! Enjoy the time with Family.
    I also plan to do a lot of nothing after New Years. I just need a break the next week is going to be CRAZY! But I can't wait.

    Have a great week, Katherine! Merry Christmas and Happy Reading! ox

  10. Oh my goodness,crazy Christmas! You'll need that day of rest and pjs. That art conspiracy by Ames looks good; she has another series I enjoy. I hope everyone stays healthy and the coughs clear up.

    Merry Christmas!

  11. That's a lot of visiting. :) I'm all for the jammies day on New Years. But then, I live in my jammies whenever possible, so that was a given. :D You know, I've never seen a single episode of Doctor Who. I'm not sure exactly why, but I do intend to watch it some day. Well, it took me 18 yrs to watch Buffy, so there's hope for Doctor Who. :) Everyone is picking up books at EW and NG. I must resist...

    Merry Christmas!!

  12. I haven't watched the last season of Doctor Who, The Walking Dead, or Downton Abbey! I cancelled our cable television about a year ago in favor of getting Netflix or Hulu, but I never got around to doing the 30 day free trials to see which one was the best fit for us. I am happy to hear you get to touch base with all of your family for the holidays. Don't wear yourself out. I hope your New Years Day goes as planned. Have a wonderful holiday. :)

  13. Counterfeit Conspiracies is one of those books that I totally adore. In fact, I'm reading one right now about rare wine thefts and it's a keeper. My goodness, you're are going to be super, super, super busy! Glad that you're going to have time with family - that's really so special. Happy reading! Hugs...RO

  14. I just love cozy covers. :-) All of your new books sound like they will be good. I hope they are. At the Drop of a Hat looks especially interesting to me!

    I am sorry The Little Paris Bookshop didn't work out for you. I hope I do better with it, but I admit you aren't making me want to rush to read it. :-S My husband and I started re-watching Doctor Who was well. Mouse is getting into it even--well, that might be exagerating things a bit. :-) She seems to like what she's seen of it, at least.

    I hope you have a wonderful week of Christmas celebrations! It sounds like you will be extremely busy. Our company will begin arriving on the 23rd. My mom will be staying through the New Year. She's taking us all to the Rose Parade New Year's Day. It'll be our first time seeing it in person. Mouse is excited. Anyway, enjoy!

  15. I am loving all of the cozy mysteries! I just finished one myself, and I'm on to the third and fourth books in the Frankie Dupont series. So glad everyone stayed (relatively) healthy this week! I am not quite back to 100%, but I know a lot of it has to do with the post-ear infections. My ears are still bothering me just a bit. Enjoy your family and the holidays! Merry Christmas!

  16. Looks like you got some great mystery books there. I do love The Walking Dead. Can't wait till February! I want to try watching Doctor Who, but just can't decide where I should start even though people have told me. So I'll have to just wait and see when I have time. Hope you have a great week!
    Check out my Sunday Post

  17. I want to read Murder on Wheels also, do you play Kitchen Scramble on Facebook?LOL Great week! Read your Top Ten also, and you had some interesting nonfiction reads.

  18. I want to read all the books on your list! Have a great week!

  19. You have a busy Christmas with so many mini get-togethers to attend. I only have one and that's fine w/me. Make sure to have some time for your self. You deserve it.

  20. That's a lot of Christmas celebration! :D PJs sound like a good plan - I'm hoping for the same here hehe.
