
Wednesday, December 9, 2015

The Body in the Landscape - Blog Tour Review + Giveaway

The Body in the Landscape by Larissa Reinhart
Rating: 3.5 Stars
Source: Blog Tour - For More Info Visit the tour page here
Description:  When Cherry Tucker's invited to pain the winning portrait for Big Rack Lodge's Hogzilla hunt, it seems like a paid vacation.  Back home in Halo, a Hatfield-McCoy style standoff builds between Luke and Cherry's families.  She's ready for a weekend away, hobnobbing with rich and famous hunters, where she can forget her troubles and nobody knows her name.  As Georgia sunshine turns to bleak December rain, Cherry's R&R goes MIA when she finds a body in the woods.  While the police believe the local drunk took an accidental spill, Cherry has her doubts, particularly when a series of malicious pranks are targeted at the rifle toting contestants.  With loyal companions at her side - sort of ex-husband Todd and a championship bayer named Buckshot - Cherry tracks suspects through a forest full of pitfalls and perils.  And all the while a killer's stalking the hunt party with a bead on Cherry.  (from Goodreads)

Genre:  Mystery

Why I Picked This Book:  The cover caught my eye and I liked that the main character was an artist.

My Impression: I'm always a little nervous when starting a new cozy mystery author.  Are they going to be overly cute-sy?  Is it going to be silly with lots of plot holes?  Or even worse, is it going to be boring?  The answer to all those questions is no not in the least.  Instead, Reinhart provides a fast paced mystery and an interesting and quirky detective told in a breezy friendly voice that I couldn't help but be drawn into.
Cherry is the type of amateur detective that I'd usually have issues with.  Not only is she a full on amateur detective but she's also a visitor.  She's the nosiest of nosy detectives and has no problem involving herself in a mystery that she has absolutely no business being in.  But in this case it actually worked.  I think it's because Cherry is so likable and matter of fact about her motives that to me she read as quirky instead of busybody.
This is the 5th book in the Cherry Tucker series and there are mentions or a pretty intense back story.  While it is talked about and Cherry does spend quite a bit of time worrying about what's going to happen I didn't feel like it affected my enjoyment of this mystery.  The turmoil that's swirling around Cherry is talked about quite a lot but I felt like I got enough of an idea of what was happening to not be confused.  This series would probably be better read in order but it's definitely not mandatory.  If you're looking for a fun cozy mystery with a unique amateur detective this is definitely one to try!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Would I Read More of this Series/Author?: Definitely!  I'm looking forward to seeing what happens to Cherry next and I'd love to see what caused all the turmoil and drama.

Would I Recommend this Book?: Yes, if you like cozy mysteries I think you'd enjoy this one.


  1. Thanks so much! I'm so thrilled you didn't have issues starting the series at book 5! What a relief for me! And what a lovely review. I'm so grateful. :)

  2. This looks fun. I like the hunting angle, that's different, and it's nice that the MC is likable. The fact that it's a series but you can jump in anywhere helps too. I'll be checking this out!

  3. This sounds like fun and I like the cover, too! When I read "body in the landscape", I though of Ellison Russell in the Country Club Murders and all the dead bodies in her hostas ;-)

  4. Looks like a good series, I'm adding book #1 on my list ! I don't like hunters, but if the killer is after them, I'm in, lol ;)

  5. I always enjoy discovering a new cozy series that isn't overly silly or sappy. Just my opinion, as I like the ones with more to them. So thanks for the chance and the new to me author!

  6. I've been wondering about this one and am glad you enjoyed it, Katherine. Cherry sounds like a character I would like too.

  7. I like mysteries very much and I suppose my problem with some cozy mysteries is they are too cute. You nailed it with that description. This has a good element of mystery and a hunting party so I am curious on that one!

  8. Mysteries are my thing! Thanks for the chance to win! Happy holidays!!

  9. this sounds very different from the usual cozy.
    Always good to try something new.
    Come from a family of hunters so I'm familiar with the idea.
    thanks for the chance to win.

  10. What an intriguing cozy. Love mysteries. Thanks.

  11. Yay on reading a good, cozy mystery. It's nice to have some light reading mixed in.

  12. I have seen this series around and have a friend who likes them but I haven't tried this series yet. :)

  13. This sounds good, Katherine. I zoomed over to Amazon and bought the first in the series!

  14. So glad to hear it actually worked...I am not a fan of the nosy variety but kudos to the author for making it work.

  15. have recently heard about her writing, i am excited to add her to my TBR list. ( :
