
Friday, December 11, 2015

Friday Linkups: The Christie Curse

It's Friday linkup time!  I'm linking up with the Book Blogger Hop hosted by Coffee Addicted Writer, Book Beginnings of Fridays hosted by Rose City Reader, and the Friday 56 hosted by Freda's Voice.

This Week's Book Blogger Hop Question:
Are you a blogger that only has reviews on your blog or do you feature giveaways and attention-grabbing posts such as personal and bookish posts?

My Answer:
I lean towards mostly reviews but I do participate in several linkups - this one, Top Ten Tuesday which is bookish, Beyond the Books which talks about non-bookish stuff, and Weekend Cooking on Saturday.  I love the idea of doing discussion posts but haven't really done one yet.

This week's book is a cozy mystery series I'm really excited about.  I think there are at least 4 now but I'm starting with The Christie Curse which is the first one in the Book Collector series by Victoria Abbott.  It has Agatha Christie's name in the title and they're looking for valuable books!  I cannot pass that up!

The Beginning:
If I hadn't been desperate for a job and a new place to live, I might have made a run for it as soon as I got a good look at that sour face.

My Thoughts:
I'm curious why she's so desperate and what's she's getting away from.

The 56:
But once I was out of sight, I wondered not just about that totally bipolar cat, but about the woman.

My Thoughts:
I'm not sure if I'm more curious about the cat or the woman!

So what do you think?  Keep reading?  What topic is impossible for you to resist?


  1. This is a new to me series, I'll have to check it out. I'm also curious as to why she's desperate.

    I do a mix of reviews, giveaways, excerpts, guests posts, interviews, and memes with the rare discussion post. I don't know how attention grabbing any of them are but I post what interests me and hope it will appeal to my readers.

  2. Definitely keep reading - bipolar cat - that already makes me laugh! Good choice - new to me book and author. Here's my Friday post

  3. Oh, my, a sour face and a bipolar cat...this one sounds like fun. I love cozies, but haven't read one in a while. Thanks for sharing...and for visiting my blog. Enjoy your weekend.

  4. Hi,
    Keep reading and find out why she's so desperate and
    about the cat. Have a great day!

  5. Hmmm and there is a dog on the cover...and a bipolar cat. Sounds like fun. Enjoy.

  6. Hmmm and there is a dog on the cover...and a bipolar cat. Sounds like fun. Enjoy.

  7. I'm always on the lookout for a new cozy series, one that's not too silly or lacking character development. I love the title and the cover, so if I see this one around, I'll pick it up :) Thanks!

  8. A book with a bi-polar cat has got to be entertaining! This sounds like a cozy I'd enjoy.
    Thank you for visiting my blog.
    Sandy @ TEXAS TWANG

  9. I love cozy mysteries this time of year! (well....anytime, but this just seems like a good time to cozy up!) I don't feel that I really review books---I'm not great at writing. I'm okay, just not great. I do give my opinion and participate in many memes.

  10. Most definitly keep Sounds like a great one and I am really curious. :)

    Friday Memes

  11. I agree with your comments about the excerpts. It sounds like an interesting series. This week I am spotlighting The Royal Ranger by John Flanagan and Once Shadows Fall by Robert Daniels. Happy reading!

  12. I like the opening and teaser you shared for The Christie Curse. I want to know why she's so desparate too!

    I would love to do more discussion posts, but I'm not good with coming up with ideas. :-(

  13. Oh my gosh a bi-polar cat for that alone I would read it. Happy Friday!

  14. Christie's in in and it's about books. I agree. Too fun to pass up!

    My 56 -

  15. Hmmm...a bi-polar cat? I may live with one of those actually. This one sounds interesting.

    I have always thought about doing discussion posts on my blog as well but I have never actually done it.

  16. Sounds good - I'm leaning more toward the cat. :)

    Check out my Friday 56 (With Book Beginnings).

  17. Sounds like a fun read. Thanks for dropping by my blog.

  18. You had me with the Pug on the cover! #PugLove
    Happy weekend!

  19. I am mostly reviews and memes too.

    May I know what a discussion post is?

    Happy Hopping!!

    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog Hop Answer

  20. Another series I've been wanting to hearing about a bipolar cat - I have to add this to my list.

  21. Yea, I like that you do a mix of posts. Especially when you post everyday(because you're awesome). I'd think it'd be quite hare to only do reviews.

  22. Yea, I like that you do a mix of posts. Especially when you post everyday(because you're awesome). I'd think it'd be quite hare to only do reviews.

  23. A bipolar cat? Love it LOL
    sherry @ fundinmental My Sunday Memes

  24. Memes/Blog hops are a fun way to meet some great people. It also helps to mix things up when you have so many reviews.

    Kristine @ The Writer's Inkwell

    My Book Blogger Hop

  25. Food, books, and yarn are three topics I like to read about, even if they just pop their head in throughout the plot.
