
Thursday, December 3, 2015

Beyond the Books: Bucket List

This week I'm linking up with KissinBlueKaren for Beyond the Books.  This is a meme where we all answer a non-bookish question.  It's always so fun to see everyone's answers and get a peak at the blogger beyond the books.  This week's question is - What's on your bucket list?

I love a good list so it's kind of surprising that I don't actually have a bucket list already written out!  Luckily once I started thinking about it I had no shortage of ideas.

1.  Visit all 50 states - J and I already have a few cross country road trips planned out for when the older kids are out of college and the Tornado is a bit older.  There's so many places I want to see that I think it will keep me pretty busy for awhile!

2. Visit Agatha Christie's home and other important places in her life - Greenway is of course at the top of my list but I'd love to visit Torquay and other places that were so important in her life and inspired her books.

3.  Visit Prince Edward Island - I've wanted to visit Prince Edward Island since I fell in love with the Anne books as a child and one day it will happen!

4.  Visit Ireland - There are lots of places that I want to visit but Ireland is probably first on the list

5.  Read all the books I want to read - This will totally happen right?

6.  Try all the Pins I've pinned on Pinterest - Another thing that will totally happen right?

7.   Learn how to knit - I love the idea of knitting and I love the things you can knit.  Now all I have to do is actually learn how to do it!

That's all I can think of for my bucket list.  I'm not a particularly adventurous person which I think is pretty obvious but one thing that became clear to me as I was coming up with this list is there's just not that much that I want to do that I'm not already doing.  I'm not sure if that makes me incredibly boring or just self-contained or lucky or what.  Even the things on my bucket list aren't out of reach.  We're already starting to make tentative plans on the travel and the rest of the stuff depends on me.  Plus I don't like to fall which removes skydiving and bungee jumping and I'm a big fan of creature comforts like soft beds and hot water which cuts down the list a bit more.

What's on your bucket list?


  1. Yeah I have no desire to skydive. Travel is the big one for me too, there are a few places I'd like to go. The maritime provinces and Ireland would both be great places to visit! Other than that I don't have much of a bucket list, although if I thought about it I'd probably come up with more.

    Have a great Thursday!

    1. Travel is definitely the top thing on my list. I'm hoping to do some small trips soon!

  2. Love your list!! I wold love to visit all the states too. Also learning how to knit or crochet is something once the kids get older and I have more time I would really like to do. I gave up on reading all the books and doing all my pins. There is no way!

    1. That's how I feel about the knitting. I figure when my youngest is a little more self sufficient and in school full time I'm going to work on it.

  3. That's a great list. I have been fortunate enough to visit Ireland you should keep that on the top of your bucket list'

    I may play along with this meme !

    1. Yes please play along! It's fun to answer the questions and I love seeing everyone's answers! I'm really looking forward to visiting Ireland. It's so beautiful and that's where my family is originally from.

  4. I was able to visit Prince Edward Island when I was in high school and I loved it! It is a pretty amazing little island.
    I was also able to go to Ireland as part of a 10 day abroad class in college. Ireland is beautiful and I can't wait to go back!
    I hope you are able to complete all of these!

    1. What wonderful experiences! I'm really looking forward to visiting both. I'm hoping I get everything done though 5 & 6 are a little iffy!

  5. Your list includes a lot of travel. I love that! Do the Pins on Pinterest *snicker*. You could try to narrow it down to the ones that are do-able.

    1. Travel is probably the only thing I'm not doing that I really want to do. I'd probably have more of a chance of doing all my pins if I'd stop pinning stuff!

  6. I'm totally with you on number 2 ! And number 5, but we both know how it's going to be, right ? ;) Ireland is so beautiful, and the people are so nice, I hope you get to visit it !

    1. Shhh on #5! I fully believe it's going to happen! I'm really looking forward to visiting Ireland and Greenway. There's an Agatha Chrisie mile tour that sounds really interesting.

  7. Terrific list. I'd love to visit Prince Edward Island and Ireland too besides London, Paris, and Scotland. Right now my bucket list focuses on learning more how to sew and certain baking recipes.

    1. I want to learn how to sew too and I really would like to quilt. I've been trying to try more of my pinned recipes. It's been a fun experiment!

  8. I would love to visit Prince Edward Island, too. I think that would just be the most amazing experience.

    1. I think so too! It's just stunning and when you throw in the ties to Anne I can't wait!

  9. Hey Katherine, let me know when you are coming to PEI - I'll roll out the red carpet and take you to Green Gables!
    Then I'll tag along when you go to Ireland and Agatha Christie's places.

    1. Oh definitely! Is it really as gorgeous as it is in the pictures and the Anne movie? We can do a literary tour. First with LM Montgomery places and then go visit Ireland!

  10. Ireland, back to AK. - works for me! As for books I don't think I will live long enough to read all of them on my t=b=r lists...200 years old???

    1. Shhh! I refuse to let realism interfere with my TBR! I'll get them all read!

  11. I almost put visit all 50 states, but I wasn't sure that would be realistic for me. :-) Maybe I should try knitting since crocheting doesn't seem to work for me . . . I kept my list realistic for me too. Like you, I am not too adventurous.

    1. I'm not a 100% sure on Alaska unless it's July. I haven't decided what the ground rules are for 50 states if just driving through counts or if we have to stop in each one or spend the night. Luckily I've got time to figure it out!

  12. Ooo, I've gone skydiving! Just once but I'm glad I did it.:) Like you, I enjoy my creature comforts, which does narrow your options.

    Lots of travel on your list; I"m glad to hear that you and your husband are working on that.

    I would say that if you're already doing what you want, then you are a lucky lady.:)

    1. It's nice to realize I'm happy where I am and comfortable in my own skin. It definitely wasn't always the case! In looking forward to traveling more. It's probably the only thing I'm not doing that I really want to do.

  13. Great bucket list, Katherine. I don't have a long list either. Definitely don't want to skydive or bungee jump either! But Ireland is a great choice for a bucket list, Katherine. And I would love to read all the books I want to read. Instead I just keep adding to the list.

    One of my bucket list places to go is Scotland and also the Orkney Islands off the north coast of Scotland.

    1. I know. I have a feeling having a chance of getting the list read involves not adding any more books but we both know that's not going to happen!
      Scotland looks lovely and I don't know much about the Orkney Islands but I'm intrigued!

  14. I love that list. I should make one...I'm always saying I will, but I never do.

  15. We are working on visiting all 50 states and have 32 done. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could read all the book we want!
