
Saturday, November 7, 2015

This Week in Reading - November 8

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

I didn't do quite as well at staying away from NetGalley as I had planned but I couldn't resist the Lea Waite and somehow that led to getting the Alyssa Maxwell.  Quiet Neighbors doesn't come out until April which is virtually empty so I decided that didn't count!

Quiet Neighbors by Catriona McPherson - There's a cemetery and an old used bookshop.  What more does a book need?  Plus I love how creepy the cover looks.  (NetGalley)

Murder Most Malicious by Alyssa Maxwell - It's Christmas in a country house at the end of 1918 and evidence of foul play is turning up in Christmas boxes!  (NetGalley)

Thread and Gone by Lea Waite - This is the third in the Mainely Needlepointers mystery series and I've loved the other two.  This one involves a piece of historic needle point and a murder.  (NetGalley)


Reading: Echo Lake by Carla Neggers and Lowcountry Bordello by Susan M. Boyer

Listening: I just finished Midnight for Charlie Bone by Jenny Nimmo which I really enjoyed and am next in line for Go Set the Watchman.  In between I'll probably do some podcast listening though my favorite - Super Serials - had to take a week off for health reasons.

Watching: I've been catching up on Criminal Minds this week and enjoying it.  I've still got a few more episodes before I catch up but I like the Aisha Tyler addition.  I got caught up with NCIS: Los Angeles and watched Nora Roberts' Blue Smoke which I enjoyed.  Also, The Librarians started last week!  I didn't love the premier but the 2nd episode was good so I'm excited to see where this season goes.

Off the Blog:

This week was pretty low key.  It was grey and rainy almost every day which didn't make me want to leave the house very often so I did get a lot of things done at home which always makes me happy.  I swapped out my Halloween decorations for fall decorations and hit the point about in the middle that I always hit where I suddenly can't remember WHY I have all these decorations.  But now that they're done I'm enjoying them.
The big news this week is that Eleanor is moving back local.  She decided to change her major to Secondary Education and decided she wanted to go to the local University.  She and her boyfriend found a nice little apartment about 15 minutes away and signed the lease this week.  I think she's excited to have her energy really focused and we're looking forward to having her closer.
Today (Saturday) J and I took the Tornado to the Peanuts movie.  We all really enjoyed it.  It was true enough to the old movies that J and I liked it but it had some physical humor that had the Tornado giggling.  I think it was a winner for all of us.  

On the Blog:

What Happened:

Saturday: This Week's Menu

What's Coming Up:

Monday: Christmas at Mustang Creek - Contemporary Romance Review
Tuesday: After Alice - Blog Tour Fiction Review
Wednesday: Look Both Ways - Cozy Mystery Blog Tour Review + Giveaway
Thursday: Beyond the Books: Bedtime Routines
Friday: Linkups with Current Book
Saturday: TBD

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. I forgot about The Librarians, I wanted to watch that last year and never made the time. I'll have to look it up before I get too behind! I know what you mean about the weather, we had a surprisingly nice week but in Michigan we have lots of gray weather to look forward to for the next few months. Could do without that. :)

    Glad to hear Peanuts was good, I want to see it.

    1. Hulu has the first season. I just binged on it. :D

    2. I didn't realize Hulu had the first season! I've been wanting to rewatch it. I think you'd like the show Greg. I love the cast of characters. I don't mind an occasional gray and rainy day but I could definitely do without day after day of it!

    3. Hulu has it?! Excellent! [please please please don't get rid of it until I have time to watch it]

    4. Right! I'm hoping to do a rewatch soon! It's a fun show.

  2. We watch the Librarians too and have some DVRed to watch. LOL, we all have trouble with Netgalley. At least you picked favorites. Have a wonderful week!

    1. NetGalley and I definitely have a love/hate relationship! I love it when I get the books but hate it when I start looking at just how many books I have!

  3. Yeah, NetGalley got me too. -sigh- That's nice that your daughter will be closer, and that she's changing her major before it's too late. Have a great week!

    1. NetGalley always tempts me. My powers of resistance are weak! We're looking forward to the move!

  4. That cover of Quiet Neighbors does look very creepy Katherine.

    The new series of Criminal Minds hasn't started here yet and I'm keen to see the new additions. I know JLH was leaving but didn't know JJ's character was!

    1. I was okay with JLH leaving but I'm not sure about JJ. She's still there where I am in the season so I' ll have to see!

  5. I'm sure you're really happy Eleanor is moving back to be closer to you, even if she won't be in the same house as you, Katherine!
    I'm so, so behind on NCIS, I think I have a little over a season to catch up on (on both the original and the LA one...) but I really love that show.
    Have a fantastic week ahead and happy reading.
    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

    1. I'm definitely glad Eleanor will be closer to home and that she'll have her own place. I think moving back home would feel like moving backwards.

  6. Ohhh Quiet Neighbors looks deliciously creepy! And I love that it features a used bookshop. And I hear you about finding ways to justify taking on ARCS, I'm always at that :D That's nice that your daughter will be close at hand, I'm glad that she is excited about it and I know that you must be glad just to see her focused and happy.

    1. I can't resist a book with a used bookstore! And then throw in the cemetery and I'm hooked! I'm getting pretty good at justifying ARCs!

  7. OMG, your such a bad influence on I had to go request Quiet Neighbors as it just looked and sounded great and you are not the only one who got carried away this week with requesting. You haul was smaller than mine..eek. :)

    I am so behind on most the shows I watch! I didn't even know The Librarians came back on until I seen two episodes on my DVR, thank goodness it continues to record shows you have watched before. :) I am going to have to catch up soon or I will run out of space. :(

    1. You're a bad enough influence in me so it all evens out!
      The only reason I caught The Librarians is because I have a TV Guide app. I'm curious to see where the season goes.

  8. Netgalley always gets me!! I try so hard but I can't help but requesting. That is nice that your daughter wlil be closer. I am glad you enjoyed the Peanuts movie. I love the Peanuts especially all the holiday specials. Have a great week!

    1. The Peanuts movie was so cute! Definitely updated but still the same feel. Netgalley kills me! My willpower is zero!

  9. I wonder if NG should be like Blogging for Books with a "checkout" limit. For book hounds, like me and most of the bloggers I know, NG is like carte blanche at a calorie-free and dental-decay-free candy store.

    1. Shh on the checkout limit! I don't want to have to limit though it's definitely be best for my ratio and TBR pile!

  10. I wanted to love The Librarians...but didn't enjoy the pilot. Maybe I'll give it another try.

    Quiet Neighbors looks intriguing...I often wish for quiet neighbors when the people next door have their sound system on VERY LOUD. LOL. But maybe not this quiet.

    How great that your daughter will be close by. I now have only one of my kids within easy driving distance. Maybe that's their plan? LOL

    Enjoy your week...and here are

    1. I enjoy The Librarians but it's not for everyone. The pilot wasn't my favorite and really the season premiere wasn't either but once the series gets going I really enjoy it.

  11. Agree with you on the cover ... Very spooky. I would read it! Have a good week.

    1. I love a good spooky cover and the blurb on this one sounded good too!

  12. What a busy week. I've done a tiny bit of decoration changing, but not much. Enjoy your week. My Sunday Salon

    1. Things did get crazy! They always seem to go that way for some reason!

  13. I saw Quiet Neighbors on netgalley but wasn't sure I really needed it so I might just wait for your review before I add it to my TBR.

    My husband watches the Librarians, I think I wanted it more like the movies and as much as I like most of the cast I wasn't a big fan of the main woman, I forgot her name.

    Glad to hear your daughter is moving closer, I have always lived close to my parents and hope it stays that way but I have a feeling they want to move to the shore house we have for good so we might have some changes coming soon.

    I hope you have a great week, Katherine! Happy Reading! ox

    1. My husband feels the same way about The Librarians as you do. I enjoy it though I'm not super fond of Rebecca Romijn either, I like the rest of the cast well enough to make up for it.
      I was going to resist Quiet Neighbors but then I saw that the pub date was April and I lost the fight!

  14. ooo, all your new books look good. NetGalley is evil! :I use that same justification for requesting ARCs. D You must be so excited for Eleanor to be moving closer. I hope she likes her new major. I'll wait for the Peanuts movie to hit Amazon Prime; glad to hear it's good.

    Have a good week!

    1. She's actually back to her original major. It's kind of funny how that all works out! Netgalley definitely tempts me. I'm trying to get better about the requesting but my results are decidy mixed!

  15. Thanks for the reminder that I have the Librarians to watch! I have it on my DVR, but that thing is so full of stuff for my BF and mom that the few things I record get lost if I'm not looking for them!

    How exciting that Eleanor is moving back :) and I'm sure she excited - it always feels good to know exactly what you're putting all your energy into. Good luck to her. I want to see the peanuts movie - maybe soon :) Have a great week!

    1. I enjoyed the first 2 episodes of The Librarian and am excited to see where it goes. I'm the DVR hog here so I suspect my husband feels much the same way you do! The Peanuts movie is really cute. I really enjoyed it.

  16. Thanks for the reminder that I have the Librarians to watch! I have it on my DVR, but that thing is so full of stuff for my BF and mom that the few things I record get lost if I'm not looking for them!

    How exciting that Eleanor is moving back :) and I'm sure she excited - it always feels good to know exactly what you're putting all your energy into. Good luck to her. I want to see the peanuts movie - maybe soon :) Have a great week!

  17. How wonderful to have your oldest nearby and she's happy with the changes she's made. Glad The Peanuts Movie was up to snuff.

    1. The Peanuts movie was really fun! I'll definitely be excited to have her closer and I really excited that she seems really focused.

  18. You and Netgalley, lol!! I managed to stay away this week. Good news that Eleanor will be nearby again... it so tough when our kids are far away. I tried to talk my 22yo daughter into the Peanuts movie today, but she wasn't having it. I still want to go though. Have a great week!

    1. I really enjoyed the Peanuts movie! It was really cute! Netgalley kills me! Thankfully there have only been a handful I really wanted but I ended up with them all!

  19. I have Midnight for Charlie Bone upstairs in my 'grandchildren's library (closet), but I've never read it. I think I should now! And Neighbors does look good and deliciously creepy. I'll have to use my son's Hulu to watch the Librarians (his password anyway). It looks good. I still really admire your menu plans! I wish I were as organized.

    1. I'm much happier when I'm really scheduled but I'm terrible at spontaneous stuff so I guess it's a trade off. I really enjoyed Charlie Bone. It had a bit of a Harry Potter feel but a little lighter. If you use your son's Hulu password try Supersizers Go. It's such fun and a great mix of history and food. I'm looking forward to doing a rewatch of The Librarians. I really enjoy the show.

  20. Aww nice your daughter is moving back close to home, it's tough when they're hours away. Awesome creepy cover on Quiet Neighbors, love it! Have a great week and enjoy your new reads :)

    1. I'm looking forward to it! Our younger daughter is 5 hours away and our older son will be leaving for boot camp this summer so it will be good to have her nearby.

  21. I have a couple of those books in my TBR like the Lea Wait, Susan Boyer and Carla Neggars series. They all look good. Is there a TBR for TV shows? All those shows you mentioned are still waiting for me to catch up with on my DVR.

    Hope you have a great week!

    1. There should be a TBR for TV! Mine would be almost as long as my one for books !

  22. Another I believe I also have off of NG, Echo Lake(I've probably said that to you before). Maybe I'll actually get to it this year... Hope you're enjoying it!
    I haven't watched Criminal Minds for a few seasons now. It was getting to weird. I might try and check out an episode from this season though; just to see.
    The Librarians looks cool. Also one I want to check out. Hard not to judge shows on their pilots, eh? :P
    Oh that's great for you(about Eleanor). Bet you're super happy to have her close. And I'm sure she is too, well still having her independence, :)

    1. I just started on Echo Lake and so far I'm really enjoying it. Sometimes with her books you really have to read the earlier books. I'm hoping not.
      I very rarely really like the pilot for a show and The Librarians was no exception though I really like it once it gets started.
      I know just what you mean about Criminal Minds! It got really bizarre for awhile but it straightened up though of course it's still sick and twisted.

  23. Quiet Neighbors sounds really good! I am glad to hear Eleanor is moving closer. It sounds like she's got a plan and is moving toward it. You must be so proud!

    I am thinking of trying to talk Mouse into seeing the Peanuts movie. She hates going to the movies, but maybe . . . She and I have a mother/daughter day this Wednesday so it would be perfect timing. She'll probably want to do Chuck E Cheese though. :-S

    Have a great week!

    1. It's exciting to see things coming together for her and the other 2 of the older kids.
      I never mention Chuck E Cheese to the Tornado or we'd end up there every day! I have him convinced it's only for New Years Eve. I'm hoping to stick with that!

  24. Quiet Neighbors looks and sounds really good! Great haul! Hope you enjoy them all!

  25. I caved on requestingThread and Gone, too. . . couldn't resist keeping up with the series. But I have cut way back on requesting recently, and my schedule looks OK after January - plus I have no ARCs that come out in December, so I can use the month to catch up on some older ARCs that I, um, haven't gotten around to yet. [blushes in embarrassment]

    How lovely that you will have Emma closer to home! I know you're looking forward to that. :-)

    1. I had plans of having no ARCs in December but then something happened and I have 8! I refuse to get any more though. I'm really trying to cut down on my book acquiring. I have so many that were published awhile ago that it's ridiculous. One day I'll get caught up right?

  26. Oh my gosh! Having your daughter back and living that close must be putting you over the moon! Quiet Neighbors sounds like my cup of tea. I am going to go check it out, and the April pub date makes me want it even more. I hope what ever was bothering you healthiest has gone away. Have a wonderful (and healthy) week. :)

  27. That is great that she is moving closer!

    The cover for Quiet Neighbours is very chilling, I have a feeling it is book to read with the lights fully on!!!

    Have a great week!
