
Saturday, November 28, 2015

This Week in Reading - November 29

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

The Spring at Moss Hill by Carla Neggers - The main character is a children's book illustrator who lives in a refurbished hat factory.  How could I resist that?  While this series hasn't been Keeper Shelf material I do always enjoy a visit to Knight's Bridge. (NetGalley)

At the used book store I got:
The Tale of Holly How by Susan Witting Albert

Hearse and Buggy by Laura Bradford

Murder on the Rocks by Allyson K. Abott

Banbury Bog by Phoebe Atwood Taylor

Knit One, Kill Two by Maggie Sefton

Fade to Black by Wendy Corsi Staub


Reading:  Snowflake Bay by Donna Kauffman and The Sharper Your Knife the Less You Cry by Kathleen Flinn

Listening: I listened to Super Serials discuss the Hunger Games which was entertaining.  Last week a couple of people mentioned that they couldn't find the podcast listing.  Hopefully, this link should help you out.  It gives all their contact info plus the Not-So Required Reading List.  TV Crimes with Wil Wheaton and Mikey Neumann has another podcast.  This one is about a Murder She Wrote episode which makes me nervous as I adore Jessica Fletcher.  Next week I'll probably go back to audio books but I'm not sure which one quite yet.

Watching: I'm caught up on Criminal Minds and am almost done with Waking the Dead on Hulu.  

Off the Blog:

Thanksgiving was fun though very busy since we ended up doing 3 days worth!  It was great to see everyone but the last couple of crazy weeks have caught up with me and I'm feeling not so great.  I've spent today (Saturday) in bed so I'm hoping I'll be back to normal Sunday.  The main problem is that my head's hurting too bad to read so I've mostly been staring blankly at TV.  That's all for now as I'm going back to bed!

On the Blog:

What Happened:

What's Coming Up:

Monday: Secret Lives of Tsars + The Romanov Sisters Nonfiction Review
Tuesday: Dead to the Last Drop - Cozy Mystery Blog Tour Review + Giveaway
Wednesday: A Cold Creek Christmas - Contemporary Romance Review
Thursday: Beyond the Books: Bucket List
Friday: Friday linkups with current book
Saturday: TBD

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. Oh man. I'm sorry to hear you're under the weather. Hope you're feeling better after a bit of rest!

    1. Thanks! Rest definitely helped and other than a hacking cough I'm good!

  2. Hope you feel better! Thanksgiving can take a lot out of you- very hectic time of year. I did way more watching Netflix this week than I did reading, and didn't really mind. With the long weekend it's nice to veg out a bit...

    Murder on the Rocks looks fun!

    1. Thanks! I fee much better. I have a feeling reading is going to be a challenge this month with all the craziness.

  3. So sorry you aren't feeling well. I agree I tend to space in front of the TV when I am sick. Reading hurts my head too much at that point. Hope you feel better soon!

    1. I love the idea of reading while I'm sick but it doesn't happen. My brain turns to mush!

  4. I hope you'll feel better today! It sucks to get headaches :(
    I can completely understand why you couldn't resist The Spring of Moss Hill! Any time a character in a book has something to do with books I get so excited :)
    Have a wonderful week ahead and happy reading.
    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

    1. I can never resist bookish characters! It makes a bookeven more fun.

  5. Katherine sorry to hear you aren't feeling great and I hope you feel better before the weekend's out. Rest up... you'll have a busy time with Christmas approaching.

    Sounds like you enjoyed Thanksgiving though, which is good. x

    1. I took a few days off and that definitely seemed to help. I hate being sick so I'm going to be super careful for Christmas. No more getting sick!

  6. Sorry you are feeling under the weather, I am too. :( I have a head cold though..ugh. So the title Knit One, Kill Two made me laugh..I have to look up that one just cause of the Thanks for the Super Serial link! :)

    I am so behind on my TV watching! UGH

    Happy reading,

  7. I am now tempted by the Carla Neggers book; I haven't yet read this author, but I like the idea of the refurbished hat factory!

    Hope you feel better soon...holidays are not fun when you're sick!

    Relax, rest, and enjoy the new are MY WEEKLY UPDATES

  8. Sorry you are not feeling well. Saturday I slept for 3 hours with a massive sinus headache but feeling better today. I think the weather is just messing us all up being so hot one day and cold the next.

    I hope you have a great week, Katherine! Happy Reading! ox

  9. I'm all caught up on what Hulu has for The Walking Dead. I would like to watch Criminal Minds after I finish up with a couple of other series that I am watching.
    I am sorry to hear that you are not feeling well. It seems that everyone has at least a little something. Here's hoping that you feel better soon.

  10. looks like a good used book haul. Hope there's some good ones in there (when you feel well enough to read again - get better soon!)

  11. You had a very busy Thanksgiving! Sounds like you had some good books lined up.

  12. I hope you're feeling better today... this is such a busy holiday weekend and a tough time to be sick! We had a great time with the family and I got some reading and viewing time in, too (won't mention how many episode of Chopped I watched). I read Guaranteed to Bleed this weekend and am looking for more cozy mystery suggestions in my update post. Would love to hear your ideas!

  13. I didn't even manage a Sunfay post because I put my back out yesterday and then I woke up this morning with a fever, stuffed head, and a weeping eye! II am in bed, too! Ugh. Here's to a healthier week for both of us. :)

  14. Sorry to hear you're feeling unwell. Get better soon!

  15. Glad you had a great Thanksgiving, but sorry you're not feeling too well. I hope you get better soon.

  16. Carla Neggers' book does sound good! I want to read it just to read the description of her home!

    I hope you are feeling better, Katherine. It sounds like you had quite the Thanksgiving!

    Take care and have a great week.

  17. Oh man, sounds like we were bot down for the count because of our heads. Hope you're feeling better.
