
Saturday, November 14, 2015

This Week in Reading - November 15

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

Nothing!  Nada!  Zero!  Not even anything from the library!  My TBR shelf and Kindle just sighed with relief a little.  I did almost cave and head to the used bookstore today but I held strong.  There should be a medal for that!


Reading:  Knight's Bridge Christmas by Carla Neggers and Read It and Weep by Jenn McKinlay

Listening: Go Set a Watchman by Harper Lee read by Reese Witherspoon.  So far I'm enjoying it though I can see why it was rejected in the first place.  I'm also listening to the latest Super Serials podcast which is making me very happy.  They have the Hunger Games coming up next I think.

Watching:  Waking the Dead on Hulu.  It's a BBC crime show and I watched the first 5 seasons on Netflix and loved it and just about cried when I discovered that there are 4 seasons they didn't have.  Thankfully, Hulu saved the day.  I'm also catching up on this season of Doctor Who.  So far I'm really enjoying it but I'm several episodes behind.

Off the Blog:

The Tornado was out of school Tuesday and Wednesday for Veteran's Day.  Tuesday was a half day for public school so he got all of it off. We had a playdate with friends which was fun.  The host is from Peru so she did a whole Peruvian feast for lunch and it was sooo good!  I had never had Peruvian food before but the flavor profile was amazing and I loved the heat of it.  It's definitely a cuisine I plan on exploring more.

I'm trying to keep the holiday season from getting out of control already. I'm trying to get some lists made and remind myself not to panic.  Every year I always think I'm going to get out of ahead of everything and every year I end up scrambling. 

Like everyone else around the world, the violence in France on Friday has left me speechless.  There has been so much said by many who are far more eloquent and expressive than I am so all I can say is that my thoughts and prayers are with those that lost loved ones or had their whole world shaken that night.

On the Blog:

What Happened:

What's Coming Up:

Monday: Old Fashioned Christmas - Blog Tour Review + Recipe
Tuesday: TBD 
Wednesday: TBD
Thursday: The Christmas Bridge - Blog Tour Contemporary Romance Review
Friday: Friday Linkups featuring excerpts from current book
Saturday: TBD

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. I enjoyed Go Set a Watchman, but probably really only the bits that reflected back on their childhood and I'm with you... you can see why the publisher's wanted something more along those lines!

    I actually had a light week as well. I requested a couple of books via NetGalley and received one in the mail!

    Having said that it feels nice to catch up a little!

  2. Peruvian food sounds interesting. There's a place where we vacation that has Brazilian food, I liked it but of course you wonder how "authentic" it really is. Not the same as someone actually from there, I'm sure. I love trying new stuff like that.

    I really enjoyed the Super serials I listened to. They're probably the funniest one I've come across, some podcats I kinda like but they're an hour or so long and they don't really laugh much, they just talk. Super Serials makes it fun. Hunger Games should be good, I'll be checking that one out! :)

  3. Love the visual of your "empty shelves." I also enjoy having the opportunity to dig more into my older TBR books on my Kindle.

    I am so glad I have Hulu to supplement is awesome. It's also great for the days when General Hospital is preempted because of news or presidential speeches...LOL.

    Thanks for visiting my blog, and enjoy your week.

  4. I smiled too at the visual of the empty shelves. I think its good when we have nothing coming in, it frees us up to read what we have!
    I think I will give Go Se a Watchman a miss, it doesn't call to me at all.

  5. I feel you when it comes to being prepared for the holidays with lists and gifts. I'm trying to think ahead, but I already feel panicked just thinking about it, haha.

    Have a great week.

  6. I love Carla Neggers books, I have many on my to read list. Hope you are enjoying Knight Bridge Christmas.

  7. I'm glad I'm not the only one who didn't get any new books this week. It always feels a little sad, but it does give me the opportunity to read through my TBR a little more

  8. You certainly do deserve a medal. NOT getting books is a great feat for people like us. lol. I already fell behind on Doctor Who, so I need to get caught up too. Have a great week.

  9. I've heard a little bit about the controversy regarding Go Set a Watchman and I'm really looking forward to reading it and seeing what the fuss is about! I'm glad you're still enjoying listening to it! Happy reading and happy Sunday! :)

  10. Lol at the empty shelf, it's a good picture ! I'll check Waking the dead, I'm also catching up on the last season of Dr Who. I don't know a thing about Peruvian cooking, I just know they use quinoa and we eat it regularly home, we love it. Have a great week ;)

  11. Woohoo, empty bookshelves! I know as a book lover I shouldn't think that but as someone else whose shelves (real and virtual) are overflowing, I know just what a relief that it. And yes there should be a medal!
    I started my Christmas list this week, knowing what I need to do and buy is always the hardest part so I sigh with relief when that's done.

  12. No books? Not even library books? Wow. Nice to have some breathing room. :)

    I'll have to check out Waking the Dead. I can always use a new mystery show. :D

    Have a great week!

  13. Ah I need an empty shelf week -good for you!!! I will say I have a lot of my Christmas shopping done already. If I don't start early I get super overwhelmed. The lunch at the playdate sounded awesome. Have a great week!

  14. I'm working on an empty shelf too. I did have a couple of review books come in but shying away from taking in more. Especially with the holidays coming up and trying to do something a bit different with my blog next year.

    My Sunday Post -

  15. I am supposed to be reading GO SET A WATCHMAN for book club but just cannot get myself to do so. I think it is because I turned away all the ARCs and such because I saw so much bad publicity around Harper Lee being hoodwinked. No desire to read it either.

  16. Well, I think I made up for you not getting anything! :) I was so bad and one of them is your :) You will know which one when you see it.

    I didn't know there was more Waking the Dead...I don't have Hulu..bummer!!!!

    Week in Review

  17. Sometimes I like the weeks I don't get any books. It can feel quite refreshing. Hope you get to reduce your to read list a little instead. Have a good week!

  18. Empty shelves sound amazing but in my case it is the fantasy of getting another bookcase to fill up!!!

    Have a great week!

  19. It feels good to take a break from book acquisitions sometimes! I'm trying to cut back on review books a bit, especially for next year, though I am enjoying all the Avon Addicts books coming in. I've started asking myself, "would I buy this or borrow it from the library" and if the answer is no or maybe, I don't request the ARC.

  20. No shelf additions?! O.O Wow. :D I went to Netflix to look up Waking the Dead but it's showing only available on DVD. :( May need to go over to Hulu them.

  21. Wow, Tuesday and Wednesday off? Nice! We just had Wednesday, have early dismissal three days this coming week and will have all of Thanksgiving week off. I'm looking forward to it all. Peruvian food sounds delicious! Good for you on holding back. I took the girls to the used bookstore on the 11th and I just wasn't motivated to buy any books. I've gotten very picky on what I would want to keep forever.

  22. I don't know if I've ever gone a week and not added anything. I think my shelves and kindle would be happy too. :) Have a great week. My Weekly Wrap-Up

  23. I haven't read Go Set a Watchman (or To Kill a Mockingbird). I am not really into reading the classics much. I need to catch up on reading. I will probably be on a buying ban for the next month or so. I did one click a freebie this morning....that doesn't count though.

  24. I got Echo Lake by Carla Neggers to read for the HoHoHoReadathon, got lots of great stuff coming this week, wanted to stop in and say hello

  25. Gold star for you!!!
    I wish there was a week I went by with nothing new. But alas, I bought two books from work today. I guess that's what happens when you give a book hoarder a job in a bookstore.
    Peru is right at the top of my bucket list. I need to get there within the next year. That's pretty cool that you got to try a new cuisine. You can add it to your long list of foods to make now. :)

  26. We all have slow book weeks! It's good to give your wallet a break every now and then! :P

    Here's my Weekly Recap!

  27. It's hard to believe time is going so fast and the holidays are almost here. Hope you have a great week!

  28. high five for you lol ... I was not so restrained, which is very bad because I'm so far behind with review books *sigh*
    I don't think I've ever had Peruvian food, I love tasty but not super spicy so maybe that's why? Have a great week and happy reading :)

  29. No new books? That's crazy! I understand the relief though. :-) I am so behind on Doctor Who. It's embarrassing. The Peruvian feast sounds delicious. I don't know that I've had Peruvian food before.

    I know what you mean about wanting to stay on top of the Christmas stuff. I really need to start my shopping. I know what I'm getting my husband at least. And I think I know what we're getting our daughter. She's been asking for a bike, so I think it's time. She also wants a Barbie pop up camper which I'm not sure yet I want to get her. It's on the pricey side. This is the first time she's ever expressed an interest in anything Barbie.

    I hope you have a great week. I'm wishing tomorrow weren't a work day already. Hopefully it won't be too busy, but that's probably wishful thinking.

  30. An empty bookcase? Wow! Email me again so we can chew on a blog post?

  31. Waking the Dead is on Hulu? Woohoo!!! Binge watching beginning in 1, 2, 3....
