
Friday, November 13, 2015

Friday Linkups: The Wanderer

It's Friday linkup time!  I'm linking up with the Book Blogger Hop hosted by Coffee Addicted Writer, Book Beginnings of Fridays hosted by Rose City Reader, and the Friday 56 hosted by Freda's Voice.

This Week's Book Blogger Hop Question:
How long does it normally take you to read a book?

My Answer:
It depends on the genre.  A cozy mystery or a romance typically takes me 2 or 3 days though when I had more reading time I could usually get through 1 a day.  A nonfiction or more detailed book can take 4 to 5 days though it can take longer if the book is super dense.

Something about the falling temperatures and darker nights tends to pull me more towards romance than any other genre.  It could also be the huge number of Christmas romances that I seem to have requested from NetGalley that puts me in that frame of mind!  Whatever it is the next book I'm planning to read off my TBR pile is The Wanderer by Robyn Carr which is the first book in the Thunder Point series and the first book I've read by Carr.

The Beginning:
It took Hank Cooper almost eight hours to get from Virgin River to Thunder Point, Oregon, because he was towing his fifth wheel, a toy hauler.

My Thoughts:
I know Virgin River was Carr's earlier series so I'm curious if Hank was in any of those books.  Also, towing a 5th wheel for 8 hours does NOT sound fun.

The 56:
Right then, Cooper thought if there was anything suspicious to know about Ben's death, Mac was a good guy to have on the case.

My Thoughts:
Is there something suspicious about Ben's death?  I'm intrigued.  I kind of figured this for a more fiction style romance than a mystery one.

So what do you think?  Keep reading?  What kind of book do you like to read when the nights get longer and temperatures are colder?


  1. Oh, I wouldn't have expected a mystery either. I hope you like the book. I'm similar to you when it comes to reading books.

    1. I'm not surprised we are similar! I'm looking forward to reading this one. I know both Lark and Kimberly are fans.

  2. It does look more like literary fiction then a mystery. And I do seem to change my reading with the weather:) Or perhaps it's the holidays?

    My 56 -

    1. I do like seeing reading trends. I think the time of year affects us more than we really know!

  3. I agree with Laura - sounds more like lit fiction than mystery but could be a crossover type book too....Interesting beginning and I agree...not fun dragging anything for 8's my Friday post

    1. I know romances throw mysteries in it for some reason it surprises me with this one!

  4. I have the first book in the Virgin River series...and I need to read it soon! This one sounds good...thanks for sharing. Here's mine: “THE GIRL WITH NO PAST”

    1. I'm looking forward to this one and I definitely want to start the Virgin River series soon. Both look really good!

  5. Hi,
    Sounds interesting. I read about the same as you.
    Have a great day!

  6. Makes sense about your reading time frame.

    I am a slow reader and with taking care of my mom, I take at least seven days. :)

    Have a wonderful weekend.

    Happy Hopping!!

    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog Hop Answer

    1. 7 days is still pretty good! I know people who try for 1 a month.

  7. Sounds like something I would keep reading. :) I haven't read this author so I am curious to see what you think about her. :)

    1. I'm really looking forward to it! I know lots of people adore her but some of her plots make me nervous.

  8. This is a great series!!! Do read it from #1.

    1. I had heard this was a series best read in order so I've resisted getting review copies of the newer books. I'm looking forward to getting started!

  9. The beginning made me miss my parents fifth wheel trailer. Great summertime destination!
    Happy weekend!

    1. My grandparents had a fifth wheel and it is such a fabulous way to travel though backing into camping places always made me nervous!

  10. Oh this looks interesting. It's not something I'd pick up based on the cover, but because of this feature it's on my TBR.
    Cora @ Tea Party Princess

  11. Romance and NA takes me a day. Unless I'm slugging through it. 90% of YA takes me a day or two. It's the adult fiction/fantasy/sci-fi that can take a couple of days. But it really all depends on the book and how much time I have to read in any given day. :)

  12. Normally pure romance is not my style but romance with a mystery I can go for. Happy Weekend!

  13. Somehow I seemed to have accumulated a large number of Christmas-themed books from NetGally too, most of them romances. I guess I should be glad those are usually quick reads. :-) The Robyn Carr book sounds like it will be good. I haven't read anything by her before.
