
Friday, November 27, 2015

Friday Linkups: The Romanov Sisters

It's Friday linkup time!  I'm linking up with the Book Blogger Hop hosted by Coffee Addicted Writer, Book Beginnings of Fridays hosted by Rose City Reader, and the Friday 56 hosted by Freda's Voice.

This Week's Book Blogger Hop Question:
How reliable can you say you are about in terms of having promised reviews completed for blog tours or publisher and author requests?

My Answer:
So far I'm at 100% reliable for blog tours though I did have one scheduled post that for some reason didn't publish at the time it was supposed too but I had it up by 8am.  I've shifted the occasional author/publisher request but so far I've been able to give at least a week's notice.  I'm hoping that this streak will continue!

This week's book is one I've had for far too long and am just now managing to read!  I've been reading The Romanov Sisters by Helen Rappaport this week along with Secret Lives of the Tsars by Michael Farquhar for a joint review on Monday.  They're both fascinating reads so far.

The Beginning:
The day they sent the Romanovs away the Alexander Palace became forlorn and forgotten - a palace of ghosts.

My Thoughts:
I love this first sentence.  I can just picture the deserted rooms and hallways littered with stray belongings but empty of people.

The 56:
Beyond the sickroom, however, the spectre of a Russian throne without a male heir once more rose, provoking considerable concern about what would happen should Nicholas die.

My Thoughts:
It's strange to me that a male heir is that important.  Not because of modern attitudes but because there have a been a number of female rulers within the Romanov dynasty including Catherine the Great.  It's strange to me that we go from it being acceptable for Catherine the Great to overthrow her husband and take control to it being impossible to consider that one of Nicholas II's daughters could take control in not that great of a time span.

So what do you think?  Keep reading?


  1. Oh, yes - I'd keep reading this one. It's been on my wish list ever since it was published. Maybe your review will inspire me to read it sooner.

  2. Not something I would probably read but I hope you are enjoying it. :)

  3. The opening sentence captures my imagination. I can imagine dust settling over the personal objects of the Romanovs, still left in place. I want to know more!
    My Friday post features The Mirror.

  4. I love learning about the Romanovs and Russian history. Thanks for sharing, and enjoy. Here's mine: “THE BLACK WIDOW”

  5. I like the sound of this book. ENJOY!!

    I also like your blog hop answer. I am very reliable too.

    Hope you are having a good day.

    Silver's Reviews

    My Book Beginnings

    My Blog Hop Answer

  6. I really like the beginning, it caught my interest. Thanks for sharing! Here is my Friday 56

  7. I have The Romanov Family... which still needs to be read. Still, I would read this one too.
    Happy weekend!

  8. I find the Romanov Family so fascinating to learn about. I have read a couple of fictional books about them. One of my favourites is The Tsarina's Daughter by Carolly Erickson. Have you ever read that one before?
    Happy reading to you.

  9. This sounds like a great read. Love finding out about historial events this way, making it more interesting. Hugs...

  10. I keep meaning to read this one. I have always found the Romanov family intriguing, and I've always been fascinated with the stories written about them. I've heard this particular one is one of the good ones!

  11. I try not to give dates for when reviews will go up because I am such a mood reader. That said, if I am scheduled for a tour, I do post on the set date. I have only missed one because I never received the book I was supposed to be reviewing. I ended up posting a guest post by the author instead. And in another instance, I wasn't able to finish the book (bad fit), but I was asked by the tour group to go ahead and post about the book and why I was unable to finish it--so technically not a full review, but I was able to say something about what I had read and why it was a DNF.

    The Romanov's story is such an interesting one. I hope you are enjoying the book.
