
Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Echo Lake - Review

Echo Lake (A Swift River Valley Novel) by Carla Neggers
Rating: 4 Stars
Source: NetGalley
Description:  In snowy Swift River Valley, unexpected romance is just around the corner... Heather Sloan has landed her dream job - the renovation of Vic Scarlatti's stately 1912 country home overlooking the icy waters of Echo Lake in Knights Bridge, Massachusetts.  It's the perfect project for the family business, but for once, Heather is in charge.  Diplomatic Security Service agent Brody Hancock left Knights Bridge at eighteen, a few steps ahead of arrest and the wrath of Heather's older brothers.  Though Brody had never planned to return, Vic, a retired diplomat and friend, needs his help.  Staying at Vic's guest house makes it impossible to avoid running into a Sloan at every turn - especially Heather.  Seeing her again has affected Brody more than he wants to admit.  But Heather is wary of Brody's sudden interest in her, and she suspects there's more to his homecoming than he's letting on.  Set against the scenic backdrop of a New England winter, Echo Lake is a captivating tale of family, friends, and the possibility of new love.  (from Goodreads)

Genre: Romance - Contemporary

Why I Picked This Book: This is the fourth book in the series I've read and it's a series I always enjoy.  Plus they're renovating a house!  I can never resist renovating a house!

My Impression: 
Pro:  I loved going back to visit Swift River Valley and Knight's Bridge.  Neggers has done a good job with her world building in this little town I can really picture it.  I also really liked Heather.  She says what she thinks and frequently instantly regrets it.  She has a sense of humor and an ingrained practicality.  She puts up with her brothers but holds her own and she's good at her job, incredibly capable and intelligent.  As well she's just nice.  Heather is someone I can imagine being friends with though she's one I have a feeling I'd want to shove a little periodically to get her out of her comfort zone.
I enjoyed the interaction between Heather and Brody.  Brody doesn't go too alpha male and respects her opinion and her abilities.  I also liked that the the Sloan brothers and Brody weren't continuing their teenage feud.  They were wary of each other but it was an active dislike which would've felt a bit unrealistic in my opinion.
I was also so glad the costumes from That Night on Thistle Lane made an appearance and I absolutely loved that Heather dressed up in them when she was bored.  I think if I had a bedroom full of old movie costumes that's what I'd be doing with my free time.
Con: While I really enjoyed reading this and I loved the community feel and all the characters I never really felt connected to the actual romance.  Brody was a bit one dimensional and feels somewhat disconnected from his surroundings.  Also, the end wrapped up a little too fast for me.  It felt like they needed to discuss more and have a little more time together.
Overall: While this isn't a book that has a place on my Keeper Shelf I did really enjoy the read.  The characters are nice but different enough to be interesting, the place is beautiful, and it was great to revisit Knight's Bridge.  While not mandatory, this is a series best read in order.

Would I Read More of this Series/Author?: Absolutely!  I'm hoping Adrienne gets her own story at some point and I'd love to see more Sloans.

Would I Recommend this Book?:  Yes - especially if you enjoy contemporary romances with a lower heat rating.


  1. This is the second review I've seen for a Carla Neggers book in the last 24 hours. I should really look into this series. I'm glad you enjoyed this, even if there was a bit of a disconnect about the romance.

    I also love house renovations in stories - especially romances! Have you ever read The MacGregor Brides? The third novella in that one about Julia has a renovation, and it's freaking awesome.

    1. I have read The MacGregor Brides but it's been soo long that I remember nothing about it! I need to find a copy of it immediately!

  2. I haven't read Carla Neggers in a minute, but your awesome review reminded me of how much used to like her work. That being said, I enjoy a good contemporary tale with romance, but there still needs to be that connection, you know? Hugs...RO

    1. I know exactly what you mean! It helped that I really liked the characters and I felt like they would work overall. It was definitely fun read though flawed.

  3. I love the cover of this one. I have put the first book in the series into my wish list. I enjoy a small town community series. I always enjoy a novel around a house renovation too!

    1. The covers on this series gets me every time! I enjoyed this book and the previous books in the series!

  4. It definitely leans more towards fiction so the fact that the romance isn't 100% still works.

  5. This does sound good, even with the cons you listed. I really like the sound of Heather. She sounds like a character I can relate to. I really need to give this series a try.

    1. I really liked Heather though I would've liked the romance to be a little stronger but the small town feel made up for it.

  6. It sounds like a good read for this time of year, even if the romance isn't the best. I love the cover!

    1. It was a nice read and I do love the cover! Really all the covers look so pretty for this series.

  7. Not an author I've ever tried but I love the setting. So while it's disappointing that the romance didn't fully deliver, I would read it just for the setting and the characters.
