
Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Wishes I Want From the Book Genie

This week's Top Ten Tuesday from The Broke and the Bookish is My Top Ten Wishes From the Book Genie.  Can this be a thing?  Because a Book Genie would be really useful!

1.  I wish that Beverly Connor would write another book - I LOVE Beverly Connor's books.  Her Lindsay Chamberlain mysteries are awesome (except for 1 or 2 at the beginning) and her Diane Fallon remind me very much of Bones.  She's had that a book is coming soon on her website for 3 or 4 years now with no change.  I despair of there being another one.

2.  I wish I could pause time to get more reading done - I have so many books I really want to read but my reading time gets squeezed in at night and I can't read nearly as much as I want to because I do need to get a little sleep.  A pause button would be nice!

3.  I wish I would never have a reading slump - After a bunch of mediocre reads I'm kind of in one right now and I just don't have time for it!  Looking over my book list I'm just kind of meh about all of them and I need something to snap me out quick!

4.  I wish I could tell immediately that a book wasn't going to work for me - I can't even count how many times I've been all excited or intrigued by a book and then come to find it just isn't for me.  I wish instead of reading to page 50 (or sometimes to the bitter end) I could tell just by looking that I wasn't going to love it.

5.  I wish every book with a great cover lived up to the cover - I love a good cover and it frequently increases my interest in a book but how often does a great cover end up containing a not so good book?

6.  I wish I could have a TARDIS for book storage - Here's the thing - I don't really own that many books.  I use paperbackswap to get rid of most of the books I've read - especially regular paperbacks, I use the library a lot, and most of my review books are ebooks.  Plus I have a decent number of bookcases.  BUT somehow the books have spread.  The smaller bookcase I keep for my fiction that I tend to trade is double stacked and crammed full.  And then there's the boxes under the bed and then there's the stacks situated all around the boxes.  It's becoming a problem!  So a TARDIS would be fab.  Especially if it just looked like a box but could just contain an infinite amount in a way that I could access the books easily.  That's not too much to ask right?

7.   I wish I could immediately get comfortable when reading - I think by nature I'm fairly high strung and I don't idle well so even though I really love to read and really want to snuggle up and read I always have a hard time getting comfortable.  If I can manage to sit down and not come up with other things to do then I have a problem getting comfortable.  If I'm in a chair I don't know what to do with my legs or my feet go to sleep or I'm too cramped.  If I'm in bed I'm too slouched or my necks at a funny angle or the pillow isn't just right or the blankets are perfect.  For any of them I can be too thirsty, too itchy, too hot, too cold, too anything.  I would love to just be able to sit and be all nice and cozy immediately every time.

8.  I wish that my book budget was infinite - I started to wish that all books were free but I want to be sure authors get paid for them because I want them to keep writing so I'm going with an infinite budget!  Especially with cookbooks.  Seriously, I could spend a ridiculous amount of money just on cookbooks. I want them all

9.  I wish I literally lived in a library - or at least next door to one where I can access it after hours - Because sometimes I just want to bookshop in my pajamas but don't feel quite right leaving the house in them

10. I wish that everyone who wants access to books had as many as they needed and someone to really talk books with - I know I was lucky in that I had (and still have) access to fantastic public libraries and could bring home just piles of books that interested me.  Even better was that I have my Grandmother who is as big of a reader as me and was always willing to talk books.  I started reading adult books when I was probably 10 or 11 (there wasn't nearly as much YA at the time or it doesn't seem like there was) and we read a lot of mysteries together.  I think having someone to talk books with really intensifies the love of books.

So what bookish things would you wish for?


  1. Tardis! Yes! Brilliant!

    Can it come with David Tennant and his awesome hair?

  2. These are terrific. I think the Tardis style bookshelf is a popular notion. And I love that you wished books and bookish company for others, as well as books for yourself while still paying authors-my list was entirely selfish.

  3. A Tardis would be so nice- more room on the inside than is apparent, lots of book storage space. :) And reading time- definitely. There's never enough. And having a dedicated library in the house would be nice!

    I also like the last one. It's nice when you can share books with family members, always a good thing! Have a great Tuesday.

  4. Oh my gosh, a Tardis for book storage. Best idea ever!

  5. Wouldn't it be wonderful if there really was a Book Genie :-)

  6. Those are great! I love the idea of the Tardis to hold your books! :) I wish I didn't get so distracted when trying to read...I feel like dory from Little Nemo some

  7. 2, 3 and 10. Oh yes. With you on all of those for sure.

  8. Amen to number ten. If only everyone had access to books, there would be no more problems on this earth. Well, almost.

  9. An infinite book budget would be perfect and I too wish I actually lived in a library. Nice list this week!

  10. I wish... I had a book genie just like yours! (or the one you want anyway-as I want the same things you do)

  11. Yes on the Tardis, and um have you seen that library in the Tardis!!

  12. I think I need the opposite of #7. I get waaayyy too comfortable when I'm reading and then I don't want to move or do anything else. That's a huge problem with a house that always needs cleaning, laundry that always needs doing, bookshelves that always need dusting, etc.

    Happy TTT!

  13. This is a great list, Katherine! So many of these fit me. Wishing I had an infinite budget, a Tardis all my own, knowing automatically which books will work for me . . . Well, just everything on your list. :-)

  14. I wish I could pause time to get more reading done..YES! #10 was also a wonderful wish. It's really hard to teach on grade-level texts and assignments when your kids are multiple grades behind in their reading levels. #10 could change that completely.

  15. No reading slumps would be heaven! I get almost 100% of my books now as ebooks. I only buy my most loved titles in hardcover, but as you said there seems to still be a shortage of shelves. I just packed away my good china that only gets used a couple of times a year and put my vintage and antique books in the china cabinet. Ha ha. :)

  16. The only two I don't immediately connect with are #1 and #7 -- although I do wish my legs didn't go to sleep when I tuck them up under me! As for the TARDIS book storage, I could definitely use that. 18 bookshelves in this house and it's not enough!!! (Side note: apparently Dragon voice recognition software knows what a TARDIS is -- it spelled and capitalized it correctly! I'm easily amused...)

  17. Of course you wished you live in a library was going to make your list! I just wished I lived near a good one! And the ability to pause time would be amazing :) Also like you I have problems getting comfy when reading, I'm a very restless person so I'm constantly moving position and reading spots too. As for me I wish Tana French would hurry up and write a new book.

  18. I wish there was a pause for life, haha. And is I need a TARDIS for my books and will definitely need an infinite book budget to fill it! Nothing beats talking books with other book lovers (:
    Awesome list, Katherine!
