
Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Top Ten Bookish Things I Need to Quit

Today's Top Ten Tuesday topic from The Broke and the Bookish is Top Ten Bookish Things I Need to Quit (well something like that, I'm changing it a little).

Bookish Things I Need to Quit:

1.  Buying or requesting a bunch of books in a series before actually reading one

2.  Reading a book to the bitter end instead of admitting that it isn't working for me and moving on to something I'm actually going to enjoy

3.  Buying a book that I absolutely have to have and then waiting YEARS to read it

4.  Doing time wasting things instead of reading when I actually have time to read.  Why am I starting at Facebook when I could be reading?

5.  Picking up new books rather than reading something off my TBR pile even though I'm at the point where I'm wedging books into all random available nooks and crannies

6.  Requesting more books from NetGalley than I can possibly read in a month (or a year)

Bookish Things I Need to Start:

7.  Read more classics.  There's so many off my Classics Club 50 that I'm really looking forward to reading and bunches of classics that I've had recommended to me that I can't wait to start.

8.  Read a broader mix of genres.  I tend to stay in my comfort zone with reading which can sometimes lead to a rut.  I always enjoy mixing it up a bit but don't do so very often.

9.  Read more from my TBR - Did I mention I'm in the cramming book stage? 

10. Working on getting my review books down to a more manageable stack.  I've been requesting a lot less books from NetGalley so that's helping but I have so many books outstanding that I really want to get read and reviewed.  I'm starting to make some progress but it takes awhile.

So what bookish things do you need to quit and/or start?


  1. Totally agree with a lot of these - especially in the first section. I really need to grab more from my TBR pile instead of going for the bright and shiny ne book. Also I am so guilty of having to have a book then it sits there for far too long! Great list!

  2. Good ones, I'm guilty of #3 a lot. If I go in the bookstore I have a hard time leaving without something, and often it's something I have to have right now- and then once I know I have it, it takes me a while to read it. :)

  3. #4 and #5 I can totally agree with. I am terrible with both.
    This really is a great list and I was nodding as I read along. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Oh yeah, I need to quit buying books when I have so many unread books collecting dust on my shelves. I'm so guilty of that. I've actually gotten quite good at not going crazy on Netgalley and Edelweiss, though. But I am definitely guilty of wasting time surfing the web instead of reading. I do that way too much.

  5. I let books sit around after I've bought them too...I'm trying to get better though.

    Check out my TTT.

  6. Sounds like a lot of great goals. I wish you the best of luck with all of them.

  7. Omigosh, ALL of these! And I like how you added things you need to start as well as things you need to quit.

  8. Well you've pretty much hit the nail on the head here. Besides requesting and just having too many review books to manage, 2 and 5 are my worst reader habits. I feel like 2016 is the year I need to crack down or I will literally be swallowed whole by my TBR piles.

  9. Numbers 1-4 really strike a chord with me. I hate it when I buy some books in a series and then don't like the first one. Big ouch! I have from this moment quit that. I have a book that I want to read, everyone has read it, I even have a hardback copy and .... not read yet. I am going to skim a book I'm reading, it isn't working for me but will give it one more day to connect with! Fabulous post.

  10. I definitely agree with #2 - Do not continue with a book that isn't working for you. Don't do it! There are only so many books that you can read in your lifetime. Why continue with a book that you don't like? It's not school anymore. And #4 - that's what I'm working on. Letting go of the other time wasters - Facebook, etc. - even reading and commenting on other blogs or (shhh.....writing on my own blog). Spend the time reading. Hurrah for letting go of the 'shoulds' and embracing the fun!

  11. Great list, Katherine! Your #3 is a problem I have too. It's why I have such a huge TBR collection. And #4? I am so guilty of that. I keep telling myself I will change my ways, but it hasn't happened yet. #6--that's me too.

    I was just thinking the other day that I want to make more of an effort to get back into the classics.

  12. Both of those lists are so me. :D Good list and discussion.

  13. I think I have to say yes to most of your We are bad! :) I know I have to stop grabbing from netgalley and edelweiss until I get them down a bit...ugh. My ran out of knocks and crannies so I have books in tubs!!! AHHH

  14. Great list, Katherine! I definitely have trouble with #3. Since I've started requesting books from NetGalley over the last couple months I've tried to be very careful to just request a handful of books. Even so I've had trouble keeping up! Good luck reforming!

  15. Last year I started rereading, and first time reading classics via audiobooks. It is working really well because the audiobooks don't cut into my review book time, seeing that I listen while doing chores, riding the bus, or eating my lunch. You are in good company with requesting too many review books. Hehe. :)

  16. LOL, you sound so much like me! I just finshed a book that I just had to have and let it sit on the shelf. The book did turn out to be wonderful. I also have about 3,000 books on my Kindle, So daunting that I have picked up my kindle so far this year! One thing that I am suceeding at: I started with 428 books on my TBR list and now there are 273.

  17. I can definitely relate. :-) I've done better with my NetGalley habit, though I still have work to do.

  18. Oh those are some good ones! I conquered a couple of those in the last year and man it was nice. NG and I are better friends now and whew I learned my lesson about accepting/requesting multiple in a series before trying one. Whew. That was a hard lesson to learn. lol

    Good luck with your list!

  19. I have begun the DNF thing more and more often now. I just don't have time with as many books as I want to read. And your #3, well, that is so me! I have books I HAD to have when they came out, but I have yet to read them. Great post!

  20. Great list, Katherine! You hit the nail on the head with all of these, but for me, especially # 2, 3, 5, 8, and 9! Wow, I could have written this list, it made perfect sense to me. Thanks for sharing it.

  21. 2 and 6 are definitely my struggles! I think I have more books than I could read in two years...or more. :/ Good luck with those classics!

  22. Oh my goodness they are all my problems too! Oh the woes of a bookworm/blogger LOL

  23. Totally agree with all of the things on the first half of the list!
    My TTT:
