
Sunday, October 18, 2015

This Week in Reading - October 18

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

The Perfectly Proper Paranormal Museum by Kirsten Weiss - I couldn't resist the title and the blurb sounded pretty good too.  (NetGalley)

The Body in the Landscape by Larissa Reinhart - I'm no the blog tour for this book in December and I'm looking forward to reading it.  (NetGalley)

I also got a cookbook:
The Barefoot Contessa: Family Style by Ina Garten - I had gotten this one from the library awhile ago and saw it for about $1 used on amazon and couldn't resist.  I love her recipes!

I actually don't have any requests pending on NetGalley at the moment and I've left Edelweiss alone lately so there's a slight chance I might be making some progress on getting Mount Review under control.


Reading: Guaranteed to Bleed by Julie Mulhern and Death in the Clouds by Agatha Christie

Listening:  Chitty Chitty Bang Bang by Ian Fleming.  While I've wanted to read this one for awhile what got it checked out this week is that it's narrated by David Tennant.  I couldn't resist!  I also found a very awesome podcast called Super Serial. It's like a weekly book club but they read Babysitter's Club books!  And sometimes Nancy Drew!  And some others but those are the 2 I'm the most excited about.  The language isn't particularly family friendly but I'm absolutely loving it.

Watching: I've been watching Rosewood and enjoying it.  It's still a crime show but different enough that it doesn't feel like every other one. I've also been loving the Holiday Baking Championship of Food Network.  It has me wanting to make some Halloween-y treats.

Off the Blog:

My allergies are driving me crazy!  I think it has something to do with cotton.  I don't know if it's the cotton itself since it's being harvested, something that gets sprayed on the cotton that gets stirred up as they pick it or something that happens to bloom at the same time.  All I know is that the bigger the stacks of bales get at the gin near me the worse my eyes get.  The good thing is that I know it's temporary.
Emma came home for a visit for part of the weekend which was nice.  She hasn't been home since she left for school in early August.  It was great to see her and it seems like she's adjusted pretty well to her new place.
I've kind of hit a reading slump.  I think it's mostly because a lot of the books I've been reading were just kind of okay and then I followed that up with a few books that were on the depressing side so I'm now just feeling really uninspired to pick up a book.  I don't think the allergies are helping because my eyes hurt and the medicine is making me a little sleepy but I need something to pull me out of this.  I'm hoping the Christmas romances I'm planning on starting soon will help.  Maybe light and fun is what I need.
I've gotten obsessed with taking the bookish quizzes on here.  It's making me realized that I need to get lots more books read because I'm woefully underread in the classics.

On the Blog:

What Happened:

What's Coming Up:

Monday: Wendy Darling - Review
Tuesday: Top Ten Tuesday: My 10 Wishes I'd Make to the Book Genie
Wednesday: Guaranteed to Bleed - Review (maybe)
Thursday: Beyond the Books: Something I Found 
Friday: Linkups with Excerpts from Current Book
Saturday: Something foodie

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. I haven't read enough classics either. And I didn't know Ian Fleming wrote Chitty Chitty Bang Bang! I remember the movie...

    That podcast sounds fun. I've been trying tofind a good podcast. Hope you're enjoying Guaranteed to Bleed. I just finished it, and while it started a tad bit slow for me I got into it later on.

  2. The last blog I visited said something about a reading slump too. I wonder if there's something in the air. I haven't been in a slump because I'm not excited about reading right now, but I've just had a lot of real life stuff going on that has made reading get put to the back burner for a bit. Hope you get over your slump soon!

    Sandy @ Somewhere Only We Know

  3. I'm sure raging allergies are contributing to the reading slump... hope you're feeling better soon. I live The Barefoot Contessa - great find!

  4. Your two fiction books look great, I like watching the Barefoot Contessa on Sunday mornings while getting ready for I know I haven't read enough classic's either!

    I am enjoying Rosewood too!

    Week in Review

  5. Cute cover on this book. I'm sorry you're suffering so with these dang allergies. Man, that sucks. Take it easy and sorry again that you've hit this reading slump. I think when you finish a meh book, go back to an author who you know delivers.

  6. Oh, I can relate about allergies...I think I really need to move out of California's Central Valley! On the coast, I am allergy free.

    Enjoy your books....I am curious about Wendy Darling.


  7. Wait, Ian Fleming wrote Chitty Chitty Bang Bang? How did I not know this?!? I may have to look up that Paranormal Museum book, love the title and cover.

    Boo for allergies.:( Mine have been acting up too but I think I can blame mine on goldenrod. I hope your allergies calm down and maybe that'll help with the reading slump. Have a great week!

  8. I saw that Paranormal Museum book and was SO tempted, but I looked at my schedule and decided I didn't have time. So I will look forward to your review! I'm trying to cut back on what I request, too, in hopes of making progress on my ARC pile and TBR pile.

    Tennant reading CCBB? Oh, I want that! I went looking, but my library has the version read by Andrew Sachs, and while the Tennant version is available from Audible, you have to use iTunes for that... which I'm beginning to think might be worth switching to. (We've been using Media Monkey because my husband prefers it.)

    I hope you get over your book slump soon. I'm in a little bit of one, too, so I sympathize. Some light, fun romances sound like just the thing.

  9. My allergies have been awful this fall, too. I'm hoping that now that we've had our first frost, they will start to go away - at least that's what I've been lead to believe should happen. I'll have to look for that Holiday Baking Championship - didn't know another one was on...enjoyed the Spring one - it always gets me in the mood to do more baking! Hope you enjoy your books and have a good week!!!

  10. Those allergies sound nasty, hope they clear up soon. I'm having some kind of allergy every morning, no idea why but I spend the first hour in work every day sneezing and then I'm ok! Weird. And I hope the book slump passes, sounds like its time to crack out the audiobooks and give your eyes a rest.

  11. I also got the Perfectly Proper Paranormal Museum this week, it sounds like a good one and I haven't read a cozy paranormal mysteyr so far. I got the first Julie Mulhern book in that series, as I heard good thigns about that series and it was discounted this week.

    I am sorry to hear your allergies are that bad at the moment. I hope it's over soon! And that's annoying you're in a readign slump, i hope you fidn a good book to read soon! Have a rgeat week!

  12. Boo on the allergies but woots for the Amazon deal! That's fantastic. I've made a few of hers and really enjoyed them. Happy cooking!

  13. Hope your allergies improve soon.
    I'm a fan of Ina Garten. I've only attempted a couple of her recipes but they were hits at my house.

  14. Hope the allergies settle soon, not fun when it affects reading time, oh and life in general. Yay for book bargains, I like Ina Garten's recipes too. Looking forward to your Wendy Darling review.

  15. I always feel sorry for those who get allergies especially in spring. I am like you when I've read a few meh books and I really need a book that picks up the reading bug again. Hope you find what will set you off again.

  16. So nice Emma came to visit. I can get sucked into baking shows makes me want to turn into Martha Stewart..LOL I have had a head cold since the leaves began to turn so I feel for you Katherine. Hope the week ahead is a good one :)

  17. Do you believe I've never read Chitty Chitty Bang Bang but bought the video for my niece when she was 3yrs old in the late 1990s as she LOVED musicals (that, Mary Poppins etc). It makes me wonder how the books differs from the film!

  18. I love Ina Garten, she is the best and I really want her kitchen and garden, ok maybe her entire house!!! I have a couple of her books too and they are beautiful. I am looking forward to her Christmas specials coming on TV soon!

    Have a good week!

  19. I love the title of The Perfectly Proper Paranormal Museum. It does sound like it will be good. :-)

    My sinuses have been making me miserable the last couple weeks. I don't know if it's the weather change or something in the air. Whatever it is, I've had a bad headache every day. :-( I hope your allergies give you some relief soon. I am glad Emma was able to come home for a visit. We have company coming from out of town this weekend. After the week I had, I'm not especially looking forward to the visit, but hopefully it will be a good one.
