
Friday, October 23, 2015

Friday Linkups: Read It and Weep

It's Friday linkup time!  I'm linking up with the Book Blogger Hop hosted by Coffee Addicted Writer, Book Beginnings of Fridays hosted by Rose City Reader, and the Friday 56 hosted by Freda's Voice.

This Week's Book Blogger Hop Question:
Name one book you've read in the past that still haunts you today?

My Answer:
The first 3 Patricia Cornwell books terrified me.  Postmorten has me nervous every time I wake up in the middle of the night thinking I heard a sound.  Thanks to Body of Evidence losing my luggage makes me panic and traveling as a couple never felt completely safe after All That Remains.

This week's book is Read It and Weep by Jenn McKinlay.  This series is kind of my happy place of cozy mysteries.  There's a library, there's a small town in Maine (has anyone noticed that Maine has a lot of mystery series set there?  There's tons of cozy mystery series and that's not even counting Jessica Fletcher or Stephen King), there a murder, there's food, and I like the characters.

The Beginning:
"Of course you're all going to audition for the play," Violet La Rue said.

My Thoughts:
I know from the blurb on this one that the play is a major focus on the story.  I have a feeling Lindsey, the main character, is getting talked into something she's really not sold on!

The 56:
She was always first on the list for the newest Debbie Macomber books, and she doted on Dylan, who was her only child.

My Thoughts:
Not the most exciting teaser but I absolutely love how characters are described by the books they check out!

So what is your happy place series?


  1. Sounds like a great series...I think I bought the first one when the series began...I'll have to take a look for it in my bookcase. I agree with you that it's got all the great elements some of us like to read about.

    1. I do have it...and I found it exactly where I thought I had shelved it!

  2. I love cozy mysteries too! I like following the characters as they develop. I've read the first Patricia Cornwell, but not the rest--- so many books, so little time!

  3. I love mysteries set in Maine...the cover on that book is great, too. I also feel even more connected when one author references the books of another.

    Thanks for sharing...and for visiting my blog,.

  4. I read this recently; it was decent. I didn't realize it was set in Maine; it could have been almost any American small town.


  5. For me, I say Harry Potter or any of Julie Garwood's medieval historicals. I got rid tons of paperbacks and only kept these two series besides the Twilight ones.

  6. I just love the cover and the Maine setting is a plus

  7. This sounds like a fun cozy. Yes, I have noticed how so many murders and mysteries occur in Maine. I wonder why!
    Thank you for stopping by my blog today.
    Sandy @ TEXAS TWANG

  8. Hi,
    I've read these books and they are good. Enjoy them.
    Have a great day!

  9. I like the sound of this book! :-)

  10. The titles sound pretty scary. :) I am not really into "scary." :)

    Thanks for sharing.

    Happy Hopping!!

    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog Hop Answer

  11. Sounds like another series I need to check out. :) I think Maine always sounds so picturesque and it's one place I would love to go and stay in a B&B close to the water and enjoy the view. :)

  12. This does sound like a nice series. I like libraries too. This week I am spotlighting Banishing the Dark by Jenn Bennett. Happy reading!

  13. Helter Skelter still haunts me - because it is true!

  14. I think I have a copy of Postmorten somewhere, but I have never read it.

  15. I used to love Patricia Cornwell books. After awhile I got tired of them. It seemed like each new one that came out had to be more horrific than the other. And then the author brought back a dead character and I couldn't read the series anymore.

    I had never really thought about it before, but you are right. A lot of cozy mysteries are set in Maine.

  16. This is a new to me series and I'll have to check it out. Have not read Postmortem (Kay Scarpeta #1) but I am currently listening to Hornet's Nest by Patricia Cornwell - she's a very good writer. Here's my Book Beginnings & 56

  17. Okay, you saying those books scared you makes me want to read them for sure. I've never read any of Cornwell's books, but it sounds like I should.

  18. I'm not a Patricia Cornwell fan, but I know she's super successful with her writing. Read It and Weep sounds pretty interesting and you give a good review. I can't think of any books that scared me really, but when I read The Walk by Richard Paul Evans, it made me realize that this guy was gifted, and gave these really powerful and meaning messages throughout his book. I had to have everything he owned once I read that. Hugs...

  19. A library and a small town. Sounds like the perfect cozy! And I do love them.

    My 56 -

  20. Still Missing by Chevy Stevens was soooooo scary that I couldn't read it at night, and I still think about it. It's scary because it could happen.
    Read it and weep looks fun! Hope you've had a great weekend!
