
Friday, October 30, 2015

Friday Linkups: Disney After Dark

It's Friday linkup time!  I'm linking up with the Book Blogger Hop hosted by Coffee Addicted Writer, Book Beginnings of Fridays hosted by Rose City Reader, and the Friday 56 hosted by Freda's Voice.

The Week's Book Blogger Hop Question:
If you could give away any books instead of Candy to Trick or Treaters what would the titles be?

My Answer:
Hmmm... This is a tough one.  I think I'd give away books from the Magic Treehouse series.  My older kids loved them when they were in elementary school and they were the first series that got two of mine reading for pleasure.  Plus they have some scarier titles that would be good for Halloween.

I came across this week's book the other day while looking for books for the Tornado at the library.  We've started reading chapter books at bedtime.  Right now he's enjoying Geronimo Stilton, The Magic Tree House Books, and the Mercy Watson books (he's 5).  I have a feeling that The Kingdom Keepers: Disney After Dark by Ridley Pearson might be too intense for him for a few years but I'm really looking forward to it.  The idea of Walt Disney World really coming alive is just a fascinating concept!

The Beginning:
He found himself standing next to the flagpole in Town Square, in the heart of the Magic Kingdom.  In his pajamas.

My Thoughts:
I love Disney World so the beginning makes me happy though I do wonder why he's wearing his pajamas!

The 56: 
"I told you:things are happening in the park.  We - you and your friends, actually - need to stop them."

My Thoughts:
I haven't gotten to this part of the book so I have no idea what's going on but it sounds like an adventure.  I'm kind of sad that my older kids aren't younger because I think Emma and Eleanor would have loved these books.  It would be fun reading before a trip to Disney!

So what do you think?  Keep reading?


  1. I read this book quite a few years ago and remember really enjoying it. I hope you do as well.
    Thanks for sharing!

  2. This one does sound like fun! My grandkids enjoyed the Magic Treehouse books. I hadn't discovered them when my kids were young....maybe they weren't around?

    Here's mine: “COP TOWN”

  3. Hi,
    Haven't read this series of books. I'll have to check them out.
    Have a great day!

  4. I have heard that this one is good and I really want to read it but had forgotten about it so I am glad you featured it cause now I can go put it on my list. :)


  5. Magic Treehouse Series sounds interesting. I don't know of these books.

    Good choice.

    I made a bad choice with my isn't even a Halloween book. LOL!! Wasn't thinking I guess. It is a favorite book.

    Happy Halloween and Happy Hopping!!

    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog Hop Answer

  6. That's easy. I'd be handing out Nancy Drew, and The Hardy Boys. I haven't read it yet, but love the idea of the Kingdom Keepers book. You can find mine here...

  7. Definitely keep reading - this sounds good! Thanks for visiting My Friday Post

  8. Disney coming alive after dark? That could be quite spooky.

    Books I'd give away for Halloween? Hmmm, The Three Investigators, The Hardy Boys, Nancy Drew, any book by Marguerite Henry. For younger readers, Sandra Boynton, Eric Carle, and Margaret Wise Brown.

  9. Magic Treehouse is another one I haven't heard of. My Hop

  10. This seems like an interesting book. I can't wait to see what you think about it. :-)

  11. I've had a number of students read this one and enjoy it. They were middle graders. I am spotlighting Young Widows Club by Alexandra Coutts this week. Happy reading!

  12. Thanks for sharing this series. There are a few kids I'm planning to share it with.

  13. As you know I hate to give away ANY books(lol), but since it's for the kiddies, I probably would let them grab books I have in a bag specifically for children, that I hope they would read. This is a really good idea, by the way! Hugs...

  14. The Magic Treehouse books are a good choice. The covers can be whimsical and I bet they've helped lots of reluctant get started. I like the comments above about Nancy Drew/ Hardy Boys too. Imagine getting those in your pumpkin bag!

    Running around Disney after hours and having an adventure? Sounds awesome! Maybe gives a new twist to Pirates of the caribbean- especially if they're chasing you! :)

  15. My nephews loved the Magic Treehouse books. I personally found it exhausting, as they would want me to read an entire book in one sitting. Enjoy your weekend!

  16. This sounds like a fun book. My 8 year old loves Geronimo Stilton. She's currently reading one now.

  17. The Magic Treehouse series sounds like fun! The Kingdom Keepers also sounds fun. I've never been to Disney World, but maybe someday.

  18. The idea sounds fun but don't know if I'd be brave enough to go in the park then. LOL

    My 56 -

  19. I wanna ask, 'do you come here in your pj's often?'... lol
    Happy weekend!

  20. I loved going to Disney World with my daughter and husband years ago. Several times. I think I'd like the 'Disney after dark' book as well. Going to go hunt for it. :-)

  21. I've read the Kingdom Keepers series(minus the last book because it's terrible(meaning I read some of it)). I definitely think he's a few years off because it's actually quite scary. The characters come alive. And it's not just the villains that are scary. Think of the Small World ride coming to life! Isn't that everyone's biggest nightmare? Lol. But it's also a pretty cool series. Pretty fast paced and tons of action. I think in the first book the MC is 12/13. But I definitely suggest keeping it in mind for when he's ready. :)

  22. I will tell you, I'm not a big fan of this series and neither were my two boys (8 and 11 now). We gave it a try. They really enjoyed the first book, but as a Disney fan I had some big problems with it. I think we made it through the second book and then halfway through the third book even my boys didn't want to read it anymore. It has an AWESOME premise, I just wasn't crazy about the way it was executed. I probably am in the minority because this must be a popular series if so many books have been published. It just didn't work for me.
