
Friday, October 9, 2015

Friday Linkups: Dead Bolt

It's Friday linkup time!  I'm linking up with the Book Blogger Hop hosted by Coffee Addicted Writer, Book Beginnings of Fridays hosted by Rose City Reader, and the Friday 56 hosted by Freda's Voice.

This Week's Book Blogger Hop Question:
What's your favorite "Halloween" snack to munch on while you're reading?

My Answer:
I actually don't eat much when I'm reading for a few reasons.  The main one is that reading distracts me from eating or eating distracts me from reading.  And also because I do most of my reading in bed and after the Great Cookie Crumb Incident of 2008 I don't do much eating in bed.  I do normally have a beverage with me as and the temperature starts dropping I tend to drink more hot tea and less Diet Coke.  I do love all the Halloween-y and fall type foods that are starting to show up but if I'm being really honest the snack I get most excited about are the Reese's Pumpkins.  I don't know why they're so much better than regular Reese's Cups but they definitely are!

To continue with the Halloween theme I'm reading a paranormal cozy this week.  I really enjoyed this first book in the Haunted Home Renovation Mystery series by Juliet Blackwell so of course it took me years to pick up the second one.  So far I'm really enjoying it and am quite glad I have the rest of the series already on my shelves.

The Beginning:
"My father always used to say: There's nothing quite like a protracted remodel to test a person's sanity.
Still one thing was very clear to me: The handprints on the ceiling were real, not a product of my imagination.

My Thoughts:
The very first sentence made me laugh.  That's definitely oh so true.  The second sentence makes me wonder what's going on!

The 56:
After another moment of hesitation, I reached up, grabbed the string, and pulled open the attic access door.  The whispers grew louder.

My Thoughts:
I feel like I should scream "Don't go into the attic!"

So what do you think?  Keep reading?


  1. I feel like I would actually LIKE cozy mysteries, esp paranormal ones, but I judge books by the cover and for some reason they are such a turn off to me. And the titles. And I say this as a romance lover.

  2. Sounds good and creepy! I agree about the comments about remodels....definitely tests the sanity.

    Thanks for sharing. Here's mine: “THE LIARS’ CLUB”

  3. "I really enjoyed this first of course it took me years to pick up the second one." I can so relate to that statement. :D :D

    That beginning made me laugh too, nice start. And I'd be chanting to not go in the attic. I might need to give this series a try.

    I do nibble often wile I read but nothing special for the Halloween season. I like to nibble on chips and pretzels.

  4. Juliet Blackwell is an author I've been wanting to try out. This one looks fun and so appropriate for the month. I've moved several times and love to decorate or renovate... though nowadays the money pit's $$ source has run dry, sigh...

    I love candy all year long (too bad for me) so having something different for Fall or Halloween is pumpkin pie or pumpkin spice donuts :)

  5. Another series to add to my list. :)

    Friday Memes

  6. This sounds like a fun series. I like the tie-in to home renovation. There's always a "surprise," isn't there?
    My favorite candy is Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, and I haven't tried the Pumpkins. I imagine they'd be equally as addictive.
    My Friday post features Seeing You Again.

  7. I agree with you, attics always cause problems. This seems like a book I might like.

  8. LOL I'm the same way! I don't wanna be distracted from my food or from my book. lol

  9. I don't necessarily "snack" while I read. But, I do read while I'm eating meals at home alone, or when I go to restaurants alone. As for favorite Halloween snacks, I love the candy corn that has the chocolate part at the bottom! Fun post!

  10. Exactly, why do characters always go to the attic or the basement?

    My Friday Quotes

  11. I am not sure I know what Reese's pumpkins are, but if they taste like the regular ones, I want some. LOL!!

    ENJOY your weekend.

    Happy Hopping!!

    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog Hop Answer

  12. Oh the great cookie incident. I feel like I saw that one the news. ;)
    I will eat all the candy. But I love those stupid little pumpkin candies. They are literally all sugar and make my teeth hurt. But I will still eat them ALL,

    Happy reading!
    Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life

  13. Hand prints on the ceiling??? I had a Freddy Kreuger moment... lol... LOVE it!
    Happy weekend!

  14. Sounds good.

    Love the hand prints on the ceiling. Let us know how it is.


    Silver's Reviews
    My Book Beginnings

  15. That first quote definitely sounds right. I really want to know what's going on!

    Check out my Friday 56 (With Book Beginnings).

  16. I don't know if I have a favorite Halloween snack. I do eat lunch during the work weke while I read--it's my way to get away for a short while.

    Dead Bolt sounds good! I love a good paranormal cozy. I think those are my favorite kind of cozies.
